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Everything posted by TheWizard14

  1. TheWizard14

    They nerfed characters.

    edgy dayz at it again.
  2. So basically after base building gets implemented and has it's nooks and crannies all fixed and figured out (which will probably be a while from now), this is an idea that I had that should encourage people to base build so that death matching after getting fully geared isn't the objective: Randomly every hour or every few hours there should be this random call sign or distant roars (can change) that will indicate the player that a huge massive horde of zombies is going to come. The zombies will basically swarm the military places and the major cities, so that people aren't constantly out there. This will either A. Force the players to flee the cities or military bases into the forest or B. You can start to construct barricades and walls to protect yourself if you are in said area. Now this is just an idea that I had and I haven't really thought it out. One flaw that I can think of is people just server hoping if they hear a horde coming so that they don't have to deal with it and I'm sure there are many more.
  3. TheWizard14

    POLL: What if DayZ was made by a different company?

    I'm thinking something with Bohemia Interactive + Tripwire Interactive + (maybe) Bioware it would go along well.
  4. Do you think the Long Range Scope will be removed as a functioning scope on the rifle once a real more-modern rifle that actually uses it gets implemented to the game? Personally the way I see it is that the only reason the LRS is on the mosin is for testing purposes until another rifle comes out that uses it. Hopefully once another "sniper" gun comes out that uses it, the scope will no longer be used on the mosin. 1. It looks stupid and ugly on the mosin. 2. It's unrealistic on the Mosin and the scope just completely just took a shit on where the bolt lever is located.
  5. Well I don't really like the "tacticool" feeling of it, and I like the more traditional scope.
  6. TheWizard14

    What new Rifles would you guys like to see?

    SVT, PPSH, PKM, and SV 98
  7. TheWizard14

    I created a game to play with DayZ

    not sure if idiots on here or just trolling. PU scope is the original scope made for it. famous in ww2 IRL too.
  8. TheWizard14

    I created a game to play with DayZ

    It's a fucking game, jesus christ.
  9. TheWizard14

    Light fire to clothes.

    Good idea. This would bring much better scenarios in the game, even in terms of suicide.
  10. TheWizard14

    Where are the birds ?

    Their bird like senses sensed something strange amiss was happening to the world below and went north in an effort to block the disease by going into cold areas.
  11. On the same first person server there were only about 15/40 in the server, yet in Elektro I swear there were at least 2 people gunning down zombies or having a fire fight. Then I ran all the way to Balota and someone was guarding a heli crash there who started shooting at me when I tried to loot it. Just happy that people aren't just staying on the eastern side all the time.
  12. TheWizard14

    Isn't item permanence counterintuitive to permadeath?

    In the DayZ mod I was apart of a clan that essentially "white listed" AKA only allowed clan members in the server and was also connected to the public hive. If you weren't part of the clan, it kicked you. In the clan server we were performing mass duping, and spawn farming the heli crashes and barracks which is shameful when I look back on it. Hopefully whitelisting doesn't become a feature/thing later on in the StandAlone because I don't want the same turmoil to happen.
  13. so i got wrecked at nwaf by some KOSers and I lost my mosin... my sweet Betty. Anyway I went to elektro after I died and I started getting hit by invisible zombies? wtf is this major dysnch/lag on the server?
  14. TheWizard14

    One M4 giveaway

  15. TheWizard14

    Every time I log on Im a Bambie

    maybe they want to make mosins and guns more rarer so that people don't death match as soon as they find one.
  16. TheWizard14

    Are you ducking hitting me?

    I am at the top of NWAF, and I see smoke. It's a heli crash. I run and check around to see if anyone is there. Coast is clear. Making my way towards the heli crash... NO MESSAGE RECEIVED ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.
  17. TheWizard14


    >Became a bambi So you became a baby deer and saw a goat? Wild animal saw wild animal. Cool story.
  18. TheWizard14

    Mosin burlap wrap with grass

    Still waiting for that dumbass LRS to be removed from functioning on the mosin.
  19. Yep, these good ol' babies so we don't have to go find water for the next 6 hours, and we can just sit in the trees like a happy survivor, then refill in the next faucet. #lazy >:^)
  20. TheWizard14

    We need some camelpaks for our lazy survivors

    actually I prefer going up close because I have this bad feeling that ticks in my mind when I take long range shots, but I do seem to do well with a pu mosin.
  21. TheWizard14

    Just started watching a stream (not advertising)

    That's honestly the most pathetic thing I've seen. "Well if you ever PVP as much as me in Berezino, you'd be duping as well" well first off whoever that dip shit streamer was, you shouldn't even be in "berezino pvping as much as yourself" because if you didn't dupe the shit out of your gear, you would actually start playing the game, exploring new places, meeting people. But no, you choose to make DayZ fucking Call of Duty: Battle of Berezino so you dont play the game it is intended to. Play COD if you want to "pvp as much as you do". /end rant
  22. TheWizard14

    Dear hackers, please stop

    Dear cheaters/haxxers, Please stop using cheats in the game, it doesn't make it fun for anyone and only gives you a false sense of self-esteem. Sincerely, ~ Players I think maybe if we kindly ask them to stop in a kind, civil and formal way, they would listen to us. After all, our attempts at getting them to stop by spewing hateful messages and taunts at them doesn't seem to work.
  23. TheWizard14

    Circle of zombies

    It's an ancient ritual used by the very first infected which were eradicated in the stone age. It summons the bigger zombie...