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About Rabbit187

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Rabbit187

    DayZ Standalone Videos!

    Hey everybody! My name is Rabbit and if you are having difficulty starting out, check out my YouTube channel. It has videos that could help you get going! http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCubfVSr6QsnZjxxpb8Qgwpg I also want to invite everybody to team with me as I shoot videos or to chat with me on TeamSpeak. Steam Username: Rabbit Teamspeak: ts3.gamersplatoon.com <<< Username: Roger Ventrilo: Murder Networks I look forward to playing with you all. NOOBS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! Come learn to DAYZ!
  2. Are you still looking? Message me if you are.
  3. Rabbit187

    Making a small squad... American English

    I am a very experienced Day Z player. I am interested in playing, please PM me all i need to know! Thanks, Rabbit
  4. Hello! My name is Rabbit and I am an experienced Day Z origins player. I recently left a very large clan of 20+ members to start my own, more organized, smaller clan. I am an excellent leader, I use great tactics, and I never leave a man behind. I WANT YOU! I am looking for 4 experienced Day Z/ Arma 2 players. You must (exceptions will obviously be made): be 18+ and have clear communications. I do not know what chat engine we will use. Whatever we prefer, skype, TS, ventrilo. Whatever. Experienced with Arma 2 physics and at least 100 hrs of game play. Good teamwork and ability to get tasks done Tactically sound We will play on Us003, it is a Gamersplatoon server which has several clans of 6-7+,I am looking for a couple experienced guys to take all the other clans out. I already have a presence established on the server and many houses built with plenty of gear to get us going. The clan tag if RED. Rabbit's Evil Dead. We can talk about it tho, not 100%. I would prefer that you be skilled at the game in the following ways. Flying, driving, goal orientated and good tactical choices. I can be found on skype or here. Like I said, I have enough materials to get a few houses down ASAP. We can fill those houses in an hour with a trip to sector B. No big deal. MY goal is to get a clan together that has the capability to come out on top more often then none on a server that is loaded with bigger clans. Let me know if you are interested and we will talk. Email me at troy_harker101@hotmail.com for an immediate response. Cheers, -Rabbit
  5. Rabbit187

    [Reckless] is recruiting (Bandit). 18+

    In game name: Rabbit Age: 24 Activity (How often are you on?): All day Will you be getting the Alpha standalone?: Yes Is getting raid call an issue for you?: No Specialty (Recon, Sniping, Close combat)?: Versatile. All around good at this game. I play on Us003 Origins Gamersplatoon server.