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Kyne (DayZ)

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8 Neutral


About Kyne (DayZ)

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  1. YES! It's back up, finally! Time to get back to defending the base and attacking other bases ;-)
  2. Kyne (DayZ)

    [IGC] Invictus Gaming Community [EU] [Recruitment Open]

    Was a good night...
  3. Such a good server! Fun to play on, friendly and helpful admins. Highly populated at night but not in the day which is a shame. Hopefully good to see some more players soon!
  4. Kyne (DayZ)

    Want to make a Epoch squad

  5. Hey everyone, I'm looking for a simple group of players or a group that would be willing to invite me into their "group". I'm 15 from England and I used to play Dayz all the time but i have recently updated the mod so im looking for another group to join. My Skype is Kags77 and i have team speak so if you feel like i can join your group or have any questions contact me, thanks :-) x
  6. Hi me (Kyne) and my friend (Greg) are looking for a player or two for our little group. (As you red in the title). I myself am English and Greg is Scottish. I'm 15 and Greg, 16. Make sure you are fun and easy to get along with, if your boring then there's no chance haha, sorry :/, If you are interested join the teamspeak server we use. IP: ts.dayznorway.com (I know its a norway server but be fine) Anyways hope to see you soon, bye :) x
  7. Kyne (DayZ)

    DayZ Bandit Squad, UK 15+

    Sure why not :)
  8. Kyne (DayZ)

    Looking for small group

    Sure i fancy playing in a group for abit, add my skype, Kags77
  9. Kyne (DayZ)

    Clarity Gaming Now Recruiting!!

    DayZ Requirements : Mic - Turtle Beach PX3 In-game name - Usually Kags77 but im currently using a character called Kyne Staley Age - 15 Mature - Yes very mature but i do like to have a joke and a laugh when the time is necessary. Experienced - I am very experienced as I've been playing DayZ for about a year now. Type of play - ( your play-style ) I usually start with residential loot such as food and drink and equipment then i move onto military loot. I also am normally a friendly player looking to help others out. When I can play - Basically whenever you need me to but i play quite often anyway. Why I'm looking for a group - DayZ is such a great mod but it is 10 times better with a friend or a group. Thanks for reading.
  10. Name: Kyne Age: 15, (mature) Time Zone: UTC+00:00 How often do you play: I play most weekends and week days. When are you on the most: At night times. What do you want to bring to Fear?: I can bring a sense of fun AND seriousness. I can also bring my experience towards the clan. Preferred class(Assault, Medic, Support, Sniper, Grenadier, etc): Assault, but im willing to try anything else if needed. Thanks for reading.
  11. Hi, im Kyne, im 15 but trust me, im mature. I love having a mess about on servers when we're in the right situation. I live in England and im a fun person to be around i believe. IF you want to know anymore about me; contact my Skype which is, Kags77. Hope to hear from you soon, bye.
  12. Kyne (DayZ)

    DayZ epoch, building a base and i need a buddy

    Just to let you know im on right now and will be for a couple of hours so be sure to add my skype now :) (Kags77)
  13. Kyne (DayZ)

    DayZ epoch, building a base and i need a buddy

    Anyone on right at this moment? im playing it on a small server with hardly any people on because i want to build a huge base and learn all the basics
  14. Hi, this sounds like i great organised group. I'd love to join in, my names Kyne.
  15. Hey everyone im currently playing on a epoch server and im new to base building i just wondered if anyone would like to help or just come and join in. Im english, 15 and my skype is Kags77, be sure to contact me if your interested or if you have any questions.