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About Traxilla

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Traxilla


    Why hello there! I am a guy at the age of 18 from Denmark. I am a really talkative, positive, nice and friendly person! For long now i have been playing DayZ by myself after my team went about their own ways! I would love to join in and play with you guys!. I'm looking for a "kind of" Small team to joke about, have fun with, but also play seriously in the times of need :D. I don't want to write a whole synopsis of myself, as i believe you'd be able to know me better just by talking with me. DayZ experience: I have played DayZ since the mod wasn't that popular, and i think of myself as a fairly skilled player, in tactics aswell as in shooting and hitting those targets! "YEAH!". I know how to fly a heli really well, aswell as planes + landing in weird places. I can act as any role, being spotter, sniper or basic infantry. I also know how to rangefind via the mildots on scopes. Leave me a message! Or add me on skype "Daldo1337" Ps. don't worry about the skype name, that was from my "Immature" Period, but i decided to just keep it HOOOAH! - Traxilla