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Everything posted by slappytheclown3

  1. Im looking for some people who want to play origins, since none of my friends have the money to make a pc capable of playing pc games. At most i would like to play with 4 people. Im 16 and looking for people around my age, you can be any age though as long as you're not a squeaker or extremely annoying. I prefer very populated servers, as player encounters provide me with an adrenaline rush. Im also fairly new to origins, have only been playing for a few days, although i know the basics that i read off the internet. If your interested, add me on skype: Levanidy
  2. slappytheclown3

    Looking for a DayZ Partner

  3. slappytheclown3

    Looking To Start A 3 Man Group To Game With!

    Hey man im 17, i think im pretty good at the game, and i have skype. Skype name is Levanidy add me man we'll fuck shit up
  4. slappytheclown3

    Seeking people to survive with

    im ready. lets do this skype:Levanidy
  5. Im looking for some people to play dayz with since none of my friends have it and its getting boring playing by myself. Im 18 years old and looking for other mature people who wanna play. If you want to join up, hit me up on skype. my name is Levanidy on there. You gotta speak english though and have a microphone.
  6. slappytheclown3

    Anybody feel like banding together?

    Ok man ill add you. Bump