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About TiTANx

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Yeah man that'd be cool. What server do you play on?
  2. I'm in the same boat as you Violent. I'm 25 and browsing around before I commit to a server & team. Ideally a populated server with a lot going on and I'm fairly new too but can stand my ground. Also looking to jump in a game asap. Let me know if you find a good place bud
  3. Hey guys thanks for responding. I'm definitely going to give you guys a look when I get home. Crusty, does your clan have a site or a page where I can get some more info on it? and TMW i'm checking your site rn
  4. Hey guys. I been playing this game for a a couple weeks now and I'm hooked. I tried plenty of different servers and learned a lot of how the game and players work. I'm definitely getting tired of working alone or meeting other survivors and always running around with them with my hand on my trigger just in case they end up shooting me in the back of the head when I'm not looking. (Happened to me a few times) I'm just looking for a solid team or squad that I could run with and that doesn't mind taking in a semi-newish player so I can learn the pro-tips and strategies that'll make me a better player. I'm over 20, and hope to join a group of 18+ although I don't really mind as long as they're welcoming and mature about things. My general play style so far has been a scouter and medic, but I'm open to anything. Let me know if there's anything else I'd need or if you guys got any questions. I got a mic and am down with Teamspeak. Thanks! -Titan
  5. You guys are still looking for ppl? I'm sort of new to the game but an expert in most FPS. I'd love to join this group looks very professional and organized.
  6. Thanks will do! What server do you guys play on?
  7. AGE - 25 GENDER - Male NAME - Anthony INGAME NAME - TiTAN COUNTRY - USA WHAT IS YOUR PLAY STYLE: Enjoy playing as a medic or scout, but open to anything SKYPE - TIMEZONE - PST HOURS YOU CAN PLAY - 3PM-11PM PST