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Everything posted by poirot1959

  1. Basically I just have a few questions regarding having a private server. What is the requirements for bandwidth in order to host a good server? Also is there any particular consideration for the server itself, like memory, video card if one is needed, etc.? I have 2 HPml350 G4 that can be use for that purposes. thanks in advance
  2. Right now I have 60 down and 20 up. Will be hosted at home, But if need be I can go 175d and 175u. As for transfer I have unlimited so 2tb/mth won't be a problem. Since I have 2 HP proliant server I just need the internet connection to be up to the demand
  3. poirot1959

    Bohemia sales

    Well that's nice I bought them all yesterday at 40.00, I am wondering if I can get the difference reimbourse?
  4. I am asking this question as I am totally fed up with hackers. It seem that there is no games, unless single player, that doesn't have a hacker in it. So my question is: How is the anti-cheat system working on this? I know it's totally impossible to be hacker free, but at least is the system updating on a regular basis? Is anyone having problems and/or complains about hackers and the lack of response of admin. I was reading on Dayz origins and the amounts of users complaining about hackers is unbelievable and without much results about it. So if both games are on the same platforms then I should assume that the same hacker’s problem should be on this one too. Since I am a newbie I really would like to be part of a clan, or at least to have some friends that I could play with so we can help one another. So please be free to invite me or pm me. I know it will be also impossible to completely stop every hacker out there, but a few suggestions and a few modification on the server side could help at lot. 1: The server should have the possibility to records some part of the outgoing game, This way one could look on the recording session, follow a suspected hacker and see if he hacks or not. Then report the hacker with the video as proof. 2: Ban on games should not be limited to just the CD key but also the hardware. This way one would think twice before hacking since his hardware would be banned and not just the key. 3: As an admin, if you go just as a spectator and look at every player from his point of view, you would be able to judge if he is a hacker or not and then banned him permanently on your server. And if recording session is on then appeal for a global ban, thus rendering him unable to play the game since his hardware would be also banned. I know that having a hardware ban will probably never happen has they will stop making money by reselling a key, the key word being money. But maybe as not to be as drastic as a full hardware ban, to record the hardware of the hacker and upon replaying with a new key, to have a message that this user was banned for using a hack and now just bought a new key, so be warned. There is a lot that can be done to almost stop hacking on games, but are the developer willing to go the distance? That is the question.
  5. poirot1959

    Hacker on Dayz: Bad or....

    Thanks for all your input. And I should have finish downloading all the ARMAII files. Wow these server are not downloading faster than 400k/s. Took close to 20 hours for all files pffui. Anyway, can you please tell me, tajjuk, what server you are playing on? I would glady join you, since I assume with your post that you are vigilant and playing with your team would be a more enjoyable experience. Also I know about BF3, was playing it at lot but hacker kill my game play. I had my own server for a while, but beside being there 24/7 and looking at the stat of every players and micro managing it, there is no way you can get ride of each hacker. And when managing well you don't play. I am a team player, working with my team to achive ours goals. I don't really car about points as long as I have fun, and hacker kills all that fun. My son and I we use to play a lot together as a team and you can really see the difference, more when we where in a chopper or a tank. The goal is, for me, to share, help, achieving goals and enjoy the gamplay and even making new friends in the process. Now I just hope that we can do the same with this game and start enjoying it.
  6. poirot1959

    Hacker on Dayz: Bad or....

    I absolutely agreed with you, and having a high end PC, will certainly make a player better than one that is playing on the minimal setting. But this being said, it is fairly easy to see the difference between a good player vs. a hacker.
  7. poirot1959

    Hacker on Dayz: Bad or....

    I know it will be also impossible to completely stop every hacker out there, but a few suggestions and a few modification on the server side could help at lot. 1: The server should have the possibility to record some part of the outgoing game. This way one could look on the recording session, follow a suspected hacker and see if he hacks or not. Then report the hacker with the video as proof. 2: Ban on games should not be limited to just the CD key but also the hardware. This way one would think twice before hacking since his hardware would be banned and not just the key. 3: As an admin, if you could go just as a spectator and look at every player from his point of view, you would be able to judge if he is a hacker or not and then banned him permanently on your server. And if recording session is on then appeal for a global ban, thus rendering him unable to play the game since his hardware would be also banned. I know that having a hardware ban will probably never happen has they will stop making money by reselling a key, the key word being money. But maybe as not to be as drastic as a full hardware ban, to record the hardware of the hacker and upon replaying with a new key, to have a message that this user was banned for using a hack and now just bought a new key, so be warned. There is a lot that can be done to almost stop hacking on games, but are the developer willing to go the distance? That is the question.