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Quiet One

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Everything posted by Quiet One

  1. I just read the (read before posting) thread and I see this has been suggested. facepalm....
  2. I am new to these forums so I'm not sure if this has been suggested. How about instead of there only being three different types of characters (survivor,hero,and bandit) we add a fourth. (Survivalist) Instead of basing this character on your interactions with other players its solely based on how long you survive. Its hard to get and easy to lose and the perks would only be pve. You can go longer without food and drink, get more hp from food, more resistant to infection and so on
  3. Quiet One

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Input. (bicycle, empty backpack , some times duct tape) Output. (bicycle with storage capacity) Tools various. (either tool box, sewing kit, or duct tape in inventory) Fail chance 0-1. (with duct tape version having a chance to drop items.) Enhancement= storage capacity on a bicycle. Action type= extra storage.