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Everything posted by Vicco

  1. Vicco

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    Quit your whining.
  2. Vicco

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    Hadn't noticed that. What I see is 1PV puffing themselves up. I won't insult them. Enough to say "come and get me." It's a way for them to prove how hard ass they are. If they want to stay safe on 1PV servers, up to them. That's their main complaint about 3PV, right? Getting shot by better players? Of course they'll call them "exploiters" and run back to 1PV servers. Well, it takes all kinds. Of course it's fine if they stay on 1PV servers to get shot. They can say "It was a fair fight." "Good engagement." And so on. Puff their feathers a bit.
  3. Vicco

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    Hardly a rant, ricp. Just the facts. If you care to dispute them, make an attempt.
  4. Vicco

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    Huh? 1PV is "hardcore?" Bullshit. It's just another view. Some folks like 1PV, some prefer 3PV. Bad players probably get killed more often in 3PV because they don't have the patience to learn where others can "spot" them. So they just go on 1PV servers to get killed, and feel better about their inadequacies. Perhaps they feel "immersed" when they die. Whatever the hell that means. I play on 3PV. Come and get me, "hard asses." LOL
  5. Vicco

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    One thing is clear. The 1PV crowd is the biggest bunch of crybabies on this forum. For some reason, the "hard asses" are always crying. If you like 1PV, nobody's stopping you. It's there for the partaking.
  6. I paid no attention to that warning. But I haven't bought the game yet. Waiting is hard to do in this case. But it's a bit too "raw" for my taste. Hoping it improves.
  7. Vicco

    Do you leave your morality at the door?

    People play what they are. Many - if not most - people are dishonest about who they are. Tax cheats, not giving the girl behind the counter the overpayment in change she handed you. It goes on and on. You don't hear anybody proclaiming they are an asshole IRL, but play a hero in DayZ. They all claim to be princes in IRL. Don't believe it.
  8. Vicco

    Do you want firearms to be rarer?

    It doesn't matter. This is shooter, so everyone will be looking for guns. Those who look most, will have guns. Those who don't work hard to find guns - will be killed. Might as well add more guns, so when you respawn you can defend yourself.
  9. Vicco

    From Russia With Love

    I think one answer for that is blue berets or no headgear. The other being almost constant and precise communication. Heat of battle makes it difficult, but it's doable.
  10. Vicco

    Is DayZ for me?

    DayZ is what it is. PvP. Doesn't mean you can't "be friendly" and see how that goes. Rest assured, others will engage in PvP. The is NO base building. Maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't. Zombies are NO threat. Maybe they will be, maybe not. The map can explored in a couple weeks. Its the same map as the mod. They are new buildings to explore. It is what it is, and you can see it on Youtube.
  11. Vicco

    How To: Help someone with broken legs (Hardcore Mode)

    Editing won't help you.
  12. Vicco

    Why I don't watch DayZ videos:

    You can tell when somebody's video is to your liking after a few seconds. thanks for saving me those few seconds.
  13. Vicco

    From Russia With Love

    Miscommunication got you killed.
  14. Vicco

    "Flawed Concept" - Discuss

    So what is this "Rocket's vision" I keep hearing about. To make a game that people will play counter to how he want it played? He's the game-maker. He's the rule-maker. Did his "vision" fail, or did he fail? Adds up to the same thing. Last I heard from him was in a stream a couple weeks ago. He was talking about chicken dishes.
  15. Vicco

    Is DayZ for me?

    The aim of the game is PvP. The graphics are excellent, and it feels more "real" than any other game I've played. But it gets old at looking the scenery. So the main concept is to fight other players. It's great for that, but you'll want a team.
  16. Get used to something. This game has basically the same elements as the mod, including the map. Add cars, people will kill for cars and run other people down with cars. Add "bases" and people will attack the bases. If zeds are made to come to gunshots, people will fight with axes. It's a PvP game, not a PvE game. The only way to play is to team up. Unless you want to be bored. That's Rocket's "vision." Team up.
  17. Vicco

    Blood Brothers

    Good stuff. I'm a subscriber.
  18. Vicco

    Have you/have you not seen a hacker?

    I'm seeing very few hackers on Youtube. But there are some. Perhaps they get banned quickly. There are "invisible" zeds which hit though the ground/floor, but they are just a nuisance.
  19. Cooking? I saw Rocket on Youtube recently. He had joined a streamer named Sacriel who uses military tactics to hunt others. Well, after all, he needed that team to protect him. The talked about quite a bit about food. Apparently Rocket has intestinal problems. Think they were talking about some sort of chicken dish I think, and how it is cooked. Despite it's application to the game, it was nothing of interest to me. Seemed oddly off-target. Appears to me that Rocket is pleased with the games progress. The game will unfold in his "vision." No doubt some won't agree with that "vision." Seems to me those wanting to form teams/clans are the main audience for the game. Really, Rocket is a "team' person. I'm afraid it's not for the "casual" player and many will be disappointed. Some "loners" will tough it out, of course. But the game probably won't attract and keep many of them. It's basically a PvP game. Not at all a "survivor/PvE" game. When private servers are allowed, people will role play. A team can do it now, play good guy/bad guy, king of the hill, hold the fort.
  20. Vicco

    Under Siege: My last stand against 3 bandits.

    I think it was only a matter of time before they caught on that you had the bugged Mosin. If fact the guy who got you probably figured it out. No way I would bring my girl to such a dangerous place.
  21. Vicco

    cant even trust friends sometimes

    So they were assholes. It's DayZ. You'll find friends you can trust. Maybe. It's best to bring them with you.