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Everything posted by bubba_bhai

  1. Age: 25 Name: Bubba Country: Ireland Sex(male, female or shemale): Male Skype wilson.g19871
  2. think i was on this server about 10mins ago
  3. Ive installed Origins and want to finally play a game with it but when i look at the server list on playwithSix it seems to be the same as what was originally there before i selected origins? So my questions is how do i play with origins lol
  4. bubba_bhai

    How to tell if server is origins ?

    even when i filter i still dont get origins servers on playwithSix i installed dayz commander but its not setup right to work with arma and i couldnt be arsed setting everything up again :P
  5. bubba_bhai

    wireless problems

    You can purchase boosters which plug into your wall sockets and help with the signal. Think net gear does a good one for around £15
  6. Recently started back with Desktop gaming, bought the below build thinking it was a decent enough build but i would like better FPS so was considering Dual GPU. At the moment it seems to run good but as always we always want better lol AMD A4 or A6 Quad Coore Processor 8GB DDR3 1600mhz Ram AMD Radeon HD 7560 4GB ASROCK A55M-DGS Motherboard Spider Gaming Case Was just wondering which GPU you would Recommend to incorporate with this built... also would i need a disk drive for the drivers as i opted out of that but could get an external disk drive if needed.
  7. bubba_bhai

    Can i add Dual GPU to this setup?

    lol im a software developer so can programme anything youd like but when it comes to hardware like this im a complete no0b lol at the moment i just want to increase the dayz experience and have it sitting good for when the standalone comes along. Im thinking going down the 6670 route for the time being anyway
  8. bubba_bhai

    Can i add Dual GPU to this setup?

    Here is the overclocking settings ... temperature seems to stay at the same level and test has been running now 30mins Ive Increased the CPU Vid by 3 increments and the NB vid once just to be safe. was thinking of getting more cooling for this build just to run everything cooler as i know it helps. Just for future reference does this mean if i was to get a high end card id just need to update PSU and i would be good to go ? or would i need a new CPU also as the APU is built onto the current one ?
  9. bubba_bhai

    Can i add Dual GPU to this setup?

    using AMD Overdrive to Overlock to 3ghz running an hour long Stability Test now just. been reading online on overclocking sites which suggests the maximum was 3.4ghz with more voltage so ive upped my voltage a little and stuck to a safe enough 3 from the oringal 2.7 wolly back jack thanks for the help! so im thinking youd recommend the dual graphics route? and why would a new PSU be needed for them cards as my current one is already 500 watt
  10. bubba_bhai

    Can i add Dual GPU to this setup?

    lol good comparison ... only thing is i love Honda Civics lol going to try get my hands on a 7850 or 7870 within the next few weeks and im already looking into how to overclock my CPU. Thanks for the help guys
  11. bubba_bhai

    A start into web programming

    I second that on Notepad+
  12. bubba_bhai

    Can i add Dual GPU to this setup?

    So what you guys are saying is run a 7850 or 7870 which will be used a the main gpu then overclock my cpu to around 3ghz? I just dont want to buy something and it turn out to be useless with what i have at the moment ... thanks for all this help guys i really appreciate it. Also what would the difference be between getting a 7850/7870 and the HD 6570 that AMD recommends to run will the other cards be alot better?
  13. bubba_bhai

    Can i add Dual GPU to this setup?

    sorry mate that should be it now
  14. bubba_bhai

    Can i add Dual GPU to this setup?

    Hopefully this works
  15. bubba_bhai

    Can i add Dual GPU to this setup?

    found it what screens would you like displayed ?
  16. bubba_bhai

    Can i add Dual GPU to this setup?

    what is dx diag ?
  17. bubba_bhai

    Can i add Dual GPU to this setup?

    thanks for your help :) must get one ordered asap. Will it make difference to game play as i wouldnt mind running on higher settings
  18. bubba_bhai

    Can i add Dual GPU to this setup?

    this is the link exactly where i got it http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200922435673?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 Says A4 here on the link but under the Windows System Dialog it shows: AMD A6 3670 APU with Radeon HD Graphics 2,70ghz
  19. bubba_bhai

    Can i add Dual GPU to this setup?

    it has listed 500 Watt PSU Which would you recommend from the list provided. Im a no0b when it comes to this kind of stuff but from looking at the list it shows HD 6610D2 in green so im thinking this lol if i get this is it simply slot into the PCI slot and then install drivers and away i go ?
  20. bubba_bhai

    Can i add Dual GPU to this setup?

    its saying on the mobo box that it has dual graphics slots. so what your saying is take out the HD7560-D and replace it with a new GPU ? which ones would you recommend for the mobo? would like a nvidia card so i can overclock. would spend about £150 - 200 on a card at the moment thanks for your help with this guys
  21. bubba_bhai

    A start into web programming

    Look into a site called www.w3schools.com it will learn you all the basic stuff you need to move forward. If you'd like to start building websites also maybe even look into WordPress sites also.
  22. bubba_bhai

    Introduce yourselves

    Bubba here and in game. Only played on 2 servers so far which has been Daves and Welcome to Rapture. new to dayz and still learning to ropes. wouldnt mind teaming up with someone else that is friendly to travel along with for adventures. Im very friendly even though EVERYONE in this game is cautious as hell lol. Im a software developer so work during the days and mostly play at weekends but if anyone is game give me a PM and week night gaming can be arranged also.
  23. bubba_bhai

    Looking new Friends in DayZ

    Im From Derry ... work as a developer so cant do anytime tween 9 - 5 but can do some late nights and weekends ... have a cousin thats from derry and plays also. PM if your up for a game at the weekend sure.