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tilt (DayZ)

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About tilt (DayZ)

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  1. About half the churches in game are open. If you look at them and see the main spire and two smaller ones on the front you can go in it. The ones with only the 1 small spire or the ones painted yellow you can't go in.
  2. Pogo as in Pogorevka? That ones always been open.
  3. tilt (DayZ)

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Get rid of it, it could be fun, but isn't as it stands.
  4. tilt (DayZ)

    Maps are weird...

    Can you post a screenshot of what it looks like? Other players can make map markers and change their colors, so that might be it.
  5. Great that it still works for you. For a vast majority it doesn't anymore. All it does is make the sky brighter and has no effect on anything else.
  6. tilt (DayZ)

    Camo Removed

    It's glitched out. Your progress doesn't save if you have it on, hence the removal for now.
  7. tilt (DayZ)

    Tip for avoiding hackers.

    I was once killed by an American hacker. Ban them, all. Seriously... can we ban them.
  8. tilt (DayZ)

    Who needs Helicrash

  9. tilt (DayZ)

    Endless Z spawing...

    I've had a friend with an MP5 SD do the same at other dear stands and watched them re-spawn instantly. Currently the game will sometimes screw up spawns. Not a huge deal 99% of the time, but it can screw people up.
  10. tilt (DayZ)

    Endless Z spawing...

    I've sat at a dear stand killing zombies for a GPS or ammo before. So far my record is 24 zombies in a couple minutes. Sometimes they do spawn instantly on death.
  11. tilt (DayZ)

    Heli Crash Sites NUMUROUS

    I went about 80 hours of game play without seeing a single one. Then about 4-5 nights ago me and a friend were running around and saw a fire in the distance, we go up to it and its a chopper. Over the next 2 days we found 5 on one server. Luck plays a HUGE part in these. The best part is that my friend was screwing around and got killed with his brand new Bizon SD with 3 clips. The next spawn? He finds a dead player within 10 minutes of starting and gets another Bizon SD with 4 clips. We'd never seen one of the Heli guns before, and now we see dead players near the beach with them! So maybe the spawn rate went up with no patch note?
  12. I wouldn't mind swapping to a new server except that I play on hardcore servers, no 3rd person or crosshairs. Finding one of those off sync with a good ping sucks late at night. You're still doing that? Must be playing on an un-updated server. They removed the benefits of doing this a while ago.