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About JasonSabotage

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  1. JasonSabotage

    What is the DMR MilDot Zeroing?

    @Gews The alternative is correct. That is what my mildots are for the DMR. If that's what it is for the Shooting Range, will those calculations be the same for when I play Dayz and use the DMR?
  2. JasonSabotage

    What is the DMR MilDot Zeroing?

    @Gews My FovTop = 0.75 and my FovLeft = 1
  3. I'm trying to practice my aiming with the DMR and I'm looking at the Dayz Wiki at what it says the mildots are, but after testing it at a shooting range it seems to be off. My calculations are different than the Dayz Wiki's, so I'm not sure which one I should go by. Does anyone know 100% sure what the DMR Mildots are? Please Help me, Thanks!
  4. Every time I try to fix a helicopter in dayz overwatch, it never lets me fix anything besides the glass and missile. It lets me remove a few parts, but when I go to remove them it says my inventory is full, even though it isn't, because I've tested it with nothing in my inventory. This is what it looks like http://prntscr.com/27vo7q Is anyone else getting this problem, or does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks! :beans:
  5. JasonSabotage

    My Dayz won't load properly, help!

    @Mullet, I've been using Dayz Commander. That message pops up with Dayz commander.
  6. Whenever I go to join a Dayz server I get this message : http://prntscr.com/1b6iy9 How do I fix this?
  7. JasonSabotage

    If you die in Dayz as a Hero...

    Ok, that's really cool. Thank you guys.
  8. and respawn, are you still a Hero? or do you have to earn it again?
  9. http://prntscr.com/1921c2 Why is it like that, and do they ever come back up if they are in that state?
  10. When I go into options to turn it on, it doesn't let me turn it off/on, it's just blank. I really need it to help me determine blood level, does anyone know how I can fix this?
  11. I watch Dayz videos and people have like a little green cursor (almost like cross hairs) in the middle of the screen. I have Dayz and I don't have any cursor so it's somewhat harder to open things up or pick things up because it's harder to aim. Also how do I get into a normal server. I'm using Dayz commander, and when I get into a server I don't even have a Makarov Pistol. I just want to play a normal Dayz server where it turns Day/Night, you start with a pistol, and there's no mods/hacks what so ever.
  12. JasonSabotage

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Here's my Computer's Specs : http://prntscr.com/18bjli Here's my video card : http://prntscr.com/18elm4 If I can't run Dayz with those Specs and I need to get a better computer, can someone please tell me what Specs I would need to run Dayz on Normal/High settings? Thanks
  13. JasonSabotage

    I can't play Dayz

    I made my GPU = 1, I turned all my settings downs really low, and I turned down my mouse down all the way, and I'm still really laggy. Here are my Computer's Specs : http://prntscr.com/18bjli Hopefully you guys can help, Thank you!
  14. JasonSabotage

    I can't play Dayz

    Here's my specs : http://prntscr.com/18bjli @Helicopter Hunter, wrong, I bought Arma 2 just for Dayz. I don't care about Arma and I'm not going to play it. So yes, I HAD to buy Arma for Dayz, but I only bought it for Dayz.
  15. JasonSabotage

    I can't play Dayz

    I figured out how to get into 3rd person, but I'm still very laggy. I did that thing where you open Arma 2 with Notepad and change the GPU to 1 and I'm still very laggy. Please can someone help me so I didn't just completely waste $25.00 for a game I can't even play.