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Everything posted by dancros

  1. Well Ive searched high and low and cant seem to find an answer to my problem, any help would be greatly appreciated. When I log in, It doesnt matter which server as Ive tried about 10 different ones, I cannot interact with ANYTHING. Cant pick up loot, cant open doors, Cant unsling my rifle or my axe, cant eat or drink. Nothing. Anybody had a similar problem and found a fix? Cheers Dan
  2. Shameless bump. Damn that got pushed of the front page quick.
  3. dancros

    Too many veterans

    What do you mean by real players? And also, if you are in a full server and expect Balota to be overflowing with gear, then Im sorry to tell you this, but your in for a bad time. My Advice: Screw the coast. Get away from that shit as fast as you can. Spawn, run through a building or to on your way through which ever town you spawn in, then turn your little motorbike helmet wearing man North and run. Seriously, its MUCH easier then the already easy areas of the coast to get geared.
  4. dancros

    Making harder for geared up players.

    Lol I saw it multiple times during my 8 years in the military :)
  5. dancros

    Too many veterans

    It doesnt worry me either way. I havent had a problem finding both daylight and night servers. I dont think its an issue, its a part of the game.
  6. dancros

    Too many veterans

    Really?! I couldnt disagree more. Like I said above, Bug Reports are one thing. A rational description of a problem and a possible solution. But what we are getting (mostly from people who have never played the mod) is a million topics of "Y eet heffs 2 b so dark?" "Y cant I finds any drink in Elektro?" "My Character got wiped, this is BULLSHIT"
  7. dancros

    Too many veterans

    Personally im suprised at how many newcomers bought into the ALPHA without ever having even played the mod, then procede to bitch and moan about every little thing. Its doing my head in. Bug reports are one thing, but this is something else.
  8. dancros

    yo fix loot!

    Pointless thread is pointless. Whats your issue? Unless you actually put forth something to discuss the mods will just lock and yard this thread. Edit: not all servers wipe your character. Only some.
  9. dancros

    Can I hide the crosshair?

    You mean the tiny white dot on your screen? I dnt know whether it can be hidden tbh.
  10. dancros


    I posted this problem earlier, but now cant seem to find the thread. I have updated to the latest version 0.29.113822, but Steam doesnt recognise that I have done the update and is constantly forcing me to download the update even though I have it. Reinstall of Dayz has not fixed the issue either. Thanks in advance!
  11. I have updated to 0.29.113822, When I open the Dayz gmae files, I can clearly see that they where updated today, the date on them reads todays date. Yet Steam still thinks I need to update the game. Have downloaded the update 3 times now :( Have removed Dayz completely and reinstalled which also did not fix tghe issue., Any help would be great! Cheers
  12. dancros

    Map of new locations

    This is as it should be!! I personally dont like to use 3rd party stuff such as DayZDB as I feel it detracts from the proper DayZ experience. But each to their own I guess.
  13. dancros

    My two cents on upgrades in general.

    Melee weapons make a bullet noise because the are essentially guns with a very short range. They just happen to look like an axe or your fists :) was exactly the same in the mod.
  14. dancros

    bad version server rejected

    Its in alpha man. Crashes are to be expected. Im suprised its been this smooth tbh.
  15. This works for me. Just make sure your moving quickly and try to avoid Line of Sight with the Z. I have no problems loosing them :)
  16. dancros

    Please make spawns truly random.

    The loot system will not always be this way. The way it is supposed to work, as said by rocket is this: There is a set number of loot items on the map at any one time, as a player loots an area the server will register this and spawn loot in other aeras of the map that arent currently populated by players. Maintaining the set number of loot items on the map.
  17. dancros

    Inland Spawns

    So, Ive played 7 hours so far and Ive had 4 characters. 2 spawns in Cherno and 2 spawns in Novy Sobor. As far as I was aware there wasnt even inland spawns, yet 50% of my spawns have been at Novy? Now, Im not complaining, in fact, I think its awesome. Im just wondering about the frequency of the Novy spawn. Anyone else experienced this? Or am I just lucky?
  18. dancros

    Inland Spawns

    I agree with a full map spawn, but dont like the idea camp spawn. It should ALWAYS be random. There shouldnt be an option to spawn at your camp, this will mean that people are able to re gear instantly after death, provided they have supplies at camp of course.
  19. dancros

    First human interaction.

    My first encounter was with a guy who crept up on me and started trying to brain me with a fire extinguisher, despite me having a fire axe. I managed to avoid his flailing attempts at hitting me and pulled my axe of my back, then he started to run. I ran him down and said to him in Direct "Remember, you started this." and then I split his fuckin face open. Have met 4 people since in game, and all have been friendly encounters! Happy days!
  20. dancros

    Huge problem with FPS

    Not true. I am getting a stable 55-60 fps while playing the SA. Everything set to high, post processing crap turned off. This is with a gtx 770 and i7-4770
  21. dancros

    Huge problem with FPS

    Not true. I am getting a stable 55-60 ffp swhile playing the SA. Everything set to high, post processing crap turned off. This is with a gtx 770 and i7-4770
  22. dancros

    Cant open doors?

    So im not sure whether im missing something.. all was well, I was looting the hell outta the nth end of the map and a got taken out by a can of soda. oh well, respawn. Now I havent got the option to open doors. Have tried multiple servers and died a few more times, but still no luck. Cant open a single door. Any ideas?
  23. dancros

    Cant open doors?

    Awesome. Thanks for the quick replies lads.
  24. dancros

    Annoying noises.

    The sound bugs are known issues and where addressed by Rocket here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153994-early-access-important-information-known-issues/ :)
  25. Apologies if this is in the wrong place. Please feel free to move it if it is, but I couldnt find a troubleshooting section for the SA cos im using my phone. Ok so, my current internet connection is RUBBISH. I cant download at all basically, but it is ok to play online aslong as no one else is using it. Now, if I was to pop down to my mates place with my laptop and dl DayZ, would I then be able to transfer it to my desktop in order to play? Cheers :)