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About TheWizard14

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    The Forest
  1. TheWizard14

    Real Life Skills You've Learned from DayZ

    I learned how to be a massive dick.
  2. I spawned in to the usual area: the "Three Valleys". I immediately went looting house to house, but I didn't find much. As I traveled inland up the hills, I came across that construction site/garage thing. What I found there was actually pretty good. I got a stick-weapon thing, some ammo, found a PSO-1 scope, and a vest to carry items. BUT THEN A BITCH GRANDPA ZOMBIE COMES AND FUCKS ME UP WHICH ENDS UP KILLING ME. I swear to god, these zombies are so unfair right now. They can bitch slap you 6 times in one second while you have to struggle to even get one hit on them in that same time slot. Anyway, I spawned at three valleys again, and came back to the place I died. This time I grabbed whatever I needed and ran out of there totally ignoring any zombie contact (by now my old body despawned). I continued to follow the general pathway up to NWAF while looting houses and police stations. I could not find a single weapon or backpack on the way. Luckily I found a bag of rice and I managed to survive off of that the entire trip north west. I had to continually stuff myself full of water every time I found a well to ensure I didn't die. Eventually I made it to the North Western airfield where I looted the place. I found a CR527 and .357 Magnum at the military tents which I could finally use my ammo with that I had collected. After that I ran down to the Vybor military base finding nothing but a AK stock. The static helicrash behind the hill contained a backpack though. At the end of the day I had a pretty good survivor.
  3. TheWizard14

    What are U doing? 0.55?

  4. TheWizard14

    Private Shard Chacter Reset

  5. I'm guessing you would smash the can over and over until beans start spilling out of the sides.
  6. TheWizard14

    How to run as admin?

    Is your *computer user account* an admin? If not, set it to that and it should allow you to have access.
  7. TheWizard14

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Please do not become one of your counter part peers who are also 13 that run around on DayZ blasting their squeaker voices out on the mic killing people. If you don't become one of them, much respect will be gained for you... but good luck finding a computer that can run DayZ under 500$ :)
  8. TheWizard14

    Scopes for AUG and Winchester model 70

    Did they say next patch .53? If so then that's awesome.
  9. TheWizard14

    Scopes for AUG and Winchester model 70

    Who said there would be new scopes?
  10. not my video i just found it to be hilarious
  11. I haven't visited the bunkers until .52 patch and I'm a bit scared to venture down in any of the bunkers because I saw videos of people getting trapped down there. The barracks and jail house were pretty cool because nobody looted them as they are one of the non mainstream looting routes. I also visited the closed down mine shafts and was a bit disappointing you couldn't go inside the caves anymore. (maybe they are redoing it? who knows). Anyway, just wondering if it's safe to go into a bunker without having to shoot yourself.
  12. TheWizard14

    This is a fake...right?

    Sadly it's just a man in the crouch position photo shopped into the air with a skateboard photo shopped under it. I would piss myself if it was real though.