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Kalle Karhu

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About Kalle Karhu

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Interests
    Helping survivors and causing pain to bandits.
  1. Kalle Karhu

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Dayz Standalone INGAME screenshots!!! http://imgur.com/a/eR8jt#0
  2. Kalle Karhu

    DayZ Screenshots!

    1 more.
  3. Kalle Karhu

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Worst vehicle hideout EVER. (Ty for the easy stuff) Abit later More vehicles? :o
  4. Bumb because i want moar opinions and suggestions!
  5. Was driving our ATV with friend on the back. Hit invisible wall and the ATV exploded killing both of us... But it happens its still beta.
  6. If you have used several hours to fix a car i'm pretty sure you don't need us to fix it for you. :)
  7. Shamelessly bumping from 2nd page.
  8. So, we started discussing if we should start a Medevac and/or Garage service since we tend to play tiny bit more friendly than most players. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medevac -would be on single server (atleast untill we can manage to get vehicles working on multiple servers). And would work something like this. -You call us for help. -We come to help and will get you to ride(Vehicles fuck yeah!) with us to safer zones if needed. There we will heal you to max with bandages, blood packs and whatever is needed. -Give you enough medical supplies/food and drink so you can manage -Wish you safe travels -Disappear ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Car garage -You call us for help with the vehicle you have just found or broken down -We will drive our maintenance "truck" to your location on our server and take the supplies needed to fix your vehicle with us to YOUR server -Fix and fill up the vehicle (Full gas tank and all that) -Wish you safe travels -Disappear ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bus service -Single server(atleast at the start) -We will be driving a BUS between Kamenka - Berezino - ??? -Possibly provide ride from anywhere to anywhere -Answer your calls for ride ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What we ask for this? -Nothing, but donations will not be turned down. -That you don't shoot us, we don't want to give our snipers the go ahead on putting a 50cal hole in your head. (And trust me, they see everything and don't miss.) WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? -Because we can -Because we are bored of simply sniping bandits with our superior gear -We want to make the world(Chernarus in this case) a better place for everyone -We want to help YOU But now we need your input if we should start these services and possibly MUCH MORE!!!!!
  9. Kalle Karhu

    Slower zombies, increased numbers.....

    If the zombies were walking i would just run around ignoring ALL of them since they would just lose track of me after 1 corner... In my opinion the zombies should be faster than us/just as fast as us but they would not get winded after running long periods(players should be forced to walk after running for certain amount)
  10. Kalle Karhu

    Have you seen these people?

    Aren't they able to loot ammo out of you even if they cant touch the weapon untill you are dead?
  11. Kalle Karhu

    DayZ Stories

    When i first started playing DayZ. My 5th or so life, i was on top of a building next to a road that i suspect went through the whole city (cherno or eletkro not sure). I started hearing someone singing born to be wild and laughing like a maniac on the direct communication with his mic. Next i heard the sound of some motor vehicle. NEXT i saw the singing dude driving a BUS through the city still singing and laughing his ass off while being chased by what must have been atleast 150 zeds. Never laughed so much to a game in my life!
  12. Kalle Karhu

    More Zombies, Less Bandits!

  13. Kalle Karhu

    Roaming zombie hordes.

    Could also make it so that EVERYTIME a survivor/bandit gets killed a zombie is added to a roaming horde. Also the horde would make so much noise that you would shit your pants if you were inside a building and they walked past it.
  14. Kalle Karhu

    Spawning without a gun is ridiculous.

    I am having trouble thinking what kinda monkeys there are playing this game? Or are you guys just new players who can't think of anything else than "Hurr durr ima run around till i find 50cal sniper".. I have died 0 times to zombies and once to bandit before i could find a weapon. Sure it takes 5-10mins longer to be able to defend yourself. But jesus christ if you have no melee or ranged weapon you DO NOT run around shouting "im here shoot me im noob". Next time you spawn and think of coming to forums to QQ how you cant defend yourself, think it this way. "Do i really even want to shoot a gun if i can just sneak past all of these zeds?" Sure its awesome to be able to defend yourself but when i'm alone i i don't always even start to shoot zombies if i aggro them.. ZOMBIES ARE EASY TO GET RID OF. Here is a pic of what can/will happen if you want to shoot one(1) zombie. [attachment=1359]