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Everything posted by thengeance

  1. thengeance

    "Friendly Servers"

    The only friendly server is an empty server
  2. thengeance

    Why do I lag in DayZ, but not in Arma II

    Lag and FPS are different. If you're lagging, you have a bad connection displayed by high latency. If you have poor frames, it's because this mod is not optimized and requires lots of data processing, whereas Arma is a finished product. I had luck by cranking the settings down (except resolution/3d objects). Not rendering textures from as far away has given me a great boost in frames. Unfortunately, you just have to play around with it and wait for a better performance from SA (hopefully).
  3. I was speaking about general zombie lore, not this game. But thanks for the delicate insult, my sweet little kiwi!
  4. I still haven't seen zeds murder pigs and goats, so it would have to be a blood-born pathogen that some crazy how makes them violent towards uninfected human beings and nothing else. I still want some zombie theory on how it's possible for a body to function without regular food and water. Adrenaline can't do anything when muscles atrophy and organs fail.
  5. Historical zombie theory based on the undead usually stipulates that they need to feed on warm flesh, not their necrotic comrades. However, I don't think we've had an explanation for why infection-based zombies don't kill each other. I love 28 days later, but you would think a virus that causes rage would cause the infected to just murder each other. Anyways, because they eat me when I pass out, I'm going to say these zombies are the first kind.
  6. thengeance

    A Noobie's Impression and comments

    If you don't like the latest patch, find a DayZ server that runs 1.7.6 or play one of the other mods (Taviana, Origins, Namalsk). You'll find some of these have much more loot and zombies that really don't matter. Beware complaining about basic game mechanics here. This audience will not be amused.
  7. thengeance

    Trading Ghillie Suit for E-tool

    To confuse your foes.
  8. thengeance

    A Noobie's Impression and comments

    I think the most important thing to take away from this thread is the impression that new players are getting from the game, at least as it is currently. I'm all for keeping it a niche, non-sellout game, but there are some things to think about if you want to add people to this game's population. I also support OP's call for either a few "learning" servers or tutorial programs in SA that will at least give people a way to get their feet wet. Some players aren't as hardy as the posters on this forum! @OP: You've stumbled upon a community that is very much akin to the one that existed in Vanilla WoW. This is a group that is in love with this mod and doesn't want to see it watered down to appeal to a wider base. I played good old WoW for 5 years, and if that game's trajectory is an indication of what happens when a product is built to sell rather than built to be a good product, then I hope DayZ remains frustrating and difficult.
  9. Rewarding banditry or heroism at all, especially via killing bandits/heroes/survivors, is what leads to the deathmatch gameplay. Anyone who has played Origins knows what that type of reward/skin system brings. I hate playing with my pals who play Origins because there are no friendly encounters to be had. I'm in line with the people who say that removing the skins for killing people is the best way to reduce the amount of KOS. People tend to mold their psyche to their role, and giving someone a towel and calling them "bandit" will only make them want to satisfy that role by proving their allegiance every time they encounter a player. We'll have clothes all over the place in SA, so just make some of these skins possible to find and wear regardless of how human one is. Maybe we can at least get some people to the point of ambiguity and make them think before they start popping off rounds at everything that moves.
  10. @WBK- I completely agree with you. I'm perfectly fine with the game as is in terms of not having NPC's. A few buddies of mine took me onto an Origins server to raid Sector B, and I was unimpressed to say the least. However, in a player driven world with no consequences, there will always be a gratuitous amount of PvP, and without any form of policing (City Guards in WoW, Po-po in EVE), this will continue to be an MMO that is PvP centric. I'm cool with this, but I'm getting tired of people wanting a PvE game without making zombies stronger or implementing NPC's.
  11. I think the best game for comparison out on the market to DayZ is EVE, in spirit more than anything else. For those of you who haven't experienced it, same style of lose-everything-you've-got when you blow up, an even higher level of treachery/backstabbing, and lots of space jogging. The major difference in terms of banditry is that in EVE, for outright assaults on players in high security (highsec) systems, you are labeled a pirate and will be attacked on sight by NPC ships. This means that pirates who value their lives will typically only risk doing so in low-null security systems for fear of an NPC spanking. I'm not a fan of NPC's, but I think this kind of system might be interesting to observe in DayZ. Have a map like Cherno where one of the major cities and 2-3 smaller towns are patrolled by NPC's. Not sure how this would function alongside zeds, but it would be cool to see a "Bambi Haven" of sorts, on a very limited basis. Probably not the direction the devs (or most others) want to go, but I feel like this is the only way to keep people from murdering each other on sight constantly. I'll just lay in some bushes and take my chances.
  12. thengeance

    New to DayZ and PC gaming. Help!

    Well, good is a relative term. Compared to other machines, mine is a lower-end budget build, but it still takes Skyrim on Ultra with little hassle. You just need to decide how much you want to invest in it right now. Just from browsing newegg.com, my preferred retailer for parts (amazing service/prices), I can tell you that you can get plenty of bang for your buck these days. My advice: -Stick with AMD for CPU/GPU. Intel has superior architecture, but you'll have to pay for it. I've never had any heating issues with my stuff, and saved a lot of money. -Compatibility is a breeze. If you go AMD, then look for a motherboard with AMD in the name and you're good to go. You can still go with an nVidia GPU if you prefer it over Radeon, but the CPU and mobo have to be AMD/AMD or Intel/Intel. -Don't try to cut costs on individual pieces of hardware. If you buy 3 middle-of-the-line pieces and 1 bottom-of-the-pile piece, you'll notice what is referred to as "bottlenecking" which occurs when your performance is hampered by the diminished capability of your weak link. Here's a checklist that, as far as I can tell, matches your needs. -Motherboard/Processor (Aim for a quad core at 3ghz+ or better. Very easy to find for under $125). -PSU (This is what died in your machine. Keep your eye out for bargains on 650W+, but if you're running a budget build, 500W will do just fine.) -CD Drive (I'm assuming the old one works) -Case (All fans/wiring should still be ok in your box) -HDD (still functioning hopefully) -Memory (I have 16GB that I bought for $100, but you can go as low as your operating system allows. I recommend the extra memory though.) -Video card (This is where people drop most of their cash, but don't exceed your processor's capabilities. Aim for the highest stream processor/core + on-board memory (1-2 GB) you can find for your price point) -Optional: Aftermarket heat sink for CPU (I always recommend this when using AMD, which tend to run a little hot. For $30, you can snag a great CoolerMaster product that works wonders) Learn to love Newegg customer reviews and sale offers. Come up with a budget and do some research and you'll be back on in no time. There is always going to be the risk that parts that come may be DOA (dead on arrival) and require working with the manufacturer on getting replacements, so make sure you're ready to take that risk and deal with the ups and downs of a DIY project.
  13. thengeance

    New to DayZ and PC gaming. Help!

    You'll find out quickly that building a PC is like playing with really expensive LEGO. I became the neckbeard you see before you by simply watching Youtube videos and reading tech forum threads on the subject and just giving it a shot. Should be on later, but for now, have you been able to get a new power cord? When you do, assuming everything is still functioning, run a search for "dxdiag" and run that program, will give you all the information you need on your hardware (assuming drivers are current). I included a quick guide for a blossoming techie like yourself =)
  14. thengeance

    Buying a macbook, need suggestions

    You have my beans for using 'balls' so eloquently.
  15. thengeance

    New to DayZ and PC gaming. Help!

    Skype: thenetration. Should be around a bit tomorrow. I can at least point you in the direction of the bare necessities to get you going. I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised at how little you need to invest.
  16. I would read the Game of Thrones books and spoil the series for him.
  17. thengeance

    The Best Looking Gun?

    The crossbow. Looks are all that thing has going for it.
  18. thengeance

    Buying a macbook, need suggestions

    Apple does not have access to technology that somehow eludes the various PC component manufacturers out there. They possess no enhanced ability in artistic applications (Adobe, etc) that is not granted by the hardware within, hardware that is readily available in any computer. The only thing that you are paying for when you buy an Apple is the picture of an apple and the feeling that you have joined some inner circle of tech savants, when in fact you've simply bought into one of the most overly-hyped tech companies in existence. I have never recommended laptops to anyone for any purpose other than mobility. I have a cheap Acer that I tote to school/work simply so I can access basic office applications, browse the web, etc. You will always be hindered by lack of space and heating issues, problems easily solved by going with a desktop rig. Don't get frustrated with people here who are only trying to help you overcome brand loyalty so that you get greater performance for your dollar. If someone asked me how to tow a trailer with a Civic, I'd give them a similar response.
  19. thengeance

    New to DayZ and PC gaming. Help!

    It's always the little things that make a build get expensive. As long as you have a functional HDD, power supply, case and peripherals, putting in a new mobo/cpu/gpu is no big deal, even if you are very concerned with budget. It should be interesting to find out what's in your case!
  20. thengeance

    obtaining a vehicle.

    I would agree with others that searching for and stumbling upon road ready vehicles is probably your most time effective option. Head up north into the hills with plenty of food and water and try your luck. I only bother repairing vehicles when they're hidden near an industrial area with practically no chance of getting nicked or when I have my 4 man crew on to speed up the process. In your quest, whatever method you choose, always try to carry around at least two tires in your rucksack. Not only will you need them to repair some of the misc. broken down vehicles you'll find, but smart survivors will often take a tire off their precious ride before logging off. Best of luck!
  21. thengeance

    Why do people store gear?

    My buds and I store goods in vehicles, tents, whatever. When we log back in and its gone, oh well. Some of the most exciting parts of this game come from finding hidden caches, like a car loaded with ammo and medical supplies. The way I see it, we're just continuing a really fun cycle of give and take, a treasure hunt that always grants excitement to the explorer and a minor inconvenience to the storer.
  22. thengeance

    Dupers in 1.7.7 don't know what hit them

    Thread location is perfect. Suggestion: Be more like this guy.
  23. thengeance

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    Well thought out post, but I don't think the infection we're dealing with is the disease that created zombies. Additionally, I'm not enthusiastic about a super-realistic simulation. I imagine such a game would entail 7 day cycles of rest to cure an infection, loot that never respawns (no one's restocking stores in the apocalypse), survivors that do not possess the training to fly choppers or handle a sniper rifle with any amount of accuracy, etc. Someone made a great post earlier about function vs. fun and the importance of not being too realistic if the results are boring and tedious. That being said, I'm sure this game will continue to function on a sliding scale of difficulty via different server setups, and that is one of it's greatest strengths. The hardcore have a place to play, and the more casual (myself included) can find a comfortable middle ground to enjoy this fantastic concept.
  24. thengeance

    Long guns not worth it

    I'll regale you with the lesson I learned in a moment of stupidity. I was being chased by 4-5 zeds for about 10 minutes at this point, so i was sick, tired and desperate. I ran into a log cabin, and there she was: A sexy Enfield with a clip. I blew off 4 heads with 4 shots, patting myself on the back for being so lucky and so accurate from 3 feet. Then I realize that I might have a problem as zeds start stacking up at the entrance. I keep popping them, and more keep coming. I hear the deafening click of my clip running dry, and realizing I don't have a melee weapon, prepare to run out of there. But my zed friends were playing red rover and I was not prepared. I couldn't push my way past them, and got tacklenommed to death. tl;dr: tried a primary once, stayed alive much longer with a crowbar/hatchet instead. I just stick to melee, which is tedious but effective.
  25. thengeance

    Should I get ArmA 2: CO for this or wait?

    Just my $.02 It's $25, and if you're wanting to play now, just get it now. Release could get pushed back, and you'll have wasted time reading forums and twiddling your thumbs when you could be learning tons. I just started playing this last week, and if I knew release was in 2 weeks, I would still shill out the cash now. Having a great time, and learning enough to make me dangerous come SA release.