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Everything posted by kapnobatai

  1. please don t forget the wall glitch and the loop animation sometimes the player gets stucked in (but can only be seen by other players).
  2. kapnobatai

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.33.114926

    well, it s not bad. - tried the infamous wall glitch, didn t work, maybe works only on really shitty computers, as I read somewhere. - 30-60fps, decent. some lag on item dropping, but not always. - played 5-6 hours on two 30-50 players servers, around 80% of the buildings looted but still managed to find items. - ruined m4 mags don t work, but ruined 7.62 ammo with mosin do. ruined clothing items still hold your items, it s ok like, until they figure out how much damage get the items on a dead body. - nice feature painting the helmets, also the mosin camo is great (first paint it black then green, please add this camo option also to hats and helmets) - teammate found that new 3 slots stuffed jacket and although pristine, couldn t equip it. I didn t test it myself, but please check. - I observed a little the colours of statuses and never got stuffed. hunger needs a little tuning, - zed hit me (with bleeding) although turned over 120 degrees from me, so I suspect there are still problems with lag. - maybe food spawn should be correlated to the number of players on the server or something, otherwise servers should restart more often (2-3 hours) - never got into any pvp fight, can t tell anything about pvp lag - confirm that cars do not spawn loot anymore - confirm body disappear after axe kill/ unconscious - highly frustrating, please fix it in the next patch, especially with the current hunger/ spawned food ratio overall, nice work, still, please focus on the important stuff - zed/players phasing, desync/lag, hunger - food spawn balance. EDIT: although kept the hydrated and energized statuses to light green as well the healing one for an hour after one single zed hit, never got back to healthy. maybe I sprinted a lot, maybe a bug, don t know, can someone please confirm?
  3. kapnobatai

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.33.114926

    ammo box, small container, first aid kit, assault vest still holding items, although ruined. ruined cans, canteens, cola, medical, can not be used. buuuut, don t throw away your ruined ammo. load it in weapon (test it with 7.62x51) and the eject it. tataaa it s pristine.
  4. @artunkanx: you did well that you posted it, this is what this forum is about. what is a shame is to have clips on youtube about it, at least 1 month and still not getting it fixed. I don't want to be misunderstood: I love this game and the work put behind it, but it s not a mod anymore and with the money bohemia made they could hire the best coders in the world to fix that embarrassing glitch in a matter of days, especially if it s that important (and it f*cking is, how can I enter that type of building anymore, knowing that a c*nt is seeing through walls and waiting for my move?!) . at least for the ones who are trying to play the game right, without any mistake it's a bummer, for the weirdos who walk around elektro with the pink briefcase on their back, praying to be enslaved, it doesn t count anyways :))) get your priorities straight, mates, 'cuz you re developing the best game ever and we have expectations. and please fix the tree roots glitch also, it s the same exploit family. other than that, great update, thanks for the work :D
  5. kapnobatai

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.33.114926

    did someone check if the glitch is still on? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOi2XLm76C4#t=0
  6. @artunkanx thanks for the clip, mate, I never knew this glitch and it s pretty nasty. is it also in the experimental, did someone try it or only in the stable? if it s still in the experimental and future stable, maan, maybe bohemia should get better devs. ones who don t spend their time with children briefcases while players are hiding/shooting from glitched building. just my 2 cents. and 25eur.
  7. how does the stuffed status go away? until this update, I ran it out, but now it doesn t go away but still hungry or thirsty status are appearing. besides, the shortcut system must be fixed, it doesn t work everytime, just died because of this. for real, it s a mockery not to fix vital things like this but playing with kids briefcases...
  8. guys, what ammo does sks use? cuz it s ain t working with 7,62
  9. another experimental update?! wtf?! I was playing 114855. which number is it though? anyways, couple of items could not be picked up from the ground (walkie talkie, screwdriver). they wouldn t disapear from vicinity, no matter how many slots did I have free. new items found: stuffed jacket, hard hat, pilot helmet....pfff..EDIT: got it, 114926
  10. hunger/thirst are badly messed up. died from starvation from kamyshovo to dolina :)) thought they would fix this.. if this patch goes stable in this form, will be the biggest drop in number of players, is useless to play like this. but, on the other hand, they did got the money, so why bother...
  11. It s not only in the experimental, also on the current stable patch. the f*ing rabbits. seriously, they re doing the zed noises, but this is being going on for several patches without fix.
  12. 50-80 ping on various servers with 30-40 players. on lower populated server it s not that noticeable but on crowded servers it s a nightmare. for example, seeing a player shooting towards a position where your character previously were (turned even more than 90 degrees from your character) but still killing you, it s like fighting ghosts. in a game where the player is encouraged to avoid even the smallest mistake, pvp encounters become useless and pure random if desync is so high. and without pvp, this brilliant-thought game will be only a perverted Sims with pitiful, retarded zombies. but hey, the pedophile backpack is finally in the game, who cares about pvp lag, right? :)))) for sure not the guy who was willingly singing yesterday "alle meine Entchen" to passers-by in Kamyshovo =)))
  13. Not necessarily, just died yesterday from a fall. @rocket: desync and pvp lag should be of top priority. postponing this while spending even a minute of devs time on enabling f*ing notes it's a mocking to dayz player community and in half a year will conduct to a player pool consisting only in shit-eating-hungry kids who force-feed each other rotten fruits, any serious gamer will drop it. FIX FPS AND PVP LAG
  14. is there somewhere a comprehensive and serious review of the update? 'cause I found only bits of feedback but most important, I didn't find anything about fixing fps, pvp lag and desync, which is a pain in the ass issue on high populated servers now, making the other issues not count. for real, no glitchy random character deaths, no phasing, no pvp lag, no server hopping/clog first and then you can paint your fucking mosin, ok?
  15. overall a nice patch, although a hard one. still, the random sounds (opening soda cans, interrupted zed screams) are still there, and IT IS an important issue and maybe not that hard to fix. just a reminder.
  16. kapnobatai

    Rarest Item?

    I confirm press vest spawned at shipwreck, can someone else confirm train station elektro also for it? maybe other places? thanks.
  17. kapnobatai

    Does any one else feel burnt out already?

    well, had to share my opinion. 57h in sa, who s counting in mod. roamed all map, discovered all militaries, got amazed by future-to-be cities infrastructure, got geared-up, got killed, killed and so on. well, for long-time dayz players, it s time to raise the stakes. i don t know anything about rocket s marketing plans, but the game is ready to be upgraded. as you see, i didn t use 'burnt out'. 'cause it ain t, and it won t be. but, for example, after getting geared up, explored the whole map (the buildings provided by dayzdb, tnx a bunch!), the only thing remaining is to camp and wait for some encounters. weeell, in other words, it ain t so much to do anymore. in mod, we played for tens of hours on pvp servers (many thanks to dedidayz), holding up a position, up to 8 players squad, but still always waiting for sa. it came and it s gorgeous, more stable than any mod patch, brilliant immersion due to the lack of any visual indicators (it hurts, but i have to admit it s great) but we reached its potential so far, and, xmas or not, rocket&co should bring out the big guns, we re ready. we re missing a purpose, like repairing a vehicle or a heli, like crossing the whole map for a slight chance to get a rare gun and so on. i know it s an alpha, i am grateful that they released it, but it s time to step it up. at least for the old dayz fans. even a new 1.8 infection patch :))) but promise us the reward! ps: i m sure it s a progressive development and i m sure it will be unbelievable (as the first day sa got released) but as long as the patches are often, i think we can deal also with the wrong ones. Lutz over and out. ps2: merry christmas ps3: did anyone tried to wield 2 weapons and an axe?
  18. kapnobatai

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    +1 for VICINITY CHECK, great idea and could be the solution. in the mod, the players were also not alowed to log out when a zed or a player were in the vicinity, not to forget if one shot his weapon delay
  19. kapnobatai

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    very good patch but bodies disappearing if disconnected 'too fast' is still not fixed and it s one of the major bugs and annoyances. please fix it, it ruins the whole idea of killing someone if they can t be looted. fps is great, game is very fluid and balanced, no other major complains (other than the biggest: find a solution for this server hopping pain in the a** thing, 5-10 seconds in surrender position after disconnecting should be enough, everybody is a clogger). slowly also new items and buildings should appear, aswell as stashes and/or tents, i explored the map and left wanting more. still supporting the "move balota mitary tents to east or even to NEAF" request but looks like they re goin' to stay there. maybe a suggestion: make rify mil high value, it s a great spot, but only for cans and cargo pants it s maybe not worthy taking the risk (still, i got my only press vest there). overall, it doesn t feel like an alpha, i think it runs already more stable and fluid as the mod. ps: the deserted castles/ruins were a bit of a dissapointment, but thanks for the extra barracks/ mil high value
  20. kapnobatai

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    yup, same thing here. for over an hour. (not the canada thing). any official information on this, please, anyone?
  21. =)))) still, i admire the tenacity of stefaan, endja and oz coming back, server hopping or not... sorry for the multiple posts but as long as no side chat and they re still coming back using same server hopping spawn i really have to inform the admins about their server..it s a nice one, keep it up and clean...and of course, thanks!
  22. so, we re a squad of 5-8 decent players, looking for a nice pvp action, fr 808 provides..but if admins don t intervene and ban the cloggers, everything is useless...back to the hardcore de servers
  23. !admin please check oz..he spawned back to dobry hill the 4th time, last time took him max 2 minutes..cmooon..anyway, f8ing dead and burried :)))))
  24. hellloooooo oz is spawning middle of dobry hill after server hopping!!! cmon admin do your duty, it s a pity, fr 808 is a nice server..anyway he s f8ing dead and burried..but still, stressing..!admin ban clogger oz....
  25. stefaan, endja, oz - C f*ing loggers!!(servers hopping). right now on dobry hill. if you care about your server please ban this g@y w@nkers. signed: today s dobryy masters MUAHAHAA