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Everything posted by critical

  1. critical

    DayZ Ambient Music/Sound

    Wtf? You kidding?! That ambient sound that resembles the sound of somebody jumping over a mesh fence gave me more scares than the actual zombies or players. T.T
  2. critical

    Helicopter crash sites

    Here are the entries from my own map. My additions are the solid circles. http://i.imgur.com/WsFFo.jpg There's also one spawn point 50m to the North from Krastostav's grocery store that I forgot to include.
  3. critical

    Helicopter crash sites

    Yes. The crashed helicopter sites spawn in predetermined locations. I'm currently on a quest to mark the positions myself.
  4. Nice map, a little laggy but overall it's kickass.
  5. critical

    Persisting Vehicles

    By an off chance there can be a vehicle rollback at some point. Happened to me and my mates. We had the VS3 and a military offroad stashed somewhere and somebody raided our camp and stole both the vehicles. We were pretty bummed but moved on and then later the same day after a server restart/crash one of our members logged in the vicinity of our old camp and the VS3 was standing in our old camp (the offroad was missing still). I bet the guys who got it from us were pretty unhappy about that since they didn't take anything out of it (or the items were duped). We then hauled it's contents onto a better server we found. So yes. Vehicles can disappear on you randomly. Your best bet would be to revisit where it was standing the moment you found it.
  6. Must have fallen from one of them military convoys...
  7. Can you elaborate on that loot cycle mechanic? I kinda heard that picking up all the trash loot and dumping it far away creates new loot spawns after 20min or so but what you're saying sounds different.