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Everything posted by todd10k

  1. i hereby direct you here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/174291-dayz-ladders/ you're welcome.
  2. todd10k

    Dayz "ladders"

    Fair enough, you are entitled to your opinion, but could you please now propose your own system that addresses the flaws in the system we currently have?
  3. todd10k

    Dayz "ladders"

    Stopped reading, right there. The idea is to add value to life. The scoring system is there to add "competitiveness". The competitiveness is what adds the value to the life. Why do i have to keep explaining this. This is a simple concept to grasp. you are less likely to mouth off to your captors or engage in combat if you have something to lose that you cant get back through a single elektro run through.
  4. todd10k

    Dayz "ladders"

    The only thing that decides whos play style is better is whom takes the bullet in the skull first. The formula for the score is rough, and only a first draft. While i can understand you seeing that it only promotes city based PVP, i look at it from a different angle. It promotes surviving longer in dangerous situations. cities, scoring kills, even entering the larger cities, are all dangerous activities, and should be rewarded thus. Spending 100 days in the forest would not prevent you from having a decent score, but why should you have a higher score than someone who has spent an equal amount of time dodging players, taking bullets to the knee, racking up bandit kills and generally surviving in a harsher environment? You can't make this about playstyle discrimination. The simple fact of the matter is that one playstyle is more dangerous.
  5. todd10k

    Dayz "ladders"

    I disagree whole heartedly. Currently when someone holds you up and takes your gear, your life is meaningless. You may as well be a fresh spawn on the beach. You can wax dramatic about RP elements and the like, but the fact is your life and the life of the fresh spawn are at that moment inseparable. Infact the fresh spawn might be in a better position than you, as you'll most likely soon be shot because your cheeky ass couldn't keep your mouth shut to your agressors because "you have nothing to lose". The game benefits because it gives the player something to live for other than "hurr durr moar killz" If you think high scores are about epeen, then you can simply ignore this mechanic. Problem solved.
  6. todd10k

    Girl 'abuse' in this game

    +1 vote for worst thread of the year. Another example of women trying to get their "advantage" back. Who'd have thought when all is said and done and the chips are down, they'd get whiney having to compete on a fair battleground.
  7. Excellent point. Unfortunately i have my configs set to read only so dayz wont re-write them with every patch :(
  8. To all those telling people to set their dayz process to high or realtime, please read this link http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2010/06/10/10022675.aspx tl;dr jacking your dayz process priority too high screws the rest of your system out of the cpu time it needs to work properly. setting it to normal or above normal will yield the best results. Use http://www.askvg.com/how-to-permanently-set-process-priority-in-windows-task-manager/ to set and remember process priority so you dont have to do it everytime you boot the game up.
  9. I disagree, both the keyboard and mouse input threads are on high priority, setting the dayz exe to high represents a possibility the dayz exe can interrupt these threads, making your game unplayable. Setting it to above normal is the max imo.
  10. It's obviously not to blame, just a bit of hyperbole to get the juices flowing. But without a way to accurately tell where you just got kicked from without making mental notes of each and every server you play on, players will not be able to report these servers effectively and we will never see a decrease. You cant kill what you can't hit.
  11. todd10k

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.33.114926

    Legendary. Pity i gotta go to work. Ohh man you combat logging fucks can SUCK IT hahaha :D
  12. Don't really know what to make of that, to be honest. A bit of overshare/TMI, buddy. The point of antibiotics is to help cure what ails you, not make you sicker. If they're having that effect on you IRL, go revisit your doc.
  13. Massive amount of wrong info in this thread. The antibiotics don't make you sick, the status is wrong. When you see the status "Sick", you're healing blood. I'll explain. When a zombie hits you, you lose blood and get wounded. You can bandage the wound, but those wounds wont heal because they're classed as "dirty". You have to disinfect them, or take antibiotics, for the wounds to close fully. You'll see statuses like "my wounds look cleaner". Once the wounds are closed, you have full blood again. Magic. Now this doesn't mean you have full health, just full blood. You need to eat and drink fully before you can start healing your health.
  14. todd10k

    Wait for host

    getting this as well. Everytime i try join a server, sticks on "waiting for host"
  15. todd10k

    Are the rumors true ?

    ps4/xbone could easily handle dayz. Porting to these consoles will be a dawdle as they use x86 processors, so the engine should work "out of the box". There's alot of wrong info in this thread.
  16. todd10k

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    thats fucking disgusting.
  17. I'll weigh in on this thread: Using a compass is not as simple as dangling it from your vest and glancing at it. I'm going to posit that OP has never actually used a compass before. They're not precise instruments, you gotta open them first, then hold them horizontal, motionless, to get your reading, which takes about 2 seconds to find north. You wouldn't hang this particular type of compass off your vest because it just wouldn't work that way. I get what you're saying to a certain degree, and yes there are differently designed compasses that are free floating, not rings etc. that work at all angles, but thats not what we're talking about here. As it stands, with the currently designed compass, hanging it off your jacket would be useless.
  18. todd10k

    Most unsuccessful would-be murderers?

    holy shit that was me hahaha
  19. todd10k

    Oculus Rift = Pay2Win

    Ohh man this thread is delicious. OP comes off as an angsty teenager moaning cause someone else has a shinier toy.
  20. todd10k

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    Any word on an ETA?
  21. doesn't work. Even with no moon or ambient light maxing the gamma and brightness gives you some vision. It's low detail and you wouldn't be able to make anything at a distance, but it does work. Everyone needs to get over this as a "thing" and shut the fuck up about it. It's existed as long as games have had nights and there is nothing anyone can do.
  22. Not gonna happen. I need shadows off because my computer isn't top of the line anymore and i don't have cash to upgrade. How inconsiderate to you to not consider those of us who happen to be on the older end of the scale. also, you cannot limit gamma from ingame, both nvidia and ATI graphics cards have native gamma/colour correction built right into their control panels. Any attempt at locking gamma will only result in increased facepalming by me.
  23. todd10k

    I just can't do it.

  24. todd10k

    a study of the carebear (ursus cura)

    I always enjoy lees stories. They're fantastic reads. The "problem" isnt the problem here, raymond. Your attitude to the problem is the problem. Lee doesn't come in here with the express intent of trolling anyone, he comes in here to post stories that he deems interesting. He doesn't do it to troll anyone. he is witty, and eloquent, and entertaining. When you post in these threads saying how you think he's trolling or how he's "bringing the forum down", you fail to realise that he is probably one of the few on here who is using the forum for exactly the purpose it was created for. So do yourself a favour and just stop posting if you have nothing to say about the story itself. if you can do any better, i invite you to try.
  25. todd10k

    gear for SA

    Dunno about ingame gear, but i'm calling in sick the day after launch. Gear for launch: 4 pack of monster energy drinks, bag of doritos and dip, a 2 litre of coke. Gonna give the kid to her mother, tell her and the baby not to disturb me for the next 24 hours (being a young father has it's perks, but getting time to game is one of the drawbacks) Gonna run marathons to elektro till my eyes fall out of my skull.