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Everything posted by autoloon

  1. autoloon

    m4 is really inaccurate.

    gotta get the pristine magpul stock and handguard to maximize accuracy. also optics must be pristine and i think bullets and magazines have effect on accuracy. i do agree the dispersion is far too wide and random. Sometimes it is hard to see the difference between ADS and hipfire spread.
  2. autoloon

    Lets make it a little easier for the Devs

    Priority order: 1. Combat logging (this is always going to be first for me because server hoppers get wrecked without combat logging) 2. Server lag / inventory Tetris 3. Server hopping 4. Zombie count and AI, animals and hunting 5. Vehicles and additional weapons 6. Further optimization 7. Utes / Far North 8. Further optimization 9. Base building 10. Final optimizations and any other content that has lower priority
  3. autoloon

    NEED PLAYERS 12-15

    Just shoot him if you see him in game and move on. No need to make it personal.
  4. autoloon

    DayZ Slavery.

    You might have better luck on some of the RP servers for DayZ mod at the moment. Currently there are a ton of new players who don't understand we have been dealing with combat logging and server hopping for a long time now already and think they are really clever to disconnect with their precious beans at the mere sight of another person.
  5. Your reward is "Healthy" status.
  6. autoloon

    Wait what, seriouslsy?

    The only times I was ever shot dead by a geared player or squad was because I intentionally revealed myself to them. It takes 5 seconds to spawn. Honestly, why do you care if they kill you? You have nothing. In the mod it took 5 minutes to respawn so I was right there with you up to that point. Now that respawn is much less annoying I don't care if I get spawn killed and neither should you.
  7. autoloon

    I'm trapped in a glitch-room from the prison

    Disconnect and log back in. Immediately double tap W and hit V repeatedly.
  8. autoloon

    My wish for the release version

    Or you could just get a mic.
  9. I think you should have to find a car manual or a helicopter manual to even be able to make basic repairs. That would make books more interesting. Also the one size fits all parts system of the mod was pretty weak. I think you should basically have to find and secure two hueys in order to repair one of them to working condition.
  10. Yep I made that thread lol.
  11. autoloon

    Geared players on the coast

    Not worth it for me to vampire bambis! I would rather regain blood naturally from good food and drink and not getting shot on the coast lol
  12. I like the idea of not having music in the game like there is in the mod. I mean, everyone just turns it off anyway. But I am not opposed to having some title music so I thought this would be a fun thread to see what everyone thinks this game should sound like musically. As for me, I can only think of one musical group who provides a perfect sound for this kind of game. My pick would be a song by Godspeed You! Black Emperor called "09-15-00 (cont.)" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlpAwdMilwU In this song, pressure mounts, but spirits never rise. I think that is DayZ in a nutshell. How about you guys?
  13. I am still learning the effects various attachments have on the modular M4 in Standalone. One thing I am wondering is if magazine size impacts medium to long range accuracy. If it does not, is that something that should be implemented? It makes sense to me that a smaller magazine would give the operator greater control over shot placement at longer distances. For balancing reasons, so long as random bullet dispersion remains a thing it should at least be considered, shouldn't it?
  14. autoloon

    Anti-Suicide Prevention Operation

    Very important work. I say we send the suicide cases to Skalisty Island for prolonged pharmaceutical rehabilitation programmes. Perhaps the right combination of drugs can restore the lust for life!
  15. autoloon

    Keeping Journals.

    I would keep a note that said: Dear Murderer, By the time you have finished reading this sentence, you will be dead. Best, The Departed
  16. autoloon

    Very poor performance on GTX780 SLI amd8350

    I have EVGA GTX 780 and I don't have any problems.
  17. autoloon

    Book Collecting

    The fact that Medical Division likes to collect books makes me want to join.
  18. autoloon

    Do you have a home yet?

    I have been using Zelenogorsk as my travel hub, and most of my journeys to link up with people begin and end there. However, while it is a great location just west of the most useful landmark on the map, I fear it may not be as safe as it once was. I have heard a lot of footsteps recently from my apartment, and gunfire being exchanged. It might be time to hit the road for good in search of a new home. Have you found your home base yet? Do you feel safe there? Or are you constantly on the move?
  19. autoloon

    Do you have a home yet?

    I found a tiny settlement with 3-4 houses with a well once that I really wanted to find again, but I haven't been able to.
  20. autoloon

    Do you have a home yet?

    Green mountain spire is a very tall tower. I believe (correct me if I am wrong) the highest point in all Chernarus.
  21. autoloon

    Extreme Weather

    I am all for immersion, but I don't want to wait until winter to play in the snow :D
  22. autoloon

    psychological effects of banditry

    Dont gun components degrade faster from killing players already? That's enough psychological strain for me.
  23. autoloon

    WTF is this place.

    Oh no! they took his penis!
  24. autoloon

    Extreme Weather

    I think the dynamic weather in BIS' VBS3 would be a really cool addition for the Standalone, though I don't see it happening anytime soon, if ever. However, one idea I had that I really like is to have servers that vary in difficulty based on the four seasons. Easy - Spring Normal - Summer (sunburn, heat stroke, more need for water, etc.) Hard - Fall (fewer fruits and vegetables, need to wear warm dry clothing or get sick easily, need to start making fires at night) Extreme - Winter (Scarcest loot, extremely harsh weather conditions, frequently must stop everything to make a fire or die very easily) EDIT: Maybe if certain loot only spawned on the extreme winter servers, that could be cool. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, but it could be cool. EDIT: It would add new significance to the different types of camo. Also, scarcer loot would allow for an increased zombie count, if I understand correctly.
  25. Sorry, but the spawns are fine. The only people who are annoyed are the people diving off rocks in Kamyshovo, and they were doing that well before the spawns were changed. If you love the mod so much why don't you return there? You can choose spawn from menu and play on server with starting AS50 and car up your ass.