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Everything posted by Sebastian211

  1. Sebastian211

    Fix the zombies seriously!

    So i'm really getting annoyed at this game by mostly one single thing which is how zombies are after the update. I have died numerous of times by zombies isn't it bad enough that we have to deal with bandits on every server. Lets get started with them First - Speed : The zombies speed has increased by ALOT, and because of this you can barley out run them anymore and they will not stop running either so lets say your geared up and you have a M4 but no ammo this little zombie see's you from 3 miles away and starts running towards you it finally catches you and hits you and you start bleeding you can bandage yourself but the zombie still stays on you, and so you go into a two story building and what do you know zombies can now go up stairs! What happens? Well your stuck bandaging yourself the zombie comes in and kills you BOOM maybe about 1-3 hours wasted because of one little zombie. >:( Second - Vision : Well like I said in my little story above ^^ they could see you from FAR distances and its unbelievable takes away the fun from the game. Third - Strength : This has been a big deal for me mostly because some times I have gone knocked out by zombies with one hit, (SOMETIMES) but usually I bleed like crazy or all my stuff gets ruined. That's basically all the things that have ruined my experience with this game also with this I have been bored of playing it so i wont be playing this until they fix this game. <_<