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About MoistFiber

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. MoistFiber

    scavenger group recruitment

    use the format i listed to join please. (cityfrags)
  2. MoistFiber

    scavenger group recruitment

    Thanks for joining :)
  3. MoistFiber

    Anyone wanna team up?

    if you want a group then i'd like to have you http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/138197-scavenger-group-recruitment/
  4. MoistFiber

    Looking for people to play with

    You're welcome to join my group if you would like http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/138197-scavenger-group-recruitment/
  5. MoistFiber

    Looking for a group

    Here is my group http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/138197-scavenger-group-recruitment/ I would love to see you there
  6. MoistFiber

    How long have you survived?

    15 days is mine.
  7. MoistFiber

    Looking for Day Z:Origins clan

    we don't just do origins, but we will play it :) come check us out http://dayzmod.com/f...up-recruitment/
  8. MoistFiber

    scavenger group recruitment

    I have sent you a request in skype, thanks for joining!
  9. Requirements 1. Be mature 2. Have Skype 3. Don't kill unless threatened in some way 4. Be 13+ 5. Have at least basic knowledge of the game 6. Have dayz commander (if you don't have it, look it up. it's free and REALLY helpful) 7. Have fun! What we do? Just loot and scavenge, I'm not going to kill others unless they really need to die (i'd rather avoid others.) There will be no leader, I would rather make decisions as a group. Be ready to play dayz origins, dayz+, and dayz 2017. Also, i would like to not set up a camp. Let's keep this group constantly moving. How to join? post in this format Age : Country : Skype username : (First) Name : How long have you been playing : When are you usually online / how long can you play? : About me My name is Marcus, I'm 15 and live in the U.S. I've been playing dayz for a year now. I will be able to play alot for these next few months (on my summer vacation) so i figured to get some more survivors to play with in dayz. I hope I see you with us!