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About Alesia

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Skype
    Alesia Overdrive

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Portland, OR
  • Interests
    Bathing in the tears of children... And also Unicorns. I like Chocolate milk but normal milk tastes utterly disgusting. I also enjoy long walks on the beach with strangers and cats. If you have candy I will be your bestest friend. That is all ~
  1. Alesia

    Crafting, why not building?

    I actually don't like the idea of barricades. One, zombies arnt really too big of an issue. The main issue is other players and the idea of staying missionary and holding base makes me feel like a giant bullseye. I like the free open roaming of the game and how open everything is.
  2. I hide bodies because they still buzz.... so people run around still looking for the corpse and then they never find it..... BUWAHAHA >.>
  3. Alesia

    I'm new and need tips

    Currently I have my perfect set up for traveling: Matches | Axe | Water Bottle 2x | Empty can | Map | Binoculars | GPS | Compass | Antibiotics 2x | Lots of cooked meat and a few other shiny trinkets. Took a while to gather it all but it really does make a difference. That and I travel with a partner so it makes it a bit easier. Generally, Trust no one
  4. Alesia

    Standalone and Xbox

    As much as I would love to have my zombies on a console, I enjoy the fact that its not. Being on the CPU it has more of an ability to grow. Consoles tend to limit growth when it comes to "Smaller" games (Yes that is used loosly. Its just a compairison). Theres a lot less content for games on the xbox like Dayz then say on someplace like Steam. And im not saying this because im "Pro pc gaming" I actually am an avid Console gamer. Id just rather see my favorite game stick to its roots and have more of a chance to grow rather than the ability to crash and burn.
  5. Alesia

    Hi everyone!! New and excited!

    Its super easy to pick up! For me I tend to "Think realistically" as in, if I was in the actual situation. The Axe is your best friend in my opinion. Guns draw in zombies and ammo can be few and far between. I actually tend to keep my gun put away and bring it out when there are others around. Most players will shoot first and ask no questions later lol. Food can either be canned goods, MRE's, and I think nuts (those are the ones Ive found atleast) or fresh meat by killing chickens, sheep, cows ext. Then you have to find matches to cook it and fire wood. Matches are the tricky part. Wood can be harvested by any tree in the woods basically :3 Enjoy! Have fun!
  6. Alesia

    What are beans in DAY-Z?

    At least they didn't ask about sardines....
  7. GL in your hunt for members to play with :) I currently play with someone who lives locally. The maps pretty big so sometimes it takes most the night to meet up but I prefer actually playing and working together with another person. I feel like it adds more depth to the game. Hope you can find someone who doesn't shoot on site lol