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About FredGavioes

  • Rank
  1. FredGavioes

    Finding Nemo - Looking for someone?

    [GB] Rush... srry for killin u.. me n my bro were in that barrack in Balota... It was my first pvp kill... didnt feel good doin it.. Tonight I drink in ur honor
  2. FredGavioes

    The Gray Area

    he died, got shot... wanted to die.... what a ending... need to make a video about it!
  3. FredGavioes

    Finding Nemo - Looking for someone?

    afrozuno , one day I wil find u and kill you, you dirty loser.... me n my bro spared his life, gave gun, and as soon as my brother disconnected, he killed me.... one day i will find u
  4. FredGavioes

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    anyone near Rogovo?? bleedin out bad!!
  5. Dr Wasteland, you really deserved man!! Thank you do much for adding a new layer of positivism in this crazy world!!
  6. FredGavioes

    The Gray Area

    Nice entry, may you live 4ever!!
  7. FredGavioes

    The Gray Area

    that was awesome. it is what i read before goin to bed. gl keep fighting the good fight
  8. FredGavioes

    Looking for 2 or more people...

    played with them for 6 hours!!!! at some point we were 6 guys togetha!! all good guys., tomorrow will do some more!! really enjoyed playing dayz like that
  9. FredGavioes

    Looking for 2 or more people...

    added u!!!
  10. FredGavioes

    Small group looking for more US/EU

    all right man, will do that now =D
  11. FredGavioes

    NCR | The New Chernarus Republic [7-29-2012]

    Name: FredGavioesBR Steam USERname: FredGavioes Experience with DayZ: 1 week, still need to improve, but i pick up things fast Are you willing to work in a team: Hell YES!! Are you comfortable with the controls: Yes, got everything! Do you have a mic: Yes Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Yes YES yes What other clans have you been in: None Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable): Want to join a group, tired of getting shot by bandits and no trusting anyone!
  12. FredGavioes

    The Gray Area

    excellent read!!!!!! You should write a book, RIP TOM
  13. FredGavioes


    i want in on it too, lemme no where!!
  14. me too, let's see what happens =D