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Everything posted by MPClan

  1. ATP Clan Website: http://atpdayz.enjin.com We are a new clan ATP. We play any map that is populated. We are usually bandits but in some cases, we are heroes or both. As of today, the clan is only recruiting some players, we are looking for 2 more players because we do not have a teamspeak anymore. So if you host a TS 3 server and is looking to join this clan. Feel free to ask us if you want to help us with teamspeak. We will be looking for clan Moderators and Admins in this case. If you host a DayZ Server. Feel free to give it to the clan but only you will have administration to the clan. We can't force you to give the clan valuables that we don't own. Requirements:Teamspeak (Teamspeak IP: A mic that works in TS, skype and ingame age 12+ (You can be a squeaker or not) Need to be able to split up loot. (You keep a players loot if you kill someone that is not in our clan) Doesn't complain on death unless you believe it was a hacker which is unlikely. Can have fun and not to annoying Owners and CoOwners Skype: [Owner] NewG4mer: minecraftster101 [CoOwner] Shadowhamster66: shadowhamster66 No admins or mods yet EMAIL: atpdayz@aol.com WEBSITE: http://atpdayz.enjin.com Maps We Have Been Playing: Cherno Taviana Breaking Point Namalsk Origins Lingor Ranking System: New Players: (ATP) Regular players: [ATP] 1+ Month Player: =ATP= PreMod Player: |ATP| Mod: [=ATP] Admin: [=|ATP|] CoOwner: [==|ATP|] Owner: [=||ATP||] RECRUIT LAYOUT: IGN: Age: Maps you played on: Type of Games you play: (e.g Arma II, minecraft, cod, etc) Combat Ranking: scale 1-10 Why you want to join: Thank You from ATP
  2. One last question. Would you accept anybody way below your age? Or is it to incomfortable