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Howler in Darkness

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About Howler in Darkness

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  1. Howler in Darkness

    It's still always night, and always raining.

    The problem I have is that there is no Moon, and this has always been the problem with night play going back to Mod. Didn't I see that they were going to have the Moon always up at night at some point? I have always loved playing at night, and for a long time I enjoyed the realism of playing servers in my time zone and them seemingly in sync with the Moon and all. The Moon though makes night play accessible for all, and creates a totally different shadowplay style that is just awesome with DayZ. We need this creep factor, realism is great, but for the most part pitch black nights are just not fun to play on. I haven't played the Beta pretty much at all except a few mins sadly because of this at the moment.
  2. Howler in Darkness

    is melee combat completely ducked now

    I get hit sometimes, but usually I am fine with taking them out. Yes you have to adjust and its harder, but you can still melee just fine. Practice.
  3. Howler in Darkness

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Yeah, and setting them differently does not seem to help so far.
  4. Howler in Darkness

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/148659-does-not-matter-what-time-i-set-server-to-it-switches-to-daytime/ This is still an issue for me, do I need to set something special on the server? Patch seems fine and all except this, no night time is getting really frustrating!
  5. Howler in Darkness

    Seriously, they should've opened up a kickstarter.

    I was bummed out about the delays and no set date yet, but they keep updating DayZ mod itself, 1.8 is great! I would certainly rather them take some time on SA as they are to get it done right with less rough edges. Why do peoples complain when we are getting these great updates for DM for free while wait, quit complaining and go play. Kickstarter may not have sped up anything really, and it may be taking the same amount of time anyhow.
  6. Hooray for the obvious, thanks! :)
  7. Hello All, I rented a server from HFB Servers the other day and have gotten it setup fine, no mods and its up to 1.8 and current beta version. I can change the date and time to whatever I want and it seems to work when I first login to the server. If I set it midnight UTC its midnight, no problems. I have changed these settings alot and on initial login they seem to work perfectly. But regardless of the settings after about 5mins of play suddenly my whole screen goes full bright white cant see anything, and when it fades its daytime, literally. The time on my ingame watch will go from whatever time I have set to about 1-2pm in the afternoon. It seems to me that someone was using the server before me and had a program that after a few minutes regardless of server settings, it just switches your client time to 2pm or so. If someone else is on with me this change happens at the same time for both of us and both our watches switch to the new time. Odd thing is if I log out and log back in its suddenly set to the time I am trying to set it to and its night again, while its still daytime for my friends. Somewhere something is wrong here. I want a normal day/night cycle, set to a static day of the year with a full moon thats all, and actually its one of the main reasons I am renting this server, anyone else had this problem?> *UPDATE* Well I have found this in the HFBchernarusPrivate\arma2oaserver.RPT log: 9:09:38 "Time and date: [2013,8,3,0,0]" 9:10:35 "CLEANUP:TOTAL 190 LOOT BAGS" 9:11:33 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2012,6,6,14,45]" 9:11:35 "CLEANUP:TOTAL 190 LOOT BAGS" 9:11:42 "DEBUG FPS : 50.4732" 9:12:35 "CLEANUP:TOTAL 194 LOOT BAGS" 9:13:35 "CLEANUP:TOTAL 194 LOOT BAGS" 9:14:35 "CLEANUP:TOTAL 239 LOOT BAGS" 9:14:35 "CLEANUP: DELETED 11 LOOT BAGS" 9:14:43 "DEBUG FPS : 50" 9:15:35 "CLEANUP:TOTAL 228 LOOT BAGS" 9:16:33 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2012,6,6,14,50]" 9:16:35 "CLEANUP:TOTAL 228 LOOT BAGS" 9:17:35 "CLEANUP:TOTAL 282 LOOT BAGS" 9:17:44 "DEBUG FPS : 50" 9:18:35 "CLEANUP:TOTAL 288 LOOT BAGS" 9:19:35 "CLEANUP:TOTAL 333 LOOT BAGS" 9:20:35 "CLEANUP:TOTAL 333 LOOT BAGS" 9:20:45 "DEBUG FPS : 49.6894" 9:21:33 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2012,6,6,14,55]" 9:21:35 "CLEANUP:TOTAL 332 LOOT BAGS" 9:22:35 "CLEANUP:TOTAL 333 LOOT BAGS" 9:23:36 "CLEANUP:TOTAL 333 LOOT BAGS" 9:23:46 "DEBUG FPS : 49.5356" 9:24:36 "CLEANUP:TOTAL 333 LOOT BAGS" 9:25:36 "CLEANUP:TOTAL 333 LOOT BAGS" 9:26:34 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2012,6,6,14,0]" You Can see when I first login the day is set to 8-3-13, but a few minute later it does a time sync, and continues to do time syncs. The config file for time has been set every which way, and currently set all to static day and time and still, this happens. How do I stop this syncing?\ This is a private hive so should not sync to local like a Public?
  8. Howler in Darkness

    Steam just updated 1.7.7

    I tried a few 1.7.7 servers, but I just end up in a barren landscape, no trees/buildings or nothing. Not sure if its me or them, will just wait a bit and see heh.
  9. Howler in Darkness

    Steam just updated 1.7.7

    Yeah I been using DZC, Need to turn off auto updates for it on my Steam I suppose Ha :)
  10. Howler in Darkness

    Steam just updated 1.7.7

    Thats why I thought it was odd, figured we would be last, I guess getting it out of the way now hopefully tomorrow all good!
  11. Howler in Darkness

    Steam just updated 1.7.7

    How odd, anyone else? and OH HAI !!!! (new poster)