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About cadias

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Norway, Oppland, Gjøvik
  1. Fix the problem. All i did was disible SLI funktion, since Arma does not run Sli
  2. How do i Revert the pach? if it not soo much to ask for :) Edit: i reverted the patch and it dident work. next idea?
  3. il try that. and reply back if it works.
  4. Ehm. im not quit sure of that atm since iv just recoverd my pc. but i installed the game last night so i guess the newest?
  5. patch! newest on Dayzcommander!
  6. Last night i played Dayz on my new computer with Geforce GT 650M SLI and after a long time of game time i went offline to get some sleep. only few hours later when i loged back in and started to move around it was like the screen was jumping. Not sure what to call it since iv never had this problem before. iv tryed to change everything in the Vidio option menu and even in the Config file in documents.i even reinstalled Arma 2 and Dayz mod. but still get the same "lag" anyone had this before and is there away to fix it? Thank.