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Everything posted by vgtg

  1. One thing I would change about DayZ is the PVP "end game" focus and make it more of a survival based game. Personally, I don't find hunting players fun. There's nothing wrong with that playstyle, of course. It's just that what I enjoy most in this game is exploring towns and scavenging for supplies - all the while having a constant fear and paranoia that just across the street there might be another player. But the problem is you only experience this when you're a fresh character. There's just no need to go back into towns again unless you're looking for the military grade gear. Why? Because after looting one or two towns you have enough food and supplies to last you for days and days. How you would do this? I'm not sure. Perhaps make food and supplies rarer? Perhaps add more zombies in towns so you can't just sweep a place in one pass?
  2. People value finding a Mountain Dew can - not owning one. :D
  3. vgtg

    Wrongful banning from US 1154.

    Have you ever considered the thought that you might be a simple-minded person? I've made my point quite clear from the beginning but you just aren't comprehending it. Since you have obvious learning disabilities I'm going to bold/word this statement so even a young child can understand: I don't need him to tell me why I was banned because I already know the reason why. What is so hard to understand about that? .. or are you just going to fall back on the excuse of being a troll again? Yeah, that's why you keep repeating yourself with the same rebuttals even though I've already explained myself quite clearly. Mhmm, mhmm. Look here, guy. I'm going to do us both a favor and stop responding to you after this post. Everything has already been said. But please continue posting your lame memes if wish. It's cool.
  4. vgtg

    Wrongful banning from US 1154.

    As I said, he probably does. I don't know. I didn't see the logs and have not spoken to him. And I will say it again, ask him if it's that important to you. It obviously is that important to you. Have a nice night baby cakes.
  5. vgtg

    Wrongful banning from US 1154.

    He has solid proof, huh? You mean just like the solid proof that got the original poster banned?
  6. vgtg

    Wrongful banning from US 1154.

    Yeah, too bad the same can't be said for you. But what is with you parroting my comments and failing to comprehend what's being said? This would be like the fourth time I've explained myself. .. or are you just trying to troll/get a rise because I called out your friend/server? .. and to spell it out for you they can't. There are rules and guidelines even admins need to follow. You're absolutely right, though. If you're caught in the middle then tough luck. Which is precisely why I made my post.. to give other players a heads up about how things are apparently ran on your server. Are we done here? :thumbsup:
  7. vgtg

    Wrongful banning from US 1154.

    http://dictionary.re...e/case in point ;) Yet again I have to repeat myself for you. You shouldn't be banning people without hard proof (e.g. logs). It makes no difference if in the end he was unbanned. That doesn't somehow make it alright. So why again are you bringing up this argument? I think you should go back to my original reply. My intention was not to get unbanned or even a reply from the admin (let alone Mr. Assistant). I would have made my own thread if that were the case. Though I'm quite sure you've already relayed the situation to him, huh? :)
  8. vgtg

    Wrongful banning from US 1154.

    Well, this isn't that case. I was playing with a friend at the time and he never got banned. I also tried rejoining shortly and there was plenty of people playing. That is just fascinating, guy. I'm sorry, but I believe it does. The admin of this server obviously doesn't always rely on proof and will sometimes ban solely on assumption (case in point: this thread). So I feel that when these guys said what they said he considered it and agreed with their rationale. The reasoning of "since he has an immature name and only immature people hack he must be the one." That is why I consider it relevant. Regardless, this is pointless. You obviously aren't going to give in because you're best buds with the admin. And I'm also not going to give in because I know I'm innocent regarding this incident. So, uh, how about you just get the admin and see what he has to say.
  9. vgtg

    Wrongful banning from US 1154.

    Well, first off it's called context. Secondly, it wasn't just someone "talking in lobby." It was someone throwing accusations that I was the one doing the shit. Thirdly, when you know there's no other reason as to why you should be banned and you're actually done so immediately after someone places the blame on you.. it's a bit peculiar, no? Sure, I can be unbanned from the server but would it change anything? No, it wouldn't. In the end I would have still been banned unfairly.. so why would I want to go back there? You don't just ban people because you have a hunch that they might be the culprit.
  10. vgtg

    Wrongful banning from US 1154.

    Sorry to reply in your thread instead of making my own but I figured it'd be relevant here seeing as I was wrongfully banned myself. I was just playing on this server when a hacker teleported everyone to each other. I instantly d/c to lobby when over the mic I hear two guys in group chat saying "oh, it's gotta be 'a sexual predator' / I bet he's the one who did it!" Then shortly after I heard them say that I was kicked and banned from the server. Apparently having someone say "I bet it was him!" is enough to warrant a ban. So, yeah. My point with this post is that you should be wary of playing on this server because when hacking occurs the admins will essentially close their eyes and pick a person at random and then draw false connections between you and the incident and ban you for it. Just like they did with the original poster's brother and just like they did with me. (this is to say you banned the wrong guy, admins.)
  11. vgtg

    WTF Global/side chat removed?

    Oh, you don't like side chat? How about you instead play on a server that has it DISABLED. Y'know, kind of like how I don't join servers with third person or nametags. And since the vast majority seem to want it disabled it shouldn't be a problem for you. It's not an immersion killer for me. It's not an annoyance with mute. I would prefer to have it enabled. Don't like it? Don't play with it. .. oh, but no.. god forbid you compromise with this game. It's the purists way only!
  12. For one reason or another the interface audio is controlled through the music option. Is there a way to disable the music yet still have those sounds?
  13. I understand there are many good reasons for global chat to not be implemented; kills realism, immersion and also adds a lot of uneeded chat spam. Those are very good reasons and I definitely don't want people to be forced when they don't want to. So my suggestion would be to compromise by having the admins decide if they want their server to have it enabled or not (e.g. disabled on hardcore servers). This way those who don't want it will known which servers to avoid. Which I have no doubts you will find plenty of servers simply because of how outspoken people are against the chat. Or, alternatively, maybe even make it so players can actually disable/hide it if they want. Personally, I want global chat so I can communicate with players while I'm not in combat. I don't always want to sit in silence.. it gets very lonely when you're by yourself. It starts to feel like a singleplayer game with sentient NPC's. And, also, sometimes I want to ask questions (server/game related) but can't because.. well.. yeah. [edit]: Since I know I'm going to get flack for 'this thread again' and 'search next time' - well, I actually want my suggestion to be heard and not sit on page 13 or forgotten when new replies come.
  14. vgtg

    Side Chat

    Just because the game is online it doesn't need to be a chat forum as well. I personally find it very annoying to have the side chat constantly spew hateful nonsense while I'm trying to sneak. Can't we just play the game as it was intended' date=' and then 'socialize' here on the forums? [/quote'] Or, I don't know, make an option to allow people to disable - similar to Battlefield 3.
  15. Bugs: 1.) Extremely small hit-boxes for items. - You have to find that sweet-spot before you can open doors, take/loot that backpack, etc. So many times have I said "fuck this" because I was taking too long and putting myself in harms way. 2.) Zombie pathing. - They run away from you at super speeds and then turn on a time, zig-zagging back and forth. 3.) Vanishing items. - Sometimes when you switch items out of your inventory with something on the ground the item you placed vanishes. Features: 1.) Groups. - Not necessarily a UI interactive party system, but an option to respawn next to/near my friend.
  16. I believe you were originally doing it correctly, it's just that your Start In was probably linking to the beta when it should have been the main game. So try copy/pasting these: Target, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@dayz -nosplash Start In, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead"
  17. 1.) Add the Arma2oa.exe to Steam Library. 2.) Right click -> properties. 3.) Add -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion to the Target. 4.) Make sure the Start In is directing to your ARMA 2/Operation Arrowhead folder and not the beta folder. For me it's C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ARMA II - PC. For you I would assume it's \Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead.* 5.) Rename it to whatever you want and then click close. * You might have to copy your addons folder from ARMA2 and paste it in the Operation Arrowhead addon's folder if you get missing errors such as .cfgWeapons or whatever.