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Posts posted by badblinco

  1. this is as my freinds call it Triangles of death! i personaly get them from looking at the hotel in cherno and bridges... often it leaves me strafing around side stepping towards things just so i can see and if its night time... forget it! some of them have changed the game graphics to low whilst looking at the bug and then back up... this sometimes fixes it though it comes back after a while.

  2. i think maybe a trickle hp would be o.k... killing animals and eating the cooked meat gives 800 blood! or theirs a blood pack for full hp... how about a cap? e.g if your under 4500 blood you get regen but not over, this should be enough to stop you passing out! or how about adding a heal over time for 1 hour after drinking? lets say 1k blood [so it can't stack only be refreshed].

  3. as noted above, Bandits are more like Bandit groups... get a small group grab some guns n kit then go player hunting! a lone bandit cant give a blood transfusion so they will die and loose their stuff... a group can heal one another and guard bodies till their friends get back. But theirs not much wrong really, its team work just not towards other teams or lone survivors! they have upped the Z's damage to players and the range they aggro, using a flair at night zombies will go for you before you see them! ide still say 50% of the time when i die its to a player and 70% of those times its to a guy with a makarov who just spawned! maybe droping the initial kit to a makarov with 1 clip [pre loaded] and a bandage... most of the time you could kill 2 z's with that but lucky if you kill a player and if you did he wouldn't drop any ammo for you so you would be screwed!

  4. yea a stack of 5 bolts per quiver... no one has the space to fit more than 3-4 blots atm without loosing all their space! though another fix would need to be done... at the moment if you shoot 2 bullets then reload it changes your mag, do this 2-3 times and you get a load of mags with only 2-3 bullets left! you should be able to move bullets to the least amount of mags to save space, without this you would collect your bolt and it would make a new quiver with 1 bolt in it each time!

  5. the main problem doing it solo is to avoid agroing the Z's your going to have to crawl from hanger to hanger and if a sniper shoots at you... you cant shoot back without becoming zombie food [though you rarely get a chance as a crawling target]... my advice is get near to the wall so you know where your going and log out their then re-log at night! since upping your Gamma doesn't help anymore your pretty safe, stick to the sides of the hangers and crawl the whole time... you could use a glow stick but their next to useless and snipers will get into position and then turn theirs off so in their sights you look like casper the ghost! best not to use any aid! ^.^

  6. I've had it happen where when i log back in, I'm out cold for like 3 mins! if you hit them they will be bleeding and most possibly die when they re-log even if they alt-f4 their body should stay for 20 secs... totally agree! [was going to post this on my thread ^.^]

  7. Hello!

    After playing Day Z for a while with my group of friends we decided to voice our ideas!

    1. NPC bandits with low weapons enfiled/shotgun etc.

    2. NPC military outposts, they could have good weapons and aggro player bandits.

    3. Zombie dogs, these could be mixed in with the regular zombies and be quite a rare encounter... but wouldn't be affected by crouching/crawling so would make towns more Dangerous.

    4. to help make the game group orientated again maybe make crawling slightly less effective :P

    5. maybe stop the super fast zombies from zig-zaging and slow them a bit... maybe just slightly slower than sprinting players although i don't think out running zombies would make for fun play maybe when you've been running for a while you should be forced to walking pace so the zombies get time to catch up and slap you around a bit!

    6. Maybe implement some long term goals that persist through death? e.g after fixing a Moped/dirt bike up you can park it up and save its location so when you re-spawn it will be where you saved it?

    7. maybe give players with really low humanity red names, yellow for average and green for nice guys!...

    8. Ability to move bullets from one mag to another to save space [i often end up with 4 mags in my inventory with 2 bullets in each mag lol].

    i realize your going to be working hard on this, good luck Rocket! [i am looking forward to the changes you've already proposed] :)
