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Everything posted by Scarlet_Blade

  1. Scarlet_Blade

    Bear trap tomfoolery

    Would be 10x better if you would of been able to record him falling on it. lololol
  2. Scarlet_Blade

    Fire fight at Stary Sobor (1080p!)

    Pretty cool, didn't know you could place tents inside of those barns. :s
  3. Scarlet_Blade

    Shot through a building!!!

    AS 50 bullets can go through some walls, I know you can shoot through barn walls, but not through the firehouse walls, not sure about any other buildings though.
  4. Scarlet_Blade

    You meet some weird people in DayZ!

    That was awesome lol
  5. Currently on a 37 day old character, had more close calls than I would have liked. During engagements I worry more about my characters life than the gear I have on me. I have hopes to one day reach 55 days or higher. :P
  6. Their are some servers that are on different time zones than you, find a server which is mostly daylight when you are playing.
  7. Scarlet_Blade

    Tips on how to pitch tent?

    Is their a source, is this a bug with or what. And is it the same with vehicles? I've had stuff in tents go missing, along with vehicles. I highly doubt people took everything in the tent because some of it was junk trololol.
  8. Shoulda made him drop his weapon, best way to handle these types of situations. I would of shot him too in your scenario.
  9. Precisely what I was going to say. haha.
  10. Scarlet_Blade

    Clothing, Apparel

    Realism? Realism is when the Russians destroy every single fucking zombie and end the pandemic. Russians are badasses and don't take shit from NOBODY
  11. Scarlet_Blade

    Tent inventory space

    How much stuff can a tent hold? Past experience i've been able to put 10 guns, etc in it. The wiki says 10 guns, 50 general, 5 backpacks, is this correct? I can only fit 2 guns, 1 backpack, and about 20-ish general items in before stuff starts to fall out. :\
  12. Scarlet_Blade

    Logging in Losing Items

    Possible, but he could have the same bug as me... I'm the same way, except i'm stuck with gear that I had previously. I can play, logout somewhere with new items, but when I connect to another server or log back into the same server I have the items that I originally had and not the ones i've just picked up. From what I gathered, (Not sure if any of this is true) but, it's due to your character being corrupted. and it's actually happening to quite a few people if you dig through the forums. Also, I am playing on servers connected to the hive, he probably is as well.
  13. Scarlet_Blade

    Pending Update: Build

    Do you think you'll have the character corrupted save bug or whatever fixed in this patch? (Ie, you always login with the same gear your character got corrupted with, unable to get new stuff because the old stuff is always spawning back in your backpack/inventory)
  14. Scarlet_Blade

    Inventory not saving

    Pretty weird bug, rather annoying. If any of you know of a fix, please tell me. <_< Basically, I am stuck with my inventory. I can drop/pickup items, but if I log out/disconnect, I have the same items that I started with. I thought this was a problem with 95054, but I updated my arma 2 beta files to 95208, and also reinstalled the DayZ mod itself, but it's still not saving my up to date inventory. And yes, I am playing on servers connected to the hive.
  15. Scarlet_Blade

    Cherno's Finest [Bandit Clan- CA 16] Still recruiting!!

    DayZ Name : Shame How long have you been playing DayZ : Mid may What is your time of area : [Pacific, eastern, etc] Est Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : [Yes/no] I'll try my best. What is your primary weapon of choice : [sniper, Machine gunner, Support, etc] Assault rifles Skype name : [Name goes here] leafycactus
  16. Scarlet_Blade

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    Takes alot to come out and admit your mistakes, don't listen to 99% of the forum trolls. I've felt the urge to do what you've done, alot of people probably have, luckily I didn't act on it. Best thing you can do is discourage others from doing it.
  17. Scarlet_Blade

    Why do guys play as girl characters?

    Usually if I run with a group, and we're starting over we tend to go female, especially on veteran servers. Less people play females, so less of a chance of accidentally friendly firing in a hazardous situation
  18. Scarlet_Blade

    Inventory not saving

    Hmmmm, interesting. I suppose i'll attempt to wait it out while browsing these forums/reddit for a fix. Thanks ye kind sir, you've been extremely helpful. :D
  19. Scarlet_Blade

    Inventory not saving

    Interesting, also - if you wouldn't mind source? And do you know a fix for it? I'm fairly well geared...
  20. Scarlet_Blade

    Inventory not saving

    I was wearing a ghillie suit prior to 1.7.2, (I didn't play for like 2 weeks) and when I came back, I was wearing civvie clothes.
  21. Scarlet_Blade

    Right in the Nutz!

    Lolololol awesome, defendin' his house from zombies and survivors alike. My first instinct was for you to throw a frag gernade in there :\
  22. Scarlet_Blade

    Need a Sniper

    Eh... I've seen some people who are rather beast with the Einfield, epic trollin and hilarity when they snipe people.
  23. Scarlet_Blade

    Need a Sniper

    NO EINFIELD SNIPERS? Einfield snipers are as dope as they come
  24. Scarlet_Blade

    Insane shot I made :)

    Lolol, I like how you made the shot with the Einfield, then your friend with an AS50 pops onto the screen.
  25. Scarlet_Blade

    To NWO from CQF

    My point in that sentence is that no one is perfect, yes NwO members have probably killed people on sight before, but to claim CQF hasn't done anything bad seems to be a person who needs to take a step back and really look at their clan, any medium sized to large clan leader who claims that should.