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Everything posted by autoloon

  1. My brief session in the experimental build has reached its end, as after some intermittent server issues I logged back in only to break my legs instantly. I am now stranded in the middle of the woods after roughly 20 minutes of gameplay, and that is where I will remain until the build is pushed to stable. I have never had any issues like this before so I can only assume it is a bug in the new build. Aside from this, I am concerned about the 30 second respawn timer. It was my understanding the timers would have to do with combat logging and server hopping, not respawning after death. Since respawning is still broken, I am forced to repeat this wait time up to three times before the game will finally let me spawn. What is the meaning of this arbitrary spawn timer? And has anyone else had random broken legs?
  2. autoloon

    SKS A mix of DMR and M14 ?

    Man I really hate when people think the M14 and DMR aren't clearly the same gun
  3. autoloon

    Feedback: Fists Up Sprint Is Overpowered

    Give this a break til they add vehicles, k?
  4. autoloon

    Logging Out - Expermimental Branch 114782

    Now that all is revealed of the new measures I could not be happier. Literally anyone trying to complain about the husk timer is a combat logger. It's a perfect system.
  5. autoloon

    Why I Play As A Bandit

    Nobody listens to me when I communicate. If someone surprises me I will tell them to F2 and they never do.
  6. autoloon

    If your going to KOS....

    I remember one time I was in a group of seven unarmed players and we said hello to a guy with an M4. He sprayed into the crowd until empty and then disconnected when his situation worsened. What a bitch.
  7. autoloon

    Logging Out - Expermimental Branch 114782

    What I want to know is if I am gonna be put on some sort of list if I intentionally test the timer system on experimental.
  8. autoloon

    Why I Am Friendly

    I have Mosin, M4, FNX and revolver. It's tricky to get the shotgun and the hacksaw together in the same room but doesn't stop me from trying!
  9. autoloon

    Painted Mosin Question

    Does painting the Mosin immediately reduce loaded rounds to 1 or does this bug only effect subsequent reloads?
  10. autoloon

    Painted Mosin Question

    I already painted it, but what I need to know is if it still has the five rounds in it that it had before I painted it. The weapon has not been fired or reloaded.
  11. autoloon

    How Many Of You Play In A Clan Or A Group

    I was playing with a core group of 5 that sometimes swelled to 8-10. I record all my gameplay and some flagrant racism on the part of some people in my group and their overall tendency to create situations where death is likely caused me to take a step back from playing with then too often.
  12. autoloon

    Alt Tab Death

    The dayz db map was invaluable for the mod since walking in the wrong direction could mean certain death. Now, with all the new loot buildings in the standalone, navigation tools are no longer essential since you will generally find a town with loot before youll starve to death no matter what direction you walk. I do kind of miss the danger of getting lost...
  13. If someone is wearing ruined clothes and is also armed I assume they are a murderer.
  14. autoloon

    Demographic Profile Of Dayz Community

    28 male USA east coast. Played 200 hours of Arma 2, at least 100 on DayZ MOD
  15. autoloon

    How Many People Were Killed By You?

    If I had to round off a number, I'd say I have killed about 20 people so far, not including friendly fire mishaps.
  16. Confirming this issue and also have 64 bit win7
  17. autoloon

    The Story Of Friendly Boy And Kos Girl

    Thanks for the beans and positive comments guys! The story ended up a bit long so I wasn't sure how it'd be received. Hoping to add more but you never know with these Alphers. She might be killed by a ladder or a database fart.
  18. autoloon

    I Think I'm Too Trusting And Nice.

    Big tip off when people awkardly answer you in direct. He was joking with his buddy about killing you soon. If people get quiet or get to acting strange I generally call it open season.
  19. autoloon

    Why I Am Friendly

    I'm the real hero. I only kill people with guns. Plural. I have four of them...
  20. I feel bad for the new babbies because they are so busy complaining they are letting the best part of the DayZ experience pass them by. I don't even pick up compasses anymore. I would love to relive the sheer disorientation of my first day in Chernarus. Good times.
  21. Yay I love experimental branch, let's me play without risking my precious gear!
  22. autoloon

    Shootout At The Cherno Corral

    Protip: any fresh spawn who is alone will fight to the death bravely when presented with a hostile encounter. If they run away, they are not alone.
  23. Main reason DayZ is one of my all time favorites is because it's the only game in history that encourages me not to play it. I take my little bites a half hour at a time, or until I think my paranoia is putting me at a disadvantage.
  24. I agree that they've been tweaking it and certainly more have been added since launch. Sadly, if something isn't in the patch notes, most people don't even notice.