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Everything posted by Hotgreen

  1. Hotgreen

    Ran Into a Dog Today

    Pretty neat, I don't endorse hackers but it's always good that there aren't ones that just kill every single person.
  2. Hotgreen

    Deadly Inanimate Objects

    Unfortunately it seems as though these are all Arma's engine problems. Only thing you can really do is do the best to avoid them. Whenever opening doors stay a good distance away from the swing to prevent yourself from being squished. Do not prone into small doorways as there might be a chance the difference between elevation (the front step) can break your legs and/or kill you Avoid getting out from the car whenever you are close to any objects that are big enough for you to glitch into after getting out.
  3. Most of the time, items that are put into full inventories and other storages are now dropped onto the floor in SEPARATE piles. In my past experiences rifles can glitch into the landscape or may be dropped a far distance away from the storage. I advise you to check the storage and make sure it is now filled with many items already (IE: A car with a shitload of guns food water jerry cans) and try to get enough items to fill in the slot for something rare before you put it in. As for the pack problem, usually the ammo will be scattered around the ground where you are instead of replacing the rifle in the pack..But this may differ depending on the items. If this happens every time just try to drop all the ammo in one area, place the rifle into your pack, and pick the ammo back up again. This will prevent any danger of losing a rare rifle or other item of that sort, although being quite a hassle.
  4. Hotgreen


    @Venorg It will despawn after 7 days MINIMUM, there may be a chance of it despawning a little after during a grace period. At least, this is what I perceived from the notice.
  5. Hotgreen

    Noob questions

    1: If you haven't already, you must equip the flashlight by right clicking it in your toolbelt and "Remove from tool-belt" This will take up your secondary slot. When it is done doing the equipping animation press L and wait a moment. It should work. WARNING: Bugs may occur if you attempt to equip the flashlight while holding a secondary firearm. 2: If you want to use it you must have it equipped as your secondary, yes this is a little counter-productive but using it to find friends in the dark is one of the main uses of it. Try finding a weapon with a build-in flashlight 3: As the previous person stated you may be on a server that does not allow Third person. Look at the "Host" (name of the server) and see if it says something like "3RDP OFF" Switch between servers and keep on trying. If it continues to not work try to reset your bindings to default. Sorry for repeating it after Plutonium said it. Just seemed a little unclear the way he said it.
  6. * Server this happened on: Seattle 69, NY47 * Time that it happened including your timezone: 12:57 PST * What happened during the incident: A message appeared in the middle of the screen in white text and I was given a coyote backpack, AS50, and a full inventory of ammo for it. During the first case a helicopter that was not a huey spawned in front of me. During playing in the server NY47, I was in zelenogorsk supermarket with broken legs and decided to crawl to the nearby church in search for a slim chance of morphine. As I was crawling, a message popped up and said "pa(forgot the rest of the name) rules!" and my backpack was replaced with a coyote backpack, and a heavily armed helicopter with missiles spawned in front of me. Immediately knowing I would get banned, I disconnected from the server and joined a different one so my character would not be saved. Later on, the same thing occurred excluding the helicopter but this time I quickly checked my inventory and saw I had an AS50 will full inventory of ammo for it. I quickly disconnected again, and decided to post this up on the forums for fear of being banned. EDIT: Will I be banned for just HAVING this stuff? I checked it and I was given a range-finder, g17, ghillie suit, GPS, and other things. This is extremely unfair but if I drop this stuff, will someone else be banned?.... Not much, but this is all the proof I have. The alice was dropped and I was given a coyote backpack. http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n567/RND-Hotgreen/hax.png
  7. I did what uglyboy did and got rid of some of the stuff. This hacker has been going around server to server messing with people's inventories and it's been getting a bit annoying :/ Bad thing is, a lot of people are getting this too and aren't saying anything about it. Seems a bit unfair towards others.
  8. Hotgreen

    Frustrating problem :(

    From the looks of it you may need to update Arma or the beta patch. I think the installer which is given through the beta download will update arma automatically and the patch as well.
  9. Hotgreen

    How my attitude has changed.

    just spawned and had nothing to lose, I was by elektro where my group was holed up so I decided to go into town and get some shit. As I was crawling to the super market someone says "GUY NEXT TO STREET IN ELEKTRO, FRIENDLY?" I responded with "is he prone" and he said yes. I said I was friendly and got into the super market in the back area. I heard a very loud gunshot like an enfield and asked if it was him shooting. He had misfired his m4 and he was actually in the super market too. I warned him of zombies coming from the back and I helped him finish them off. We asked if we needed anything, but unfortunately STAANAG'S and ALICE packs aren't exactly abundant, or so we thought. We decided to help each other out for a bit, and began heading towards the school. We stopped at the apartments in front of the school and low and behold, an ALICE pack. I thought to myself, if he wants to kill me, this is when he's probably going to do it, but all he said was "nice" and kept looting. Feeling glad about finding a friend, I told him that we were going to find one for him too. We went down to the school, looted some more, got a winchester, compass, other things like that and found TWO ALICE packs. He said thanks and we happily went on our way to the hospital, in need of medical supplies. We checked the roof and the back but to no avail, already looted. I then said "Let's try the front, I'll guard while you shoot" To my horror, he used his m4 to shoot out the hospital glass and attracted a SHITLOAD of zombies. We fended them off, wasting all my m1911 ammo but getting 3-4 bloodbags each. I told him that this is where we depart and we both said thanks and good luck, heading off on our own ways. I returned to the others, fully supplied after respawning, and feeling great about meeting a friendly. He was a veteran who always shot on-site and I was some newly-spawned player who could have easily stole all of his stuff. It's good to know that there's a TINY chance of friendlies still being around. I decide now to give up my slogan and just try to figure out if someone is friendly before unloading onto them.
  10. Hotgreen

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello, my name is Hotgreen. I enjoy killing zombies and trying to help people if they don't shoot me, just trying to get by in the zombie apocalypse.
  11. Honestly, I have no idea what happened but as everyone was minding their own business when BOOM, everyone dies. I don't know if this was game-wide but this is just stupid. Every single person died and all of us lost a bunch of things. It would be nice if an admin could come and explain this. http://steamcommunity.com/id/hotgreensoldier/screenshot/596973338654232173 I did not manage to take a screenshots of the majority of deaths but I managed to get some of the reactions.
  12. Hotgreen

    tired of this

    This may have a low chance of working but it did for some of my friends (It's still probably a load of potato though) Try running Arma 2 OA or CO as administrator through the .exe, again this is just a shot in the dark.
  13. Due to a possibly malicious file being added to the US mirror it has been taken down for safety reasons. At least, this is what I heard. Just try using the other mirrors. Just a quote from my other post.
  14. Hotgreen

    FPS Lag

    It could possibly be the server. For me some servers are extremely fast while others are slow, depending on how long it's been up or how many bodies or other things are on at the time. Try different servers and see if the lag varies, otherwise I have no clue.
  15. Hotgreen

    US Download Link Non Functional?

    Due to a possibly malicious file being added to the US mirror it has been taken down for safety reasons. At least, this is what I heard. Just try using the other mirrors.
  16. Hotgreen

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Stuck in the middle of the ocean after using camo, will lose all my items if I log in :/ PlayerID: 12270214 PlayerName: Hotgreen
  17. Hotgreen

    DayZ Stories

    A few days ago, me and a few friends came across two AFK's by the gas station with a CAR. Why they would go afk when in the open with a car I have no idea. With greed consuming me I killed both of them in cold blood, taking their items and trying to get in the car. Alas it had no gas so I went to go look for some jerry cans, leaving my friend to watch it. After a few minutes of no success, I started heading back with my other friend. We saw zombies running towards the gas station and saw that another survivor/bandit was running, leading them to the car. We quickly told the one guarding the car to high-tail it out of there otherwise he would be mince meat, but the guy led the zombies to him. The guy who was leading the zombies got in the car and eventually was killed by the zombies inside of it. The guard ran for his life and we began shooting the zombies down as they came. Seeing as how I had no ammo for my M4 or pistol, I told him I would get the zombies to follow me and they would shoot them. As I got them to follow me, I began running. Just then one of them managed to get a hit on my and broke my leg. I was being eaten alive and my teammates were trying to kill them before I died. We finally killed all of them, but all three of us had low blood, and low ammo. We began heading back to the car and tried to see if we could arrange our things and heal up. As one of us left to go find another friend, a guy came up to him, asking if he was friendly. We said we were friendly and my friend started up a conversation with him. Apparently his name was matthews and was just trying to get out of Cherno. Suddenly, my friend saw someone behind matthews and just as he said "There's someone behind you matthew" he got sniped. Right in front of my friend, Matthew got sniped. He panicked and began running back towards us, everything being really dark (night) we couldn't see them. We stuck to the forest and tried to find the guy who killed Matthew but my friend got shot, being knocked unconscious. A zombie began eating him so I tried to kill it. As I began shooting I was killed by the same bandit. Both of us dead now, the guard just hid in the trees, scared out of his mind. When the coast was clear he went out to our bodies and only managed to scavenge a Czech backpack and my M4. Knowing the car was too risky, he just got away and logged. Was really intense. A day after this, I felt bad for killing those people in cold blood so I went out to redeem myself. I was in the east side of Cherno when I heard makarov shots more to the east. I decided to investigate and saw a new guy being chased by a couple of zombies. I killed them off and bandaged him up, him being near-death. Since it was night I figured we could team up real quick and get him a blood bag from the hospital in the north-west side of Cherno. As we reached the forest line I heard unknown sniper fire. I told him to get down, but then out of nowhere I got shot. Bleeding and dying I began running back into the forest. The guy I was helping began asking where I was and that he had lost me, the sniper still shooting at only ME I kept running. Once I was safe I told him what happened and just left, saying to myself "This is what I get for trying to be nice..." :(
  18. I am sorry if many of these threads have been made before or there is an official thread for this bug, but I couldn't really find it. Yesterday I had recently been travelling North to find my two friends who were in Nadezhdino since I had NO idea where I was headed. I somehow came across Zelengorsk and decided to head to the supermarket really quick to find some loot, and came across a ghillie suit. I was really excited so I decided to equip it, forgetting about a bug that people were getting which caused them to spawn in ocean after putting it on. I logged off and came back on today, spawning in the ocean. I tried searching through google and finding fixes but all that anyone said was to ask on a thread about spawning in the ocean and that an admin or other ranking member would spawn you back at the coast... I registered an account right now and searched through the troubleshooting board to no avail, yet again I apologize for the trouble and possible unnecessary posting. PlayerID: 12270214 PlayerName: Hotgreen Also, sorry if there is supposed to be a format, I read through the "READ THIS BEFORE POSTING" sticky but it didn't say anything about posting guidelines other than checking before posting. (Or I might just be blind) EDIT: I think I just found the thread...Sorry for making this. Bin/lock this if neccasary :/