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Everything posted by Efften

  1. Efften

    Tent city levelled.

    put a post it note on the tent that says "please don't steal or blow up my tents, thanks!" That should help. Also, once they stop people from making tent cities miles out of bounds, then you will have no where to hide stuff, basically, survive with whats on your back, and have multiple camps, and hope they dont all get hit same time
  2. Efften

    Supermarkets. Wat do?

    bags, tents, food, drink, all the pistols, maps, compass, knifes, hachets, everything! but military grade weps
  3. Efften

    How to deal with Barbed Wire

    they seem to be a lot more common now, looking for car parts, it seems i find a tool box in all the big industrial buildings, with the big blue doors.
  4. 7 deer stands is hardly an accurate sample size, try a 1000 then let me know the difference. Then you might have a case.
  5. Efften

    I have ALOT of questions :p

    Most people don't seem to know how to use in game chat, or just dont. we do, and if you see the mic, it should be broadcasting about 80m away. text chat is only 20m. Grocery stores have good food/water with guns, but are hot spots so choose a town that is not cherno/elek and you should be alright.
  6. Efften

    225 km2

    its 9 miles across and 9 miles high. There are outside the "map" area that is a lot larger but has nothing but emptyness.
  7. Efften

    NVG's an GPS

    gotta server hop the hot spots yo... or at least thats what people do I believe, only ever had nvg and gps once, off a guy I killed.
  8. Efften

    Where is the CZ550?

    I h ave never seen one actually, checked lots of deer stands and firestations, found more dmr's and m14's then cz550s
  9. Efften


    grocery stores for me has been the best, but they are rare
  10. Efften

    Quit quit quit...

    easy solution, been said multiple times, not sure how easy it is to implament. Make a person /camp to log out, takes 10-15 seconds. they can move to stop it, shoot, whatever, if they get hit, it stops it, if they choose to alt f4, they get the same 10-15 second timer, but if they get hit via zombie/person, it resets the timer.
  11. driving is just plain painful in 1st person. I agree you can see a bit much in 3rd person, but it is what it is.
  12. Efften

    How Do You Play With Friends?

    ME and my buddy died in zelengorsk and we both respawn spammed till we were between kamenka and cherno ( we both acutally spawned at balota about the same time, so we ran from there, through towns, through the air field, across woods, fields, jumped fences on a bee line back to zelen, got back there, and our friend was alreayd there looting our bodies and getting our gear back in the truck. When we got there, we had already lost the zombies due to LoS of trees and what not, takes a bit to learn, one friend quit cause it was too hard to meet up and he was used to shooting everything in sight so he would be outa makarov rounds before he hit the train tracks. learn the map, read where you spawned, and run like hell! I would love to be able to pick a realative location to spawn, so you can meet up easier, but its not really THAT difficult to run back, if you respawn spam till you get a good spot.
  13. Efften

    Red circle in server browser

    update your dayz and beta patch. six launcher works pretty well.
  14. be a man, kill yourself and run back.
  15. Efften

    Can my new laptop run this?

    probably, but laptops are notorious for over heating under gaming strain, I would get a cooling pad.
  16. it would be cool if you just had a little vision and it was all blurry and you were rolling your head back and forth so you catch very little of what is happening, and eventually it clears up and you can move, unless you get hit with epi pen or something. No timer would be alright
  17. Efften

    First hacker encounter

    The guy you shot at just logged off. wait till 1.7.1 and keep shooting bodies till you get a murder or bandit count.
  18. Efften

    Client-Side Modifications

    Would like official word on this, dont wanna get banned, but I want to go around doors without getting stuck.
  19. Efften

    BattleEyE: Global Ban?

    talk to battleye about your ban, cya
  20. Efften

    many players are quitting

    Now that the hackers, for now, are under control you can come back!
  21. no point, if its not really safe and can be taken over, why have it in the first place.
  22. On the main page, it says a 225 km2 world, not 225 km2 + a bunch of uncharted land that is probably 2 or 3 times larger then the "world"
  23. What does that caption say on the old guy hanging out the window of that house? I can only read English. Thank you in advance.
  24. Efften

    "claps" good work DAYZ "claps"

    rocket, you and your staff, and battle eye are the reason I love smaller companies, can do and say what you want and feel is truly right for the game. I <3 you guys and if you ever do a kickstart or something, you will have my support, and I will be buying arma3.
  25. Now when my tent spawns 100 tents, does it record that?