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About IceboundMetal

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  1. I felt bad on my first kill than I ate his beans didnt feel so bad afterwards.
  2. If they make this game stand alone, which would mean we would have to buy it again. I am out not going to waste more money on it.
  3. IceboundMetal

    This game feels neutered.

    Well if you are like me and have the free version of Arma 2 it will be like that. The graphics at least, I know this because I have my settings on the highest they can go. But I have seen videos where they have the same graphics card as myself and have better looking environments. This is because they have Arma 2 the full game. Now if you have the full game it will be your GPU, unless you had Arma 2 free in which you need to fully uninstall that.
  4. IceboundMetal

    Zombies walk through doors

    What about when they walk thru the walks? Had that happen a couple of times nearly shit myself.
  5. IceboundMetal

    Player deaths

    That sounds cool but having to check out a body? IDK about that would just be nice if we had something similar. So we know if someone committed suicide or not in the city. Also giving a location of where they died not an exact just the town name or something.
  6. IceboundMetal


    Read please: http://www.six-updater.net/
  7. IceboundMetal

    Player deaths

    It would be cool if you we knew how everyone died i.e. IceboundMetal died from falling or starving to death killed by zombies. But when it comes to PKers just put Player killed by Bandit.
  8. IceboundMetal

    looking to team up

    Not going to lie but this is going to get you killed. PKers like myself will follow this but will be cautious when rolling up on you than kill you from a distance. Word of advice only play with people you actually know.
  9. IceboundMetal


    Its cool you need to update to 1.7.0 that is why you cant play. :) Get it from the main site download all of the files you did last time. If this is to much for you get Six Updater its much easier than doing this it updates your mods for you and installs them correctly.
  10. IceboundMetal


    wait where did you install the game to? Also is the server up to date as well, is it running 1.7.0?
  11. IceboundMetal

    I cant move

    Server lag? Do you have both versions of the game, are you getting erros when joining? What are those errors if any. Have you ever ran both games i.e. Arma 2/Free and OP. <
  12. IceboundMetal

    How do you see how far away something is?

    Well its not recommend and considered cheating by most but if you use the mouse wheel srcoll once a hand will come up in general it will tell you how far something is. Most servers have this disabled due to to the fact its easier to kill someone.
  13. IceboundMetal


    Either one of two things has gone wrong. 1. You did not install the mod correctly or not up to date with it. 2 You did not run both games i.e. Arma 2 and Arma OP.