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Everything posted by Raven1197

  1. Raven1197

    Ghillie dude at stary....

    I do agree with you that there are many aholes that do that, I luckily have ran into only 1 that was doing that, and he was quickly disposed of by a hero player on that server, using an M107. I dont agree that a sniper is cowardly. If using range to your advantage is cowardly then is hiding behind a wall or a tree cowardly as well? Is it cowardly to use shadows to stay hidden and strike when appropriate? What makes range different from any other tactic? Is it cowardly to use smoke grenades? Is it cowardly to use an m16 with an Acog to hit enemies from 100 meters away?
  2. Raven1197

    Ghillie dude at stary....

    Rule of a sniper, never fire from the same place twice. NEVER. Once a round is fired, you move. You can tell a threat by how they act, if they are hostile toward other players, and by behavior. Not to mention Snipers usually have a friend in the town they are overlooking so hostility or friendly is quickly established.
  3. Raven1197

    Ghillie dude at stary....

    You cant make the same adjustments as someone that is 5 meters away and someone that is 500 meters away. Too many variables. Yes removing yourself from the proximity of the kill is not cowardly its safe. Two people shooting at eachother from 5 meters away both are pretty screwed, but someone dropping well placed rounds from 500 meters away is safe. So its cowardly to be smart and safe? Thats the same logic used in the revolutionary war- So i guess we should all stand 100 feet apart and take turns shooting eachother because thats not cowardly? While you are 'brave' shooting eachother from 5 feet apart, ill be behind the tree 200 meters away laughing while you both bleed to death becuase I was able to make the decision to stay away, which you cant do when you are 5 feet away.
  4. Raven1197

    Ghillie dude at stary....

    Not the choice for cowards, a sniper is the choice for someone who is selective with their decisions and knows that having a plan and properly scouting means the difference between life and deat, and prefers to make sure that if things go wrong, they have the ability to get away or adjust plans quickly. If you are 5 feet from your enemy thats shooting at you there isnt much room to make adjustments, but if you are sitting a few hundred meters out and see an enemy, you can adjust plans as needed.
  5. Raven1197

    Ghillie dude at stary....

    Xeezy i know, since i am a solo player, anybody with an ally will easily win any encounter or atleast break even with a 1-1 kill. Its happened once before. But now i keep emergency smokes and frags on me at all times, so if i go down, im taking everybody with me, or atleast gonna make the trade off worse for the enemy.
  6. Raven1197

    Ghillie dude at stary....

    I would have hid, and called out and with a clever selection of questions i would find out who he is. Or i would just ask to have the ghillie removed or be exectued. Thats how it goes. I even give bandits a chance, but if they dont follow my orders exactly I kill on the spot. I was help up alone in the radio tower, i told him to leave his guns on the dead body in the hanger across the tower and ill let him in and i had food, water and a fire. He refused, I put numerous rounds into his chest and watched him bleed to death while running away. Basically if you are trustworthy enough to put a weapon down then it shouldnt be an issue.....but if you dont put it down well then ill put you down. I even put down an M4SD for a guy so i could get food from him, we traded and parted ways. simple as that
  7. Raven1197

    how to apply bandit and hero skins

    Speaking of bandits. Does your humanity go down for killing one? Im not a bandit at all but i had to kill one in defense and i dont want to get the bandit skin. I actually spent a full magazine of m16 saving people from the horde, i would heal people but so far the ones i keep finding are bandits. :/
  8. Raven1197


    I didn't get scared from amnesia. Seemed to annoy me more than anything. FEAR scared the heck out of me. Couldn't sleep without tripping on Alma dreams or waking up thinking my computer chair was her lol
  9. Raven1197

    *GUIDE* How To Find/Loot Helicopter Crash Sights

    Distraction would work ask well. Flare or smoke are easily a good tradeoff for some of the equipment you can find in crashes.
  10. Good guide. Should have named the topic "Guide to Stary Sabor". Also I approached it from the southwest and hit the barn first. To my experience the barn is usually empty of people because there is not a lot of loot like the market. That barn however has turned up some good items for me. You should do a guide per town. Best tactics, best loot spots, best routes, emergency alt routes. Etc
  11. Raven1197

    What was your motive to come to DayZ?

    I wanted a survival game. I wanted a zombie game. So I found this. Lots of fun. I love survival aspects to games i dont like the super run and gun games in zombie games (CoD zombies)
  12. All i ever use to go north is a hatchet and just food supplies and i raid small towns for matches and the knife to get food from cows. works for me.
  13. Should have just been nice and let him kill you. Thats being nice at ALL costs. But yeah dont go AFK near people and be sure to log out far away from towns. I logged in once and i got spawn killed. bummer
  14. Raven1197

    Real world map of Chernarus

    XD "its cheating but i do it better than you!" lol but thats actually a good idea.
  15. Raven1197

    Buy Arma2 set or wait for the standalone?

    Buy ArmA2 and play the mod now. 1) you dont have to wait to play DayZ 2) ArmA2 is fun 3) practice for the standalone 3 very good reasons. But we can go one :)
  16. Raven1197


    Slenderman has nothing on DayZ at night with only a flashlight and a hatchet XD.
  17. Raven1197

    Introduce yourselves

    Raven1197. My first time around made it to the airfield raiding every large city along the way. I was abruptly killed when i logged on the next day and got shot when i spawned in. Im a survivor, bandits annoy me (-_-).
  18. Raven1197

    DayZ Basics

    Nice work. Thanks for the help