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Everything posted by PooPoo

  1. Recently joined a No PvP server with the intention of setting up tents for a stash of weapons and equipment since the server also institutes a no stealing policy. I must say I was pleasantly surprised. It's actually fun to run around with other players and help each other out. I still go on to PvP servers, but the No PvP server is still pretty fun. Only thing about playing on a No PvP server is that if you just focus on zombies, the game is incredibly easy. If I were to have the maximum experience, I would want it to be a "shits hitting the fan" kind of difficulty.
  2. I have - 1 camonet - 1 sandbag - 9 frag grenades - rotor assembly - fuel tank parts - makarov SD + mags I need - DMR - MK 48 Mod 0 - Ghillies Let me know if we can work something out thanks!
  3. Is standalone going to be set in Chernarus again?
  4. PooPoo

    DayZ Mod 1.8 Update

    Is it just me? Or can you not get meat off animals after gutting them? I've killed 4 animals and after gutting, there is no gear option, just hide body, study body and switch weapon
  5. PooPoo

    Steam or Dayzcommander?

    DayZ commander is ridiculously easy to use. I thought you would have to do all these weird installations but all you literally do is click install, then run it... Then go to the install tab and click on install DayZ... That's it.
  6. I had this exact end game. It was beastly... I would scout places out + snipe with the DMR. Going into town I would whip out my MK48 and nothing could take you down. M9-SD was perfect for dealing with zombies. Died because I was careless and ran towards a friend in trouble and got sniped
  7. PooPoo

    How to end the KOS issue!

    This topic has been done to death. No making the game harder won't reduce KOS. Gear is everything, if anything it might encourage people to kill one another to get better gear to survive. Also do you feel safe knowing that the only reason someone isn't going to kill you right when you meet is that the game is harder, and he needs you to survive? What happens when you work your way to being temporarily safe? Is he/she going to kill you then? Fact of the matter is, as long as the possibility exists that a random person you run into can at any time put a bullet in your head, they will do it, or at least you both wont feel safe. So long as players have to second guess whether or not someone will try and kill them, they will not feel safe, and will therefore result to shooting on sight.
  8. PooPoo

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    I think the Lenovo 510p and the Sager laptop would run it the same since it has the same processor, and that's what you will be bottlenecked by. I'm not expert though, anyone else want to chime in?
  9. PooPoo


    Could have been lag or glitching. Just the other day I was in a low population server and wasn't being careful as there was only 4 players. Was in the supermarket and this bandit is all of a sudden right beside me with an M16. He starts unloading on me, and for some reason none of them hit me. I was holding an empty pistol and had a shotgun but I needed to switch. I ran away since I thought he was such a bad shot and hid behind a shelf at the back of the supermarket. He comes running in and I switch to my shotgun. He starts unloading again, but completely misses me. I'm also shooting at him and must have emptied 6 shotgun slugs before he went down and still wasn't dead. Proceeded to fire 2 shots into his head before I got the death message. I'm pretty sure he hit me, but due to lag or glitches in the game, it didn't register. After that I got kicked because I think he was an admin and thought I was hacking or something.
  10. elektro. If you're a new spawn it has everything. Supermarket, hospital, bar, church, industrial buildings, +2 fire halls = more chances for higher grade weapons
  11. PooPoo

    Lone wolf tips?

    What this guy said. Kill everything that you run into, no exceptions. I remember when I was starting out and played the nice guy. Some dude saw me geared up and ran towards me saying friendly. He was unarmed but had a backpack on. When I wasn't looking, he shot me in the head with a revolver that was in his backpack. Like you said you can't trust anyone. Also approaching cities from the main road is suicide. Approach from behind where the main sniper spots will be, that way, if there are camping snipers, you catch them from behind. From there, scope out the town far away. If there are zombies in town, that means there are players. Also look at other popular sniper spots to see if there are any snipers.
  12. PooPoo

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Sorry to be posting so much about computers, but I've narrowed my search down to 3 laptops that I will for sure be buying by the end of today, I'm just not sure which ones. I'm buying fro xoticpc, so I can upgrade certain specs. Mostly I'm concerned about the CPU and GPU 1. Lenovo 510p http://www.xoticpc.com/lenovo-ideapad-y510p-59375625-p-6166.html?wconfigure=yes CPU - 4th Generation Intel® Haswell Core™ i7-4700MQ (2.4GHz - 3.4GHz, 6MB Intel® Smart Cache) GPU - SLI (2x) - NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 750M 2. Sager NP8235 http://www.xoticpc.com/sager-np8235-clevo-p151sm1-p-5840.html?wconfigure=yes CPU - 4th Generation Intel® Haswell Core™ i7-4700MQ (2.4GHz - 3.4GHz, 6MB Intel® Smart Cache) GPU - NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 770M 3,072MB PCI-Express GDDR5 DX11 Video card is the best of them all. Also the CPU can be upgraded to a 2.7 GHz. 3. Sager NP7352 http://www.xoticpc.com/sager-np7352-clevo-w350st-p-5842.html?wconfigure=yesCPU - 4th Generation Intel® Haswell Core™ i7-4700MQ (2.4GHz - 3.4GHz, 6MB Intel® Smart Cache) GPU- NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 765M 2,048MB PCI-Express GDDR5 DX11 w/ Optimus™ Technology CPU can be upgraded to 2.7 GHz. - Alright, so right now the thing I'm stuck on is the CPU. For both the Sager laptops, you can upgrade to a 2.7 GHz processor. Someone told me that you need 3 GHz to run dayz well, and I'm thinking that a 2.7 would run better than a 2.4. Would this make a difference at all? Or should I just save my money and stick with a 2.4? If it is worth upgrading, is the 770M video card that much better than the 765M that I would notice a difference? I do play other games too, so the 770 might come in handy for other games. - The lenovo can't be upgraded and I've heard having dual video cards might give you problems, so I don't really know how good it is. If getting a 2.7 Ghz processor will make no noticable difference over a 2.4, then I'll probably get the 770M sager laptop since it has the best video card. Thanks for your help
  13. PooPoo

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    I don't know where else to post this, so I'll make a quick post about it here. I'm getting a new laptop and have it picked out. I need some good headphones that will allow me to detect the positions that sounds are coming from. I'm no expert in this, but someone told me you need a headset that will allow this. I'm not looking for anything super fancy, and not anything cheap and crappy. Willing to spend 50-60 bucks. Will that get me anything decent? Any recommendations?
  14. Well I just got on the bandit lifestyle, so I don't have much. But there was this one kill I enjoyed a lot. Some dude had an M14 AIM and was pretty geared up. My friend had just died and spawned in and was with me. I shot the dude on top of the firehall with a DMR and killed him. I had a sneaking suspicion he would try to come back for his gear since he had some pretty nice stuff. He did come back, with a friend. I think he approached and saw in the distance his body was still on the firehall (we left it there minus his gun + other items hoping he might come back). I didn't shoot him immediately but let him approach his body to get his hopes up. As he stands still over his body I shoot him again knocking him out, then before his friend could respond I shoot him too and finished them both. My friend and I had a pretty good laugh + good gear after that.
  15. PooPoo

    Let's discuss this idea

    Don't really like that idea. DayZ is whatever you make it, and you shouldn't be punished too severely just because you like to play the bandit lifestyle, so hearing random gunshots would just be annoying rather than a fun challenge. Also I've come to realize that so long as the possibility exists to shoot someone, they will do it if they are that kind of player (which most DayZ players are). And just because you might damage some gear while killing someone, doesn't mean they will say "O fuck it, I don't want to shoot him because I might damage stuff in his backpack". Do you really feel safe knowing that the only reason someone isn't shooting you is because they don't want to damage your gear? They could just kill you when you stand still. IMO it's too late to introduce something in the game that will reduce KOS without drastically changing the dynamic of the game. It's either you make changes to drastically reduce KOS (not going to happen), or you keep it as is (lots of KOS), it would be really difficult to come up with something in between.
  16. PooPoo

    DMR or SVD Camo?

    I just use the DMR because it's so easy to find and you can use it at night. Plus if you get ambushed at close range, it has a high rate of fire
  17. PooPoo

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Damn. I guess it's pointless to try and run DayZ on laptop then if I'm only willing to spend 1.2 k
  18. PooPoo

    female character ?

    Playing as a female puts you at a disadvantage if you want to wear a ghillie suit since you can't equip it as a female character.
  19. PooPoo

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Thanks for the suggestion. I think I might pick it up, only problem is I'm in Canada, so I can't get it from newegg.com, only from newegg.ca which doesn't have it. I found 2 similar laptops on the Lenovo website for Canada, will it do the trick? It seems to be on sale. http://shop.lenovo.com/ca/en/laptops/ideapad/y-series/y510p/ Seems to have the exact same specs as the one you posted except the video cards are slightly different? I'm not tech expert so I really don't know. Also the one on sale for 849 seems to be exactly the same as the one for 999, except no SSD and a lower resolution. Can you help me pick one out? Thanks man. Thanks a lot for your help
  20. PooPoo

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Hey I was just wondering if it's possible to get a gaming laptop for 1-1.3k that would run dayz on medium-high settings smoothly. I know, that you can get a much better gaming rig for that much, but the thing is I need a laptop anyway because I travel quite a bit and I think I'll be moving, so I would rather get the laptop now and get a good gaming rig when I settle down. I was originally thinking of building a gaming rig for ~1.2k, but then I realized that I would need a whole bunch of other things... Like a keyboard, monitor, new desk to fit it all, operating system software, antivirus and that will make more around the 2k range, plus I still have to get a laptop. So would the experience be enjoyable on a 1-1.3k gaming laptop? Or would I be best off just saving the money? I might just buy a $400 laptop and take a gaming hiatus (be extra productive) and just resume gaming when I settle down and can get a good rig. Thoughts? Recommendations? Thanks.
  21. Just a quick question. Are there any other DayZ mods that have a public hive? I tried Origins, but I didn't like how all servers are private and don't save your character from server to server. Are there any others with a public hive? Or is DayZ Vanilla the only one?
  22. You can say that about nearly every aspect of DayZ. How do bandages heal gunshot wounds? How do you fit a helicopter rotor in a backpack and carry it around? Like I said in that post. Any change that is going to dramatically shift the game towards PvE is going to be too drastic and go in the opposite direction that DayZ is heading now.
  23. I think so. If you are going to encourage more PvE, you are going to have to make major changes to the game. And how exactly would you "reduce" kos? I really can't see a typical DayZ player who normally kills on sight, thinking "hmm, maybe I shouldn't kill on sight this time", or "hmm maybe I will kill on sight this time". What possible game changes could encourage that? And unless you force players to work together, players are still going to bring the same DayZ mentality, which is you can't trust anyone. The way I see it, is you drastically shift the game towards PvE, or keep it the way it is. It would be extremely difficult to have an "in between". Maybe I should clarify my position. I don't think it's too late to make changes to a game, but I think any change that shifted the game towards PvE would have to be too drastic. And if you just created some "incentives" to work together, players are still going to kill each other on sight because that's what they do.
  24. Yea I already explained it below. It's too late for game changers. Any change that will have players actually working together and not killing one another on sight will change the game too much. OP just wanted suggestions on how one would make it so that players could work together and not KOS every person.
  25. Perhaps safe zones where players can't shoot each other? Or perhaps you chose what type of player you want to be before spawning in (bandit or hero). Hero's can't shoot each other, but can shoot bandits. Bandits can kill anyone. Therefore if you see a hero, you can work together. If you see a bandit you can kill them. Players who want to be bandits can enjoy the PvP. And players who want to work together can work together, but still have a PvP aspect against bandits. Also agree with the "making it harder" won't do anything, because the PvP aspect has been engrained in DayZ players. Even though it might be more difficult, players aren't all of a sudden going to not shoot each other and just get along. I am skeptical of making drastic changes to the game though. I mean all the DayZ players playing right now, like the way the game is. If any drastic changes are made, it could turn off a lot of people. I think it's too late to make any big game changers, and the stand alone will most likely be the same thing. Centered around PvP