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GingerNinja (DayZ)

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About GingerNinja (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    Sydney, Australia
  1. GingerNinja (DayZ)

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Hi Dulix, I am looking at buying a gaming system and would appreciate it if you could tell me what setting I can run DayZ on and how many frames. Motherboard: Z77 SLI support CPU: I5 3570K @ 3.8GHz GPU: GTX 770 1046 MHz-1085MHz (boost) Will be purchasing a second one later on. RAM: 8GB DDR3 1600MHz PSU: 800W OS: Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium Network card: Wireless (I have a wireless network but don't want to move the modem to my computer) Thanks!