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Everything posted by FreedomTea

  1. FreedomTea

    Shotgun bullets must be same (12 gauge).

    This does not represent the realism this game stands for.
  2. Grand, thanks for the help. In addition, can zombies break your car? Our bus spontaniously killed everyone inside after zombies slapped it, but im confused if that was because of the zombies or that we were running with a red engine. What does red engine actually do? They all seem to work with it, although a little engine symbol pops up now and again.
  3. FreedomTea

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Zombies already eat dead player corpses, i assume what it means is that there will be a wider radius around the corpse that attracts them
  4. FreedomTea

    What happens when you die ingame?

    I think the attitude this player has presented has made it quite clear this style of game is not suited for him, try call of duty.
  5. FreedomTea

    Buddy committed suicide.

    yeah and who fires off that much ammo into a dead body? Glock ammo is rare as fuck
  6. FreedomTea

    Server Blacklisted: UK11

    Justice has been done hopefully the tears will fuel further development
  7. FreedomTea

    Name indicator

    Nope.jpg BUT The new personilised skins coming in 1.5.8 (hopefully today) will mean you can tell who is who amongst your friends without ruining the realism with a digital name tag above heads. I always found it annoying when my two buddies had the same skin and a winchester/revolver combo - couldn't tell who was who at all. The skins will solve both our problems my friend.
  8. FreedomTea

    DayZ Memes

    To Dearest Rocket
  9. FreedomTea

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

  10. FreedomTea

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Can we start calling them "clothes" to fit the mod, rather than "skins", its taking away from the realism.
  11. FreedomTea

    Multiple Characters

    I am AGAINST this idea. Everyone will have x1 survivor character and x1 bandit character. Its terrible, players wont have to make a choice on their playstile - they will just have both.
  12. FreedomTea

    Professional Zombie Extermination

    That guy actually sucks, what the hell is he used to regular servers with crosshairs? If he aimed - one headshot per each zombie coming up he would have survived. Really bad form there.
  13. FreedomTea

    Average Life Expectancy

    Add 4 hours onto it, after the website got upgraded it glitched that out.
  14. FreedomTea

    To Evan from PC Gamer

    Really? I remember the days of PC gaming for the first time, we'd start an xbox live party and put on headsets UNDERNEATH pc headphones - god was it a nightmare. Not to mention the extra ping, Xbox live hoards bandwidth. Become a true pc gamer and get a free program like teamspeak. I managed to set up a server in 10 mins without reading the manual and with no prior experience.
  15. The bottom line is, it works for games like minecraft - but DayZ is revolutionary and it cant be compared to other games. I think the general consensus here is that having a "GUID" /whitelist would be detremental to the mod.
  16. FreedomTea

    Decisions Decisions...

    This shouldn't be in troubleshooting
  17. FreedomTea

    Well. that sucked.

    Yes, yes it does - and logging in combat is a breach of the rules, i'm wondering if it applies to you.
  18. FreedomTea

    That's it. I'm going bandit.

    Or instead of being a rabid bastard, you could just not team up with people.
  19. FreedomTea

    Jerry can re filling location

    There are three types of places where you can refuel your jerry can: -Very long white cylinders with green stripes across, ussualy in pairs of two and found next to gas stations in fenced compounds -Very Very Very rusty massive tanks near farms, it's literally fully brown -Stubby half rusted white tanks located around farms, factories and power stations etc. What you CANT use: -Fuel pumps -Small propane tanks next to houses, they are pure white with no rust on. I would like to have included pictures but it would take a lot of travel to get one of each type. Filling the jerrycan is like everything in arma, a lot of hard mouse and footwork - you will need to slide yourself up and down the tank before the option pops up.
  20. FreedomTea

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    "For some reason you can't get in" You must be new here
  21. FreedomTea


    Theres already fireplaces you can light with matches, and oil barrels you can set on fire. All it would need to do is use the same fire graphic for those and just add damage - very possible.
  22. FreedomTea

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    I only play on servers where the admins refuse to kick to enter, they are gentlemen.