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Everything posted by mercules

  1. mercules

    Make the infected afraid of fire

    In the mod flares and campfires would draw zombies to them. The zombies were attracted to the light at night. In the daytime a smoke grenade could do the same thing it's hiss and smoke would cause zombies to alert to it and slowly walk over to investigate. So in the mod my friend and I would often start a fire and then toss a few flares to get them moving in that direction and then loot the other half of a town while all the zombies wandered towards the one side. During the day we would wander to a back door or roof and toss a smoke grenade out one side of a building and exit out the other. It's a gamble because it draws the eyes of snipers, but hopefully you move quickly and it draws them to the wrong place.
  2. mercules

    PVP zones

    ARMA III Wasteland?
  3. mercules

    Up-to-date Gun Comparison: CR527 vs IZH 18?

    I do both because until I meet up with my group I am all alone and I'd rather a gun with a chance of a one shot knockout than many other things. Sure the CR527 is better as it does what the IZH does plus "upgrades" when you find the parts... but you don't always find the parts. We are being spoiled right now with loot. I doubt it will stay this way forever. I find guns everywhere and ammo so yeah I can decide which is better. When the choice becomes this or nothing... people might see merit in the gun. ;) Uh huh... because both sides don't bitch, just the one. :rolleyes: You have several people in this thread alone complaining how this gun that they consider worthless for PVP is taking up the spawn slot of a "good gun". DayZ needs to be a mix. If it is all survival I can do that in other games like "The Long Dark" or "The Island". If it is all PVP I can do that in other games like ARMA III Wasteland/Exile or a dozen other FPS.
  4. mercules

    Up-to-date Gun Comparison: CR527 vs IZH 18?

    I'd be curious to see how the: "This game is all about PVP." and "This gun is junk." crowds overlap. I'm willing to be they are much the same. This gun would allow me to kill a deer, cow, or whatever to get the food I desperately need. In fact I did the other day. I got my butt off the coast and ran inland. I was able to find water and a few apples to tide me over. Then I found a boar and was able to shoot it at range and that fed me to energized with plenty to spare. Found loose ammo in a deerstand and the gun in a house. Sure other guns would do it as well or better, but if I run into this gun and the ammo and nothing else that matches guess what I'll do. It should be more common than the CR527 for game balance. This would give me an advantage (once they eliminate super sprint) against melee and a chance against other guns. Would I go looking for trouble with it? No, but typically you don't get to dictate when trouble comes and I think this is a solid progression gun I can find all over the place.
  5. mercules

    A NOOB and his chainsaw...

    I have found 3 pristine chainsaws in the last 2 days. I tend to fill them up, run around sawing zombies then dump them when they run out of gas. :)
  6. mercules

    can an 'official' server go private?

    If it was a public server it probably shut down and the host gave the space to a new server, this one private, that uses the same IP address so comes up in your favorites.
  7. mercules

    Police Station Stairs

    Don't sprint down stairs... this applies to real life ones as well.
  8. mercules

    Dayz Reviews on Steam

    But that ISN'T What people are doing. What is happening is that people are judging the shape of the chair based on how it is shaped before it is carved, "I wanted a more rounded chair and this thing is square legged." ie. they are judging the zombie implementation based on how they are currently functioning not the finished product. In addition you may have a "right" to complain about how long the development is taking, but that doesn't mean you would be justified in complaining about the time. You basically expected a polished Mod. Others built the polished Mod already. Tweaks and mods of the mod actually built some really great things out of DayZ Mod, but it went as far as it could go with the systems it had. It was polished but had some big flaws that would have cracked had they polished it further. The zombies never worked well throughout the life of the mod. They were more of a giveaway that you were in a location than an actual danger. The graphics were poor in comparison to the SA. Loot spawns were exploitable and poorly setup. Most buildings in any of the small towns were unenterable making them worthless. We would bypass 90% of them. There are so many flaws that SA has either resolved or is promising(we will see if they can deliver) to resolve that the Mod is laughable in comparison. Because they have to fix those issues it will take time. Some people don't get that and just want their nostalgia glazed idea of what they think the Mod was. See above. That wasn't a game that would go on. It was "built" but it had issues like this... You are saying all they need to do now is put some new siding on and it's done. The devs understand that if they don't do something with that crack it will just cause the house to fall apart.
  9. mercules


    Actually it sounds like the woods I've grown up around all my life in Minnesota and Wisconsin, only thing it is missing are loon calls. The frogs in the summer out back are so loud you often can't hear the TV with the window open without turning it up a bit. This is what I fell asleep to every night at my Grandma's cabin... that and the occasional chuff/snort of deer and very infrequent wolf howls. Heck, in Plymouth MN which is a suburb of Minneapolis and was heavily populated on my busy street there were small ponds off the road and I'd hear this much noise from them just walking past.
  10. mercules

    Headaches and DayZ

    I could be any of what you mentioned admphi. When things get tense in game I often find myself clenching my jaw. I had to train myself away from that and then also train myself not to push hard on my front teeth with my tongue when that fight or flight kicks in. I think those reactions are from learning from RL fights that having your mouth open or jaw loose when someone punches you is worse than having everything locked tight. That tension, however, would end up giving me headaches. That is why I had to learn not to do it through hours of playing games. I also had to learn to blink. When I used to play a lot of fast paced FPS games or RTS I found I wouldn't blink for long stretches of time and that would strain my eyes and give me headaches. Heck even just tensing up your shoulders can give you a headache and DayZ tends to be a sphincter clenching game from time to time. All that is possible but mechanical issues are just as possible. Low FPS can lead to motion sickness which can express as headaches or eye strain. Refresh rates are much the same. Motion blur and headbob can all add to that. 1PP can be worse for that as it give you less of a reference point to focus on. Actually I wonder if the people who get sick from 1PP put a small dot(say from the corner of a sticky note) on their screen if that would help them with 1PP. Might be why some other 1PP games are not as bad for them well that in FPS might be better in those as they are optimized.
  11. mercules

    Dayz Reviews on Steam

    Why not? You can buy a chair or table that hasn't been made yet. What you can't do is write a review for a chair you bought that hasn't been fully made stating it has no cushioning or you don't like the look of raw wood when you know before it is given to you in full it will be stained and finished. People would mock you for it, just as they should mock people reviewing an unfinished game.
  12. mercules

    Somebody get me up to speed plz...

    Yes, it would be frustrating, but there is very little they SHOULD do about it at this point. Optimization is one of the last things you want to do because any change you make can throw that out the window. The unfortunate truth is that if you want to be playing this game prior to release you need a beefier computer than something that runs optimized games well. I planned ahead when I built this computer years ago and I still get good performance with every thing I want on high on high.
  13. mercules

    Somebody get me up to speed plz...

    Gee, you can run optimized final versions of games just fine.... but this ALPHA which hasn't even started optimization and shouldn't be optimized till it gets the features completed doesn't run as well? Imagine that.... What did I just say about the game not being optimized? :rolleyes:
  14. mercules

    I have no idea what to do... (help please)

    Very likely that it can't write to the folder that it created for DayZ. At that point it would throw an error and lacking a better one it might have defaulted to saying it doesn't have enough space. That or User Access Control is not letting Steam write to the folder during install.
  15. mercules

    Somebody get me up to speed plz...

    Zombies = Get off the coast. There are zombies in major cities not on the coast and things like NWAF. Cars = In the game and repairable. You will probably not find a car that won't require a lot of work to get running. Animals = Get off the coast. Predators are not in yet although I believe they might be on experimental before too long. Cows, deer, chickens, and such are around but tend to wander around. FPS = Who knows? As in there are too many variables ranging from the server you are logging into, to your rig, to your ISP to tell why. I suspect you are running this unoptimized game that is currently using a hybrid system of the old renderer and new renderer on a shitty computer and expecting it to run like a finalized and optimized game does which accounts for your shitty computer.
  16. mercules

    DayZ staff/devs/Bohemia show their love.

    Your failure to buy a quality computer without inflated prices does not warrant a feature change. My PC I bought several years ago plays it at 35fps in a good resolution with many of the options up at "high" or above. If you ignore the expensive mouse and other preiferals my PC itself was about $800. You need to learn to shop smarter.
  17. mercules

    .59 Constantly dying for no reason

    .59 stable is better than experimental, but there is still random lag spikes. More than once I have died to lag while on stairs. That is the most likely cause.
  18. mercules

    The Current State of Dayz

    This isn't true. 1. They do react but if you fire a gun you will end up with a lot more harassing you. 2. Locked 7 of them out of a police station and they did not clip through either door. In fact I haven't seen one clip through a door in .59 yet.
  19. mercules

    Sword damage worse than ever

    Work well on Zombies and Players. One hit tends to drop them. Second hit on a zombie kills it, or at least did the last time I had one. Players don't expect to be dropped unconscious with one hit from one. Works great when ambushing someone in CQC. Zap, they are down, and then you can finish them off with that or something else or even handcuff them. Looting some people is more painful to them than killing them. ;)
  20. mercules

    Something I must get off my chest....

    You apparently don't know what "early access" means. You also apparently don't understand how long it takes to develop software much less game software. So, early access means that we get to play the game while they develop it. This means the game is in Alpha when we start playing. Normally players of any sort don't even see the game until late Beta. We were in the game before most of the systems were developed and to add to that they discovered some of those existing systems(like the renderer) just won't do what they want to accomplish so they are working on swapping them out while still leaving the game playable in the meantime. That means an even further delay. This seems bad but also has a good point to it, instant feedback and the ability to gather data from a large amount of sources. Most games take years of development to reach Beta, several years. As in more than 2. With those they are not even worrying about if it is playable for those years which slows things down. So fully expect this game to be alpha for another year at least. In fact I am amazed at all the progress they have made with the handicaps they have to work with by having end users on the system. Yep... you know why? all the new systems being added. They are adding in a whole new animation system. They are also working on AI not only for "zombies" but for predator and prey animals. They want all that NPC AI to function well. Right now it doesn't and because they have the overhead of old-renderer+new-renderer and other unfinished systems each doing a part of the work AI causes LAG on the servers. So they have some in for testing purposes, but not nearly what they will be able to put in once they are past the mish-mash of systems and running hybrids of old and new and have all the new systems in that should hopefully streamline some of the processing. See that crap above I have been talking about? Mish-mash system.... lag... server lag will make things break. They fixed an equip bug, but lag will STILL make it impossible to equip while it is bad. A LOT of servers lag right now when they approach full. I know 1 that went to 30 person to help prevent that since at 50 it would constantly bog down. Wow... a whole three months huh? Then you must know all about server lag. Maybe you can give the devs a hand with troubleshooting servers now. :rolleyes: Some of us ran servers for a year or more and others are running the server you likely play on now. Sorry SA ruined your fun but the Mod was limited. Think of it this way. You have a house and want to add on but the foundation is cracked. You can't build a second story on that house. That was the Mod. So you want a 2 story house. You have to build a new foundation that is whole AND can support a larger two story house. That is the SA. With the old house you could redo the kitchen and bathroom, maybe even add on a bedroom without a basement under it, but you could not do all the things you can do with a new foundation. With the new house we have the walls up, the electricity in and it has a well, but we want a nice bath with jets in it for the master bedroom and we don't have the plumbing run over there. In fact we determined that the older water heater we pulled from the old house is not going to cut it so we have to buy and install a new one before we can add the larger bath. So we are not allowed to make an argument out of one of the most valid pieces of information there is on the topic. The game is literally in a flux state right now, waiting on certain systems to resolve some of these issues before bothering to mess with the code. Why improve FPS by messing with current textures when a new renderer should improve FPS and they would have to redo some of that work? Basically you are playing a game that is not even "feature complete" much less at the point where stomping bugs and optimization will occur. But you are in part complaining about bugs and optimization.
  21. mercules

    VSS Is A Beast Weapon

    Yes. Still not bad when 1 round can disable/kill a player.
  22. mercules

    Cut 12 gauge shells to make slugs

    Nope... I've got a smooth bore and rifled barrel for my 12 Gauge and use a full bore slug. I'm NOT quite the hunter and enjoy my simple shotgun for home defense and hunting. ;) Heck I use the shotgun's iron sights.
  23. mercules

    Status Report - 10 Dec 2015

    Yes! ...an off-road small vehicle. My friends and I would often utilize a motor cycle or ATV. ATVs most often because people would avoid them because everyone had decided they flipped over too much. Drive them right and they would never flip or at least never fatally flip. :)
  24. mercules

    oh my god help me with this sedan please

    See... way back when I would have grabbed about 5 other friends for that situation in RL and just picked the damn thing up and moved it to the side. We actually moved a friend's car to the other side of a parking lot and then waited for him to come out of the store.
  25. mercules

    Cut 12 gauge shells to make slugs

    You can also get rifled barrels for most shotguns. I have one on mine for deer hunting with a slug. Where I hunt brush is thick and running across a dear often happens at about 50 yards or less and I can say for sure you can pop a slug through heart and lungs at that range.