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About Assassinatrix

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Assassinatrix


    I played amnesia before i began DayZ and might i say Amnesia is absolute pant shitting scary. DayZ has a more realistic feel to it and I actually felt like i was there in the thick of it. I only started playing 3 days ago but i have never had so much fun
  2. Assassinatrix

    Introduce yourselves

    Assassinatrix here. I'm new but I'm good at finding supplies that are needed. I'm a solitary guy who rarely gets found by other human contact just zombies. I can be good team player and sniper but If I can find a good vantage point ill wait there and let all the others charge through while i lay down covering fire. You'll recognize me as the bush with a DMR and bullet ready to say hi to you if something stupid happens ( like you start running towards me ). But i love the mod and am friendly to those who are nice and good team players. I can be found on OZ servers and i use the real Aussie language ( True blue, Fair dinkum, etc) So come find me ill be waiting.