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Everything posted by Bovicide

  1. Bovicide

    Stop saying "Leeroy Enfield"

    Seems like I'm the only other person here who hates these pet names. Every time I hear "winnie" my rage meter goes up 5 percent. "Leeroy Enfield?" What in the hell, screw you buddy. Silencer? Its a damn suppressor, it doesn't silence anything nimrod. Oh and its a magazine. A clip is very different. Wikipedia. Though I would never go as far as to make a thread about the deal. I'd just silently hate anyone who said these things.
  2. Bovicide

    WTF a jet ?

    Though it was hacking, that was amazing. We need jets in dayz. Even if they are impractical, a moment like that is to die for. Oh wait.
  3. I get the sense that antibiotics are just as rare as they were before -- if that's the case they are way too rare. In all of the weeks my guys and I have been playing, we've only found them once (on par with how many times we've found NVGs). That's insane considering that colds are fairly easy to catch, and that antibiotics are the only way to get rid of them. Seems everyone will be capped at 6k blood for the forseeable future, not to mention that newbies have an advantage until they catch the cold too. We'll see how this update changes gameplay... Might be as interesting as the last time.
  4. Bovicide

    Possible Huey Bug

    Sounds like a leaking fuel tank. Try to repair the missiles with a scrap metal, I've read elsewhere on these forums that that can fix it. We had a chopper like that earlier that was stuck at yellow hull. Put over 9 scrap into it and no cigar, just kept leaking until we got shot by some bandit hours later. Luckily we found another chopper later that didn't have a fuel leak. Best of luck.
  5. Bovicide

    Crashed Helicopter kills upon entering.

    Got killed too. Had bad time. Would not do again.
  6. Bovicide

    IF you're a bandit READ

    These threads really should be merged and a sticky posted but I digress. It's funny to see a lot of the guys here try to take the ethical high-ground when comparing Alt-F4 to bandit-eering. Though the former is an exploit that needs to be fixed, compare the affect it has on the victims. On one hand, a successful bandit sets a survivor back hours or days in progress. On the other hand, a survivor who alt-f4s steals a prized kill from a bandit but the bandit is really no worse off than he was 10 minutes ago -- unless of course he'd been stalking his prey for far longer. I know that player killing is an intended and vital part of the game; don't misconstrue my post as advocating a change of pvp. I just think some perspective is necessary here. To hell with the people who try to kill someone, then alt-f4 when their prey gets the better of them though. I think we can all agree that those guys are the real douches.