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Everything posted by law1977

  1. law1977

    So whats the deal with the Zombies?

    I was going to post something similar myself, started playing a bit of dayz again after quite a break. The mod was awesome buggy mess but still awesome (good god that inventory system!!) One of things that made the game was the challenge, zombies were a right royal pain in the ass, no gun lots of sneaky, it was tense. I used to hang back from my group and was a spotter for zombies and players a like, the zombies created a need for a bit of team work. With the mod there was only a few places to get gear, so the danger of players and zombie fun was much higher. Currently, like OP said its PVP or pretty much nowt after basic bit of looting to get the essentials and top up food and drink. It's quite sad in a way, I know WIP but still you run north run into a town loot and continue on no real challenge. Shove zombies in each town and the game takes a bit more of thought, weighing up the pros and cons of going into a town. the old system of creating zombies as you near a town was bit poo and let's face it a cheat to save on server bandwidth etc.. But it gave you a constant problem which enhanced the game. Zombies have slowly but surely got better so I have high hopes. I don't see any need now to bring that system back concentrate on server wide zombies. i shot some zombies the other day and it was so meh, my weapon hit and it felt like I hit it with a wet trout. I am seriouslylooking forward to when the z is put back into dayz, cause the game will go back to the top of my play list. Time to give those z's some love, come on devs lets see a big push for em soon, they were mentioned in status update so yay. Even though it's been mentioned a few times and nothing of note has happened for quite a while. fingers crossed
  2. law1977

    I hear a mysterious ticking noise!

    Hey all, strange thing happened to me while playing dayz standalone, so thought I would pop this up. I was playing with me mate on the same and we were chatting over skype, pretty empty server less than 10 on there. I was doing some looting in cherno, nearish the church and fire station and as you can see had some zombie fun. Then that message came up as I was walking between some buildings, this freaked me out to say the least. It did not appear on my mates screen so don`t think its server message, well if it was it was just to me (not sure if you can do that, never ran a server for this game). I ran around trying to find the message but never came back, WTF!!!! Anyone else seen this before, I have had quick search on the internet and here and no mention of ticking. I am just glad me mate said grab a screenshot or I would have no proof. freaky as hell I can tell you that though!!
  3. law1977

    I hear a mysterious ticking noise!

    LOL, have to admit mate did wonder!! yeah thats what i thought but why did me mate on same server not get the message strange!! yeah evil that is creepy!! amazing little things like this can be really odd!!
  4. law1977

    New server mode : Survival

    Okay this might bit of a strange idea but have a version of the game WITHOUT zombies. Now I expect some people to go urrr Dayz Z damm u, so open mind people. I was thinking about this the other week and thought I would open it up to the forums see what people think. So I am suggesting we have no zombies in the game at all as a side mode, effectively remove the code completely from the game. Here are my views on why we could consider it... 1. My first thought a zombie game they should be everywhere, any film, book , comic book they are thousands of them Numbers are the thing you think about zombies, can this game deliver this.... I am not sure it can due to the scale of the game, maybe with all the optimization and configuring we could see a big increase. All my fingers are crossed for this... 2. The encounters in game are always best with people you meet, with no zombies you can increase the amount of people per server (well in theory, I know not as simple as that). This would make the game more lived in and increase the tension through out the map. 3. You can add more animals for hunting purposes and such like. 4. More loot per a map. Anyways thats a few thoughts, just thought it would be interesting topic, any other ideas/thoughts/bitching>?
  5. law1977

    Number of Weapons in Mod versus Standalone

    I think it makes sense to have mag or two with a weapon, empty, cause in theory the person would have been using that weapon would have emptied is gun out before coming overcome with zombies. So it would make sense to have an empty clip next to it, could also have gun racks in barracks and housing which have guns there but no ammo cause they were kept seprate. and the longhorn look awesome, i snipe quite a lot so it would be a poor choice as backup weapon, need something to clear rooms with. I like a good wide range of weapons but like people say if they are to similar whats the point. I am hoping now hunting is coming is for some more hunting weapons as well with a scope.
  6. Okay I am bit confused at the moment, I enjoy playing the game and having fun playing with my mates. The thing that is bugging me is the way things are updated at the moment. Yup "its alpha" will no doubt be said and bugs are expected and I am fine with that but I am confused by how they get updates out. As an example :- So that was in the patch notes for stable, so why not leave it on experimental to be tested and then when it works in the basic stances push out to stable. Why push out a bug to a stable version when they know it doesn`t work yet I don`t see what benefit they can gain from this. Just more people to say, yeah it doesn`t work and well they know that already!! If they have it working in experimental and it works in all stances as they can see by design and then push it out to stable. Then we can test it more on stable when the basics are there. There has been others zombie damage (use experimental to polish into most people concur then push it out to stable), instead they push it on saying its to high, why not leave as is then instead of a frustrating experience for vast proportion of people.Thrown objects are to slow, again leave on experimental polish and then release for more detailed feedback when they increase server bandwidth.That is just from the last patch notes and I have seen a few times in past notes. I understand they want player feedback, bug reports etc.. but these are known bugs which I find frustrating when playing on stable. Bugs are fine don`t mind them its alpha I understand that but I just don`t see an advantage of pushing out known bugs to stable. A game as complex as this you expect them so why do this? It seems our demand for updates has forced them into this, maybe I am alone in my views and quite willing for someone to say "yeah but this is why...." Fair enough I will hold my hand up and say yeah your right that makes complete sense now.... Anyone else find this confusing or am I alone ?
  7. law1977

    The rarest sh*t I ever found

    Somebody swapped my mosin for a fully pimped m4 gun, people sharing gear now thats rare!!!
  8. law1977

    Crossbow being effective

    I like the idea of crossbows and bows for that matter, I would consider it an achievement to kill someone with either weapon. Get close of them to use said weapon at an effective range and then ping a bolt/arrow through there head. Also I wonder when rag doll is implemented if you shoot someone in the leg could you cripple them and go in for easy kill. hhmmm maybe i shouldn`t get one of these weapons I reckon I would die ALOT!! lots of fun trying it thou. Other than that perfect way in a group for clearing a town, two with crossbows one with fire axe, silently cleaning out a town. Maybe another person at the back with a pistol for backup. Roll on lots of zombies I say
  9. I like this idea, as an additional point thou if the weapon is pristine the bolt action is smooth. The more the weapon is used and any damage the action becomes less smooth and might get jammed (i.e. need oiling or something similar I am not a gun expert). Also now we have rain, the weapon is exposed to the elments all the time so it needs regular maintenance. I think it would be cool, when you shoot say you missed and your char struggles to pull the the bolt back to feed the next round in as a zombie is charging your face or indeed an axe wielding maniac (you know who u are!!!)
  10. Good to see a company make sure they keep on top of these type of bugs and pull out all the stops to fix them. I am sure late nights have been had over this appreciate the effort
  11. Yeah i noticed this the other day but that has only just come about in fairness to OP, but i take the points he made. It can be a bit frustrating to go digging through reddit posts from rocket to see whats going on. The above link helps alot to find out about my fav game, I suppose they are busy fixing stuff and adding stuff to devote time to do the PR stuff. That black mosin thing was annoying, I am not sure how they got through the bug thing anyway hot fix incoming by the end of the week to fix the little bugs hopefully. I know about the bug but I wanted a black mosin and thats that I was happy with it until i died last night BOO HISS I know rocket did a twitch vid the other day might watch a bit of that they are usually entertaining but very long.
  12. from reddit by rocket and hour ago at time of writing, might be worth waiting for a few hours while the server providers sort there config out according to below Reddit The server hosters set the hive for the servers to use. The new update was quite complex, and introduced a number of new settings that server hosting providers needed to configure. There has been significant confusion with some of them, as the instructions we have sent have not always filtered down to the engineers and techs rolling up the updated servers. Hence, many of the servers have been configured to use the WRONG hive. I believe this is in progress. If you notice a server doing this, post here the name/ip of the server and we can look into it. There is no known issue with the core architecture, the only issues we have identified so far are issues with problematic configuration.
  13. law1977

    Bows, we need BOWS

    its been discussed and i know they had a model for a crossbow, i think they have plans for it to come in and I want them to, stealth attacks ftw!!
  14. law1977

    Any good Standalone YouTubers?

    also didn`t rhinocrunch go on a massive rant how he would never play standalone and it was just another warz and had a pretty shoddy war of words with rocket. Also found him to be a bit of tit on the whole, but I am sure he has his fans. I am wondering if rocket might get chance to do some vids himself I enjoyed watching them enjoying the banter and the discussion of the game with his friends.
  15. Before the game came out and rocket was recording his game and taking questions this was mentioned by one of the people on it. Rocket was like uurrr thats a good point why can`t we do that, so hopefully this will appear pretty soon it does seem logical doesn`t it. Can`t belive it would be that difficult to do but then again I know nowt about game development so i`ll shut up ;-)
  16. law1977

    Deer stands/barns

    was going to post about this but good old search button... yeah isn`t werid the barns/deer stands/that house. Were the only general places in the mod you could enter and get loot but in standalone totally empty so just thought I would bump this and hope they change it in a patch. the barn should have shotguns (when fixed), food, camping stuff maybe the odd small backpack, house should have the usually stuff in. Deer stands very rare chance of moasin (or hunting rifle when they come in), chance of ammo non military spec, food drop, hunting knife etc... Dunno about the rest of you but it does feel strange running past these places now and ignoring them lets get them back in the loot table eh dayz team, for us old schoolers!
  17. I noticed a lack of people there I have been NW air field 4 times, I used to play the mod and it was a mecca for people. Have been shot at once and was there on a 40 server full and did all the tents and cleared all building on the opposite side to the hangers with me mate looking for trouble found nobody, so killed a zombie with my mosin for a quick practice at long range. As the server population increases I think it will spread the players out a bit more as well as more loot spawns added
  18. I got a red sight attachment for my pistol found it at the north airbase, at the tents at the back, found lots of good stuff there
  19. i agree that damm can opener, found most things a few times but only ever found one can opener, haven`t excatly been hammering dayz 26 hrs of gameplay. All I can say is if I have time that is going to in my hands before I die and me screaming at the gods NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO. Happiest find thou, long range scope for the mosin bloody loverly attachment that, got a spare one in backpack for one of my mates if they want to use that weapon.
  20. law1977

    Zombies should have MUCH more HP than humans

    Whatever they are called, suffice to say they are not living. So if we go by the excellent books by max brooks, head shot ftw. Personally I would like them to be slowed down by pistol fire in chest, knocked of there feet by a magnum in chest or Mosian. Quite like the idea of buying time if you are surprised you could knock them down and then do a quick execute shot to the head. Same if you shoot there legs they just get knockdown, would be cool if limbs came of but I doubt that will happen, fingers crossed thou. But that's the future lets up the aunti on number of infected/zombies and fix clipping through walls first.
  21. law1977

    The only solution for DayZ: Simulation.

    Good post interesting ideas and suggestions nice to read a good post looking to the future of the game, here are my thoughts.. Vehicles Quality ideas like the way you have to scavenge for parts, also feel you need to have the car in a garage or at least undercover so you can work on the vehicle. Like the idea of having to clear a town of zombies and have guards on standby keeping an eye out due to the noise you make. Then you get all ya parts in a tool box and set to work fixing and maintaining your car. Construction I had an idea ages ago I belived I posted it to to have underground bunker system like the Vietcong had:- 1. Realistic in the game due to very little heavy machinery was used just back breaking toil. 2. Can grow and grow, as your party gets bigger and you get a small health bonus if you quit the game there due to being sheltered, warm etc.. 3. Cuts down on the need for things added to the map, can just be a different colour to show its fake. Then when you enter u go into an instance server away from main server. 4. Has lots of possibilities then to have pits to trap wildlife or the odd player. Picture it you are going through the fields and spot a bit of suspicious looking grass, you look closely and it says enter underground bunker. You arm your pistol with flashlight attachment and go in looking to nick peoples loot, with your trusty pistol at the read u venture into the dark, having to crawl along checking for booby traps. You reach a small room finding some of the people who made the bunker you have the drop in them and you order them to supply you with some goodies... You could have really tense encounters in these bunkers and you can add your own touches to your bunker, gun racks, ammo boxes, stored food etc..
  22. I sadly brought warz as well, but we won't go down that road.. Bit harsh here mate Xmas, New Years etc... I think like your good self everyone has had time off, even game developers have to admit I expected the game after Xmas not before. So if we are here say late February with nothing new, time to sharpen pitch forks ;) Until then happy new year to all 2014 will hopefully bring lots of dayz stuff
  23. law1977

    vehicles you want in the game

    Motor cross bikes awesome fun, might as well put all those bike helmets to proper use. Also didn't rocket say he wanted highly customable vehicles somewhere. Kind of fun getting all ya bits together as a few people fix the car the others have to defend against zombies cause of all the noise you make.
  24. law1977

    Methods of obtaining food.

    If ya read rockets sticky post u can see hunting animals is coming soon, they just need to makes sure they don't cause a major drain on the server. According to what I read think sort out zombie respawn and the loot spawns so it's engine based then move onto hunting. Growing stuff will prob come much later but yeah harvesting pumpkins and Apple trees wud be good
  25. law1977

    What's some famous last words in Dayz?

    "It's quiet, too quiet....."