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Everything posted by Vicco

  1. Vicco

    Players, communicte more please.

    It's a good excuse for killing, without seeming cold-blooded. "This is a stick-up." They resist it, you kill them. That's how it goes.
  2. Vicco

    Players, communicte more please.

    Death match wrapped in a ribbon.
  3. Without a humanity system that identifies "killers." it's a death match game. Simple as that. It's just the natural outcome of a game with no morality signals.
  4. Vicco

    Players, communicte more please.

    Face it. It's a death match game. Don't bother "holding me up." I'd just as soon die. With no humanity system in place, it just death match
  5. Vicco

    Please for the love of god don't add "Sanity."

    Until bandit skins come back - if they do - I'm strictly KOS. That's how it is. I was willing to take a chance talking with a non-bandit skinned player before. Not willing to do that now.
  6. The guy is just taking advantage of the game mechanics. Maybe he is just getting gear together. Maybe he has been working to meet up with a buddy for 2 days. Who cares? If somebody doesn't want to talk with you, tough shit. They can use the game mechanics to avoid you. If they fix this, he can run away, and you can shoot him. I don't know why people have a problem with this.
  7. When spawning on the coast, you've got nothing to lose anyway. Spawn killers can only cost you a few minutes. After that, keep your eyes open and avoid other players unless you're in a position of superiority. That's the game, and the challenge. If you play it that way, there's no worry. You can't lollygag about in this game.
  8. Right. I was responding to the idea that disconnecting would punish a player beyond a normal death. For example you got knocked out or tased, and some idiot kid cuffed you and had you helpless. Of course I would combat log, just as I did when a hacker puppeted me, or try to escape even if it meant being shot or hacked dead. Sorry I wasn't clear. There are enough sadist players who can string out your death so that combat logging is the only sensible way out. But really, the idea of cuffing another player seems to be designed for role-playing scenarios in YT vids. Nothing I'll ever engage in. I won't allow it if at all possible. You want to kill me? Go for it. You want to talk to me? Direct comm. You want to cuff me? Nope.
  9. "Captured?" What nonsense. That's for children, or maybe adult masochists. If it were possible for me to be "captured" when my choice is to die first, I would "combat log." Probably never come back to the game too. And I don't care what anybody here says about that. This "capture" stuff is sick to me. For those who like kinky stuff, do it all you want. But you can count me out. It would be a stupid idea to allow "capturing" a player who wants no part of it. So it won't happen.
  10. Vicco

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    Not sure what's on the signs. They're rectangular, one on each pillar at ech side of the hospital doors. Can't miss 'em. Pretty sure only the one on the right side breaks the glass. Think I tried using the axe on it once, and that didn't work, and I got infected. Maybe I missed with the axe. After that I always used a bullet, silenced or not. One bullet every time. You can axe all the zeds once inside. The hospital and grocery shelves are the only sure refuges from zeds I know of. Once I found out about the hospital sign I never touched the glass again. As I recall the second from left glass pane gave best results when breaking the glass head on.
  11. Vicco

    Sugar's Day Z Life

    Maybe they didn't even see you when she opened up. Could have thought she was alone. Lots of possible scenarios there. If she's trainable she might make good partner, especially if you go bandit. Imagine how easy it would be to lure electricfuneral into a trap. Just kidding. :D
  12. Vicco

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    Haven't played 1.8 yet, but on the previous version a single shot to the sign on the right side of the doors broke all the glass. 100%.
  13. Vicco

    Sugar's Day Z Life

    First, good story. Have to say though, you won't get along with everybody. Human interaction can be tricky. I've met guys who were absolutely boring to converse with, but filled with integrity, rock solid and trustworthy. Maybe this guy could feel he would get screwed by you two, and that shaded his attitude. Turns out he did get fucked. He could probably have killed you both - if he was that type. Just supposition of course, since I wasn't there. Beans for the story. :)
  14. In real life I'm as selfish as the next guy, and hot-tempered. In DayZ I'm a "perfect" guy. Calm, selfless, and heroic. I'll die to save any non-bandit, and risk my life to rid the world of vermin bandits. Because if I'm killed I just respawn. Don't care much about gear. It's not real. Nice. I like being a hero. Very simple choice to make.
  15. Vicco

    Less ammo = more KOS

    Oz is only right about less ammo not changing KOS MENTALITY. But it will definitely reduce KOS deaths. Simple logic. I think that's what scares him. Mentality adjustment. He's just resisting change, and maybe scared the game won't suit his chosen play style. The devs have many tools to make Oz's life miserable if he won't adjust to THEIR reality. Just a few tools that the dev can employ, in combination with reduced ammo: 1. Nerf bullet damage on humans. 2. Real penalties for KOS. 3. Areas with no "friendly fire." 4. Despawn ammo on a body upon death. blah, blah. There's no reason to think the SA will bear much similarity to the mod. It's a new game. The game programmers can do as they wish. They don't have to ELIMINATE KOS. Just make life difficult for those who engage in it. Of course those who love KOS style play don't like that. Perfectly understandable. BTW, a baddass attitude from somebody saying they like to kill on sight is just that - attitude. Makes the person look like a bigmouth braggart - unless he's Shosho doing bandit school. He really IS badass. I enjoy Oz's KOS posts, because they engender thoughtful conversation. So I just assume that's his only purpose for making them. Any other interpretation lends itself to hilarity.
  16. Vicco

    Sugar's Day Z Life

    Cool. That "female" probably got a good laugh too. In a deep bass voice. Good story. But don't let them "females" make you do crazy things! Except IRL. Beans to ya.
  17. Vicco

    Sugar's Day Z Life

    That's funny. The "blood-thirsty" teens who never fired a shot got fittingly massacred. Good stories anyway. Keep it up. Love this kind of post. Kudos to you - and beans. You didn't know about the backpack zipper sound? They probably put it in to reduce pilfering. Caught you!
  18. Vicco

    Tip of The Day

    Never shoot out hospital windows. Waste of ammo. One round to the sign on the right side of the doors breaks the windows. Every time. Mo matter what gun you use. Don't know if an axe or other melee weapon works on the sign. I see YT "pros" breaking windows or sometimes failing while wasting ammo. Don't know if version matters. I've only played 1.7.6 and 1.7.7. The hospital is one of the few spots safe from zeds. They won't enter. You can stand inside and pick off zeds at your leisure. Same with standing beside a "non-destroyed" chopper. Zeds won't come close enough to hit you. They're sitting ducks.
  19. My understanding is that bullets (and perhaps normal use) damage gear, including articles of clothing. Basic looting rule in games is to keep your gear top notch. Don't know how the gear quality gradations will work out, but all looting games I've played where gear is damaged or of different qualities requires gear improvement or replacement. In a PvP game that means more killing for gear by KOS'ers. Think I saw in one vid something about bare feet or damaged shoes having bad effects on the player. It would be a natural instinct for a KOS'er with damaged shoes to KOS, just to see if the dead player had better shoes. But I admit I don't know those will be the actual game mechanics. Edit: I missed your point about KOS being simply KOS. I tend to agree, but if garb becomes necessary for survival, it may bring more players to the "dark side."
  20. Vicco

    A light dissertation on Morality in DayZ

    Damn, I'm not sure what happened, but you're getting my beans twice today. Everything you've said is rock solid. I would disagree about punishment as a deterrent. It often is, and in a game can made to work better than IRL. After all, in a game mechanic, a KOS (murder) could easily remove all your weapons and break your leg. A game is "All powerful." The designer is God. I'm fairly educated in philosophy and metaphysics, but don't use those arguments much any more. It can be fun, but usually leads to going in circles. Worked well with some chicks in college. My favorite bit of philosophy now is: “To be is to do”—Socrates. “To do is to be”—Jean-Paul Sartre. “Do be do be do”—Frank Sinatra. Morality questions tend to devolve into biblical quotes. Which are all contradicted by other biblical quotes. I'll just say adult humans have morality that says killing another human is wrong. Saying it's only there because it was "learned" is meaningless. That's the only way to reach adulthood. As I use Sinatra for philosophy without shame, I'll use dogs - or cats - to describe human morality against killing. Mammals, and social animals like us. They vey rarely KOS. I'm a dog guy, have had big and little. Doesn't anybody else wonder at the ability of a tiny dog and a big dog, of totally different breeds, to meet up and get along? I do. Every time I see it happen. So all you have to do is look around. Real life morality is always staring you in the face. A zombie apocalypse wouldn't affect it much. But as you said, DayZ is a game. No connection to reality.
  21. You've laid it out well. It will change the way "some" players engage in KOS. As others have said, it won't slow "them" down. Somebody who gears by killing will kill more, possibly overcoming any reduction in KOS by others. Headshots for lower gear, body or leg shots for head gear. I still believe the best way to control KOS is safe zones, and turning PvP damage off on alternate hours, or half-hours. Those who want to KOS will have plenty of opportunity. Those who don't like PvP at all will have plenty of opportunity. Those who like the tension of possibly being killed on sight will have plenty of opportunity. Another option is a good humanity system. However it's addressed, there will be plenty of wailing. Anyway, whatever happens, happens. I think the handcuff mechanic will be little used, except by sadists and masochists. Not me.
  22. Commander is the best way to filter the servers you want, by ticking hide unofficial. Then keep a spreadsheet, txt file or jot the good ones down on paper. I used a spreadsheet because it's easily sorted, and also kept short comments. Here's the U.S. servers, but it was a few months ago with So I don't know what's what now. us #500 - OFFICIAL NOXUS ONLY US 003 - OFFICIAL - ONE PLAYER ON, AND GOT NEAR ME REAL FAST us 1407 - OFFICIAL 7/5 down, up 7/6 treadd BE 205 twice us 1992 - OFFICIAL us 1993 - OFFICIAL us 1994 - OFFICIAL us 3279 - OFFICIAL - NO 3PV us 3533 - OFFICIAL us 4799 - OFFICIAL US 649 - OFFICIAL US 805 - OFFICIAL US 845 - OFFICIAL US NY 2873 - OFFICIAL - LAGGY us2254 - OFFICIAL US2255 - OFFICIAL US229 - OFFICIAL US2419 - OFFICIAL znogo DE 1008 - not OFFICIAL znogo de 1108 not official I put the "znogo" when I found the server unsuitable. Sorted to the bottom. Actually spent more time on French servers than U.S. There's 5 U.S. servers I marked nogo not pasted here. One was PW protected, the rest say BE kicks. The hide unofficial tick lets some others through, but not too many. You know when you spawn in if it's official. Some will be PW protected, some will be laggy, some will be hosed entirely, some will BE kick you. Just mark it on your list, or leave it off. I didn't launch from Commander. Used the in game on line filter. It was fast. Basically had Commander up, sorted by players online, picked high or low pop, checked it against my list, and if on there typed it into the in game filter. Seems to be a good method. No way I could remember the names of the good servers. And some servers are so hosed you have kill your game to get out, and this is one slow loading game. So you don't want to enter a bad server twice. Good luck.
  23. It's hard to tell what's happened. I know on my private server it's necessary to respawn all vehicles when too many get blown up. That's using DayzCC. I can see where all vehicles are, and players. No idea what admins can see or do on other servers. Personally, unless I've talked to the admin, or have some time playing on a server with no issues, I don't trust them. But here's something Shosho has on one of his vids, and said he used to keep his chopper. He always has a rotor in his backpack before he logs off next to his chopper, hidden way out somewhere. Shoots out the rotor on his chopper before he logs. He didn't say it works every time, or even most times. Mostly mentioning a neat trick I think. Seems better than nothing. Not foolproof. Somebody might find the chopper and go find a rotor, or just shoot the chopper up.
  24. Agree with what you said. That's why all arguments for KOS (except killing bandits) being "real world" fall apart.I like this vid of yours - most excellent.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTHWRlWmemU&feature=c4-overview&list=UUTov5pdnsutcafN5UOvhExQ More bandit hunters is the best solution to bandits. But the humanity system has to work well at skinning bandits. That one guy you shot leaving the factory area had survivor garb. Could have been a bad kill of a "good" guy. Still a very good vid.