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About Splaticus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Splaticus


    Thanks for all of your replies :) tonight I pit a good shift in, 6 hours totally first 3 new games of the evening were disastrous! I bled to death because I couldn't work out bandages at first. Then I got my legs broken and crawled for what seemed like hours before getting done by zed's, bled to death again, and I think I lashed out at another player with my hatchet when he was running to help me. I buried it on his skull before succumbing to the endless dark. About 15 minutes after my 3rd spawn a friendly gentleman returned the favour as I was looting some red chem lights, brutal, but tbh I should have checked my area s little more. My 4th spawn paid for all: I came across a small town where another player stalked me, I looted several goodies whilst avoiding zed's and ducking this guy. I made noise to attract the zed's and he was eventually invited to a dinner party with the zed's, I heard much nomnom-noming. I came across 4 player corpses and hit the bonanza! lots of goodies, and i met a fine gentleman who aimed a gun at me and asked if I was friendly. We went off for a run together and he showed me his base. I logged after just over 3 hours survival on this spawn and hope to play a bit with this dude tomorrow :) fantastic game this :)
  2. Splaticus


    I played my first hour in dayz last night. I have experienced 3 "I have never" events in this mod. I have never bought a game solely for a mod: I'm not a fan of Fps games, I never played any of the Arma games. I have a few friends who play this, however, and their stories intrigued me greatly. So I bought Arma 2 and it's expansions on steam, which is quite good value in itself. I have never spent 20 minutes cowering in a corner of a room, terrified out of my wits, because I can hear a zombie but not locate it before. This is an amazing thing, I was not bored I did not even feel cheated of the time 'wasted' cacking myself. I have never felt this tense in any game I have played, not even in nul in Eve online. It's a strange feeling, and utterly compelling. Running from zed's, escaping and running into yet more zed's had me on the edge of my seat, in a very panicky frame of mind. I have thought of little else all day today. This mod/game has gripped me more thoroughly than anything has in the past, it's intense, it's scary and it's great. The bugs I can overlook, the flaws I can overlook because this gives me something I have never experienced in a game before, and that's a sense of purpose. I'm looking forward to tonight so I can see how long I survive this time.