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About Grief.exe

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. Grief.exe

    Standalone release procedure

    We are going to get a general idea when the game is about to launch because the team has to add purchase options to to the registry app http://steamdb.info/app/221100/
  2. Releasing during the Summer Sale sounds like exactly his plan. Release it while people are frenzying over sales and ignoring full priced titles. Only the dedicated will buy in, and have the best people to test the game and provide feedback. Genius.
  3. I agree with Rocket, hype and interest is irrelevant. Its word of mouth that sells games like this. Hardcore gamers tell their friends their experiences, and the level of quality to be found in a particular title, then the information spreads and the sales catch on. The DayZ mod, Dark Souls, Rogue Legacy (Top Seller on Steam right now), Hotline Miami, FTL, Chivalry, etc, etc. These games all appealed to the hardcore fan base, word of mouth spread and they sold like wildfire. I think around October or November of this year, when all of the major bugs are getting fixed and new content is being added, the hype and interest will start to pick up major steam. You can only help yourself by holding out. Play some awesome games that you pick up during the Summer Sale while you wait. Jump in around August/September and experience a much more complete game. Rocket said he would not raise the price until Beta, which won't be for a while.
  4. That is the plan right now, he wants to release without any fanfare.
  5. You are quite antagonistic aren't you? Why do you feel the need to do this? I never said it was the largest gaming community, just one of the larger ones. This forum was trying to put /media tags on that video and would not let me change them to /url, this was causing the video to not play. I changed it to a tinyurl link if you are still interested. Links directly to Gametrailers site.
  6. Grief.exe

    Buying a macbook, need suggestions

    I have a feeling it had something to do with their shipping then, since you said that they shipped you a new one each time. Again, HDDs are very fragile and can be easily damaged during shipping. As for your statement on Apple, I would argue that you can build a computer that could do those tasks significantly faster and at a significantly reduced price. The nice thing about Apple is its easy, and they have very nice screens. Objectively, that's about it.
  7. Grief.exe

    Buying a macbook, need suggestions

    Hard Drive failures have less to do with the laptop manufacturer and more to do with their individual manufacturer and their treatment. They are very fragile, and if they are shipped improperly can cause failures. Its actually very telling that you had 3 HDD failures in a row on your laptops. Its pretty easy to place the blame on their failure on yourself, Most likely you were dropping the laptop or treating it improperly. Now if it had been a capacitor on the motherboard failing, that would be one thing. But HDD failure is another, especially in the situation your describe. I haven't followed the thread or anything, so I don't know what argument you are trying to make, but its not like the build quality of the internals on Apple computers are anything special. They are made in the Foxconn plant as well as other cheap manufactureres. I would never personally place those parts in a computer I built myself or for someone else.
  8. Grief.exe

    Buying a macbook, need suggestions

    Just from this first sentence, just seems like DayZ isn't for you. Vouch, never do this. Its a borderline scam. Friends don't let friends buy pre-builts.
  9. Thanks, I'll see if I can get in touch.
  10. That is a good idea. Kill enough people or zombies with a gun, then it becomes 'Grief' AK47.'
  11. There was a Gametrailers episode on Neogaf recently http://tinyurl.com/mv6gbhp Had to use TinyURL since this forum tries to put /media tags, like a youtube video, and it doesn't work.
  12. Neogaf is one of the largest gaming forums on the internet. Great place for some solid discussion. An OT on GAF is a thread dedicated to discussion of a specific game. We coordinate who gets to do what game, and I got the chance to do the DayZ Standalone OT. Sorry for not explaining a bit more, I reread the OP and I can see how it needed some context. I was planning on splitting up the OT into three sections DayZ- General information about the game (Just going to use the standard logo for this section) Updates - I'll use this section to post patch notes, news, etc Changes - Going to post the changes from the mod to the standalone. Information about the client/server architecture, skeleton/animation changes, etc. So I was looking for a logo titled 'Updates' and a logo titled 'Changes'
  13. I am designing an OT over at Neogaf and I have a few questions on the DayZ logo so I can create a few similar ones with different lettering. Where did the logo come from? Who originally designed it? What is the font of the logo? Where did the background image come from? Thanks
  14. Grief.exe

    DayZ Standalone (Alpha Release Date June)

    No one ever said that. Better check your sources. Its already been posted, but he said that it could be in two weeks, but before two months. In multiple E3 interviews he kept saying that the alpha launch was imminent. I get the impression that, barring a massive delay, the Standalone will be released within the next couple weeks.