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Bambi's Friend

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Everything posted by Bambi's Friend

  1. Helo evryone ! So this is the first time i write something on the forum B) So as you can see in the title it's about Fps... I've had fps issues before, But this time it's something i've never seen before :o I have just started to use my laptop again so i can take it over to friends and play. Installed new hdd since the old one died and fresh windows 7 64bit and all original drivers are installed from manufacturer. It's a HP DV6 6c81e0. Specs: 1.9 GHz (2.6GHz Turbo) AMD Quad-Core A8-3530MX APU with Radeon HD 6620G + 7670M Dual Graphics, 8gb ram, 500gb hdd. It might be long but i wan't to give as much details as possible so people don't write something i've already tried. So installed steam and downloaded Arma 2 and OA and the other expansions. Downloaded dayz commander and updated dayz mods and OA beta from there. As always after a fresh start i had to fire up OA to edit my settings and controls. And i thought i would check how this laptop behaves when i'm in the middle of Chernolag, sorry chernogorsk :P Anyways as i expected... Massively low fps. Look at the water and i get a really smooth fps, look at the forest, really smooth fps, look at buildings really Lot fps. I then started running in the town just to be sure, and i noticed that every 5 second i had maybe 1 second or only half a second where the game runs as smooth as when i look at the water or forest. So that felt a bit strange. Opened my catalyst and enabled vsync (since there's crossfire i thought it would help) and set all settings to get the highest performance. Opened the game again and still the same result. Looked at my task manager to see the CPU graph wich was looking ok i guess, didn't max out the 4 cores in cherno. Then i had to help a friend on his pc and asked him if he could open the editor in OA and spawn at the cherno coast. He did and i looked at the screen and saw the usual lag. He has never played the game before so he walked around and shot with the gun a couple of times. And he then said "hey do you know that this gun doesn't hit where you aim" (m16a4 cco) i said no i have never noticed that. He stood up next to the wall and took a couple of shots and yes i could see that the bullet hitted lower than the red dot. And i said try to shoot at something further away, he turned and shot at the firestation ~60 meteres away. And it hitted where he aimed. But at that moment i was like :huh: Wait... What!? "Turn around" i told him and he did... Well the game was running so smooth that i nearly got a good feeling in my pants. And i couldn't believe what i saw, i haven't even seen the game so smooth on my desktop pc. So i asked what he did exactly, where he told me. "well i spawned, walked over to the red house , took a couple of shots, tried to run with shift but it didn't work and it gave me that Windows thing when you press shift 6 times. And then i just opened the game that was miinmized and then i told you about the scope" So what i did, was just to do the same thing as he did. Well that didn't work... Even let the character stand still for 10 minuts and tried moving but still laggy. So i got angry and turned of the laptop. Turned it on today and tried again. As normal startup and also the shift thing and open game again but still the same Lag and then 1 second smooth, lagg 1 second smooth and so on. Didn't make any changes to the laptop after he got it to work. So that's my problem <_< I've thought about heat issue but that wouldn't make any sense since the laptop was started 2 hours before my friend came and i tried to get the game to run for at least half an hour so the laptop was at a normal usage temp. New thermal paste and no dust inside btw. The hdd is new. Could it be ram? If yes, Well then how can it "not work" and then suddenly work and then "not work" again? I've set everything that i could to high performance, Even Switchable graphics option in CCC. Enabled and disabled Hp cool Sense. Bios is updated to the latest i could find on hp's website. There's no option in bios to turn of cool'n'quiet or anything else related to performance or power usage. Tried using VGA and Hdmi. (the laptop has no screen, backlight stopped working so i removed it to make a "Portable Desktop") I've noticed in Cpu-z that my multiplier goes from 19 to 26 every few seconds and bus speed stays at 100 which makes the cpu jump from 1.9 to 2.6ghz But in Amd overdrive the cpu stays at 2.6ghz I have no startup parameters but i've tried them all and when the game worked i had no startup params. And just fyi, to those of you who are going to say "well it's a laptop and they can't run this game, buy a desktop!" Well it ran fine once so that would not be true. Anyways plzzzz help me i get annoyed by all other games and i'm a Fps game fan and especially Dayz (yes i only play in 1st person) so this is the only thing i wan't to play. And i hate playing mineweeper, and i've watched all the videos that exist on youtube! I need dayz :wub: Hope someone can help me :) Screenshot: http://goo.gl/PyKZuf Video: http://youtu.be/oumHTw_k1dc (hard to see but if you pay good attention you can see it on the character that it lags and runs smooth and lags agin and so on)
  2. Bambi's Friend

    Fps goes up and down. Really strange behavior.

    YAY :D So i've done even more research and didn't sleep this night... So for some reason AMD/ATI drivers are really baaadd at using crossfire on laptops. So i used driver sweeper removed the driver. Installed without internet connection and disabled the Auto updater in catalyst CC. Then i tried arma 2 oa... Lag :/ And then i tried to change some settings and for some reason if i set the option in "Configure switchable graphics" to run games in High performance well it makes everything lag. I then restored stock settings so the game is not assigned neither to low performance neither to high. And it works. I read on another forum someone had trouble and it should be the CCC that has some issues with the crossfire option and the high/low perf setting. And V-sync is enabled, if i disable it i get some really annoying lag spikes. Thnx for the help now i will try and tweak it to maybe get even better fps in towns. Im @ 27 - 35fps in cherno.
  3. Bambi's Friend

    Fps goes up and down. Really strange behavior.

    Nice guys thnx for the help i'll try a couple of things from the tweak page. And sorry for posting in the wrong section :) I'll try changing my ram sticks later today and i'll report back. But really guys you must admit that it's really strange behavior from my laptop. How can it lag then run the game smoother than my desktop (played 10 or 15 mins) and then lag again? Anyways Thnx ;) **EDIT** Ok so i tried only one of the ram stick (2x4gb) each their turn and still lag. Tried with a spare ram i had, still the same. Now i've buildt myself a sata extender so i can hook up a desktop 7200rpm hdd and i'll try with that and post back later. Using desktop PSU to power the drive since tha laptop doesn't give enough power.
  4. Bambi's Friend

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    Hey everyone i just posted this reply on another topic on the forum where people also had problems and now here. First off all thnx for the help guys. I've had trouble with this game since i got it -.- Soooo i've spent a lot of time on google and youtube and found a lot of interesting stuff that helped me and also a lot that didn't help. As said in other posts... we don't all have the same problem so its not sure this will work for you. So first of all here's my specs. -Windows 8 Pro 64bit -Intel wolfdale Dual core OC @ 3.60ghz (stable 24/7 with max temp 47 in BF3 at high) -7gb mixed DDR2 RAM (yeah i know its not good but the pc is made from old parts i had laying around) -P5N32 E sli plus Motherboard -Nvidia 260gtx OC @ Core 656. Shader 1414. Memory 1119. Fan 75. Max temp under 90%-99% load 60*c, idle 46*c -My primary HDD is a 1tb WD Caviar 5400rpm but i use Ram disk right now. I don't know exactly if Ramdisk made any changes. but i tested write and read speed on the hdd and it was approx 100mb/sec for both read and write so it might not make any big diffference unless you have DDR3 1600mhz or something really fast then it might give some boost. -550W Corsair PSU So what i did to make it work at pretty much constant 30fps is: Startup setting: -noPause -nosplash -skipintro -world=empty (no splash, skipintro and world empty is just to make the game startup faster and no pause does that it doesnt freeze the game when you Alt+Tab out to go on youtube to watch a fail/win compilation for some unknown reason) Here are my CFG files. ArmA2.cfg language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=93750; Resolution_Bpp=32; Windowed=0; Resolution_W=1680; Resolution_H=1050; refresh=60; winX=16; winY=32; winW=800; winH=600; winDefW=800; winDefH=600; Render_W=1680; Render_H=1050; FSAA=0; postFX=0; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=907149312; nonlocalVRAM=2147483647; ------------------------------------------------ and Arma2OA.cfg language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=93750; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=1680; Resolution_H=1050; refresh=60; winX=16; winY=32; winW=800; winH=600; winDefW=800; winDefH=600; Render_W=1470; Render_H=917; FSAA=0; postFX=0; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=907149312; nonlocalVRAM=2147483647; vsync=0; AToC=0; PPAA=0; PPAA_Level=0; Windowed=0; serverLongitude=47; serverLatitude=4; ------------------------------------------------ For my in game settings i have: https://www.dropbox....1_53_49_734.bmp And i also set the game as High priority, i had some stutter some times (rare but they were there) and i don't have them with High Priority. In win7 i think you just have to open Task manager and right click on the game and set priority. In win8 open Task manager and go to the Details tab and find your Arma2OA and right click go to Set priority and set to High priority. Not affinity ! FPS: Standing in the forest: https://www.dropbox....12-08-03-44.bmp Running: https://www.dropbox....12-09-28-08.bmp At a small town: https://www.dropbox....12-09-47-10.bmp Sry i couldnt figure out how to upload a pic on the forum ill check it out later :) I use DayZ Commander to launch the game. The game is bought from steam and the folders with Arma2.cfg and Arma2OA.cfg are in Documents/Arma2 folder. Hope it will help others out there. Oh and Btw i updated my Nvidia driver to the latest Beta !!! Got 2 fps
  5. Bambi's Friend

    DayZ - Really low fps. Help?

    Hey everyone ! First off all thnx for the help guys. I've had trouble with this game since i got it -.- Soooo i've spent a lot of time on google and youtube and found a lot of interesting stuff that helped me and also a lot that didnt help. As said in other posts... we dont all have the same problem so its not sure this will work for you. So first of all here's my specs. -Windows 8 Pro 64bit -Intel wolfdale Dual core OC @ 3.60ghz (stabble 24/7 with max temp 47 in BF3 at high) -7gb mixed DDR2 RAM (yeah i know its not good but the pc is made from old parts i had laying around) -P5N32 E sli plus Motherboard -Nvidia 260gtx OC @ Core 656. Shader 1414. Memory 1119. Fan 75. Max temp under 90%-99% load 60*c -My primary HDD is a 1tb WD Caviar 5400rpm but i use Ram disk right now. I don't know exactly if Ramdisk made any changes. but i tested write and read speed on the hdd and it was approx 100mb/sec for both read and write so it might not make any big diffference unless you have DDR3 1600mhz or something really fast then it might give some boost. -550W Corsair PSU So what i did to make it work at pretty much constant 30fps is: Startup setting: -noPause -nosplash -skipintro -world=empty (no splash, skipintro and world empty is just to make the game startup faster and no pause does that it doesnt freeze the game when you Alt+Tab out to go on youtube to watch a fail/win compilation for some unknown reason) Here are my CFG files. ArmA2.cfg language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=93750; Resolution_Bpp=32; Windowed=0; Resolution_W=1680; Resolution_H=1050; refresh=60; winX=16; winY=32; winW=800; winH=600; winDefW=800; winDefH=600; Render_W=1680; Render_H=1050; FSAA=0; postFX=0; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=907149312; nonlocalVRAM=2147483647; ------------------------------------------------ and Arma2OA.cfg language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=93750; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=1680; Resolution_H=1050; refresh=60; winX=16; winY=32; winW=800; winH=600; winDefW=800; winDefH=600; Render_W=1470; Render_H=917; FSAA=0; postFX=0; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=907149312; nonlocalVRAM=2147483647; vsync=0; AToC=0; PPAA=0; PPAA_Level=0; Windowed=0; serverLongitude=47; serverLatitude=4; ------------------------------------------------ For my in game settings i have: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8irbfbhv4g18lmt/arma2oa_2013_06_03_11_53_49_734.bmp And i also set the game as High priority, i had some stutter some times (rare but they were there) and i don't have them with High Priority. In win7 i think you just have to open Task manager and right click on the game and set priority. In win8 open Task manager and go to the Details tab and find your Arma2OA and right click go to Set priority and set to High priority. Not affinity ! FPS: Standing in the forest: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3kvdkwlw9egunl9/arma2oa%202013-06-03%2012-08-03-44.bmp Running: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tulx4wdnapbuuii/arma2oa%202013-06-03%2012-09-28-08.bmp At a small town: https://www.dropbox.com/s/56frnz84dj3cmdt/arma2oa%202013-06-03%2012-09-47-10.bmp Sry i couldnt figure out how to upload a pic on the forum ill check it out later :) I use DayZ Commander to launch the game. The game is bought from steam and the folders with Arma2.cfg and Arma2OA.cfg are in Documents/Arma2 folder