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About Slangy

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    On the Coast
  1. thanks for the answers. @overdosed : yeah but other games have the same "setting" and they run smooth without desync and so on. All zombie survival shooter run n1 and smooth like infestation (if u call that survival but u get my point eh ?). And why the heck is the upload that large (for my connection). Its only the movement that causes huge upload for me and what does dayz SA have in terms of movement that e.g. Infestation does not have ? @beardedcap: i dont have a data limit :P its just that slow ^^ its the normal 1mbit connection and i cant get faster internet here :(. Thanks for the other part of the post but as i said earlier. Why the the upload so high compared to other survival shooter mmo's like nether, infestation and what so ever. i literally NEVER had a game that capped my upload and i played alot of games.
  2. as in the topic asked i rly want to know this. I couldnt play dayz mod because it uploaded too much data for my poor internet and i cant get better internet where i live. So i heard about the mmo architecture and got rly excited for the SA. I started playing the SA on day one and i recocnized that the upload from day SA is nearly as "high" as the upload from the mod (about 5-10 kb/s while moving and about 3 when not moving)(My Internet : DSL 1000 with 124kb/s download). That tells me that my movement is still uploaded to the server. So i also play mmorpg's like gw2 and the upload there is by far lower then it is in dayZ. I rly want to know if the player movement is going to be server sided so that i dont have to upload my movement ingame or does it stay like this ? Rocket mentioned that some tools are disabled for a smoother alpha launch and i wonder if the movement thingy is one of those things.
  3. hello there, i want to buy arma 3 to play the dayz mod. I had a few problems with arma 2 dayz because my bandwidth is realy bad. I have like 1k bandwidth which means i got a download of 120kb/s and a horrible upload witch like 10kb/s. I got Problems in arma2 dayz and it capped my upload = realy bad ping. Now my Question : Can i play arma 3 dayz or has it the same upload as arma 2 dayz ? Would be awesome if someone can take a look at his/her upload while playing arma3 dayz. Have a nice day and thank you guys :)