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About serpent46

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Bielefeld, Germany
  1. serpent46

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    So no Major Problems with this Version here, but I'm really annoyed by the new fast Forward crouch Sound. This is totally ridicoulous, it sounds like my guy is doing a step Dance!!! Strange Thing, not on all ground types there is a step Dance....
  2. serpent46

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    I played the 0.48 on exp too. The first char was a nice 'starvation simulator' and lasted ~2h, the second char even made it to a Mosin with LRS after ~3-4h, but was deleted by a database update, the last char got a pink hat and a childs backpack after 3 hours of Play. When I went to bed that day, I dreamed of empty houses!!! Then I stopped playing on EXP, it is simply a wast of my precious time and it's pointless running around 30 houses to find a pink hat. And I'm NOT the PVP guy, never killed a Player other than in self defence... I agree, no loot = no KOS But the Players may be just lacking ammo to KOS, or they simply don't need to protect their shitty gear as much...
  3. serpent46

    Notes for other Suriviors

    I Don't know if its possible or not, but I have genius Idea, and yea I know that many of you will say that it is similar to something , but What if we find a paper, we could leave a note for other suriviors like on the wall or something. I also had this idea some time ago. With written messages you could do some kind of geochaching
  4. serpent46

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    After a week of playing 1.7.7, yesterday I rolled back to and played for the whole night. It was great!!! Well, I really hate the new zombie behaviour: If you raid an isolated supermarket, like the one in Krasnostav, you can easily run up to ~5 meters from the entrace, then go prone and infiltrate the supermarket. You may have to wait a minute to let the inside spawning zombies go out, but then, No stealth skill needed here at all!!! But when you start to loot the goods, the zeds will 'magically' find you and start to attack. For more than once, I ended up with multiple zeds tracking me inside the market. They seemed to know exactly where I am and track me down, but all the time my stealth symbols where both no bars.It's because they 'guard' the loot. With my low frame rate (~12 inside cities) and multiple zeds inside a building, I am damned, no way to avoid a zombie attack and a 50% chance for infection. And in one week of playing, I never managed to find the amount of ammo I was spending on the zombies guarding the waste! I really loved the old way of infiltration (stealth and finesse were needed) and I absolutely dislike the new one, stealth isn't helping anymore. The zeds even tracked me down, when i was organizing my loot between my tent and my ATV. In the middle of nowhere, I have a tent on a slope in the woods and wanted to shift my loot to my ATV, which was on the bottom of the hill, 20 meters away, behind the fir trees. After the second transfer tour, I could hear zeds opposite to the fir trees. Then, after tour three, they found me and I had to run for ~5 minutes around the fir trees to get rid of them. That is another point that really sucks. I don't want to run around for ages, just to ged rid of a zed. Which is because of its speed and agility impossible to hit. Well, I'm a 49 year old software developer and I looked in the code a bit, it seems all perfectly well, fantastic job done, but unfortunatly, it is a real fun break :-( After a hard days work, I want to relax, and have a bit of fun. But come on, when all the fun is finding a Makarov mag or getetting rid of the zeds that hindered me picking up the only antibiotics I found in a weeks play, what's the point ? With the current zombie mechanics, I won't play 1.7.7 any more, it's just no fun anymore. I will play on the last 1.6.1 servers and if there aren't anymore, maybe I will buy my own 1.6.1 server. --- just my two cents ---