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Yuri Hill

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About Yuri Hill

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Here at Tombstone Dev's we are always up-to-date and on task with the latest scipts and little mods to make your expirience the most enjoyable. Time: Currently using a D/N Cycle w/ Full Moon Nights Scripts/Mods: Auto Refuel Custom Buildings AI/NPC Camps (Coming Soon) Scrap Parts (Coming Soon) +More Security: We're currently using more than one antihack, and we have multiple active admins on all the time. Server Information: Private Hive Hosted by DayZ.ST IP: We encourage everyone to join, we're just getting started, and have big plans for the near future. Enjoy, see you there.
  2. Introduction Hello I am Yuri Hill, basically we're all about the main aspect of the mod, and the game Arma itself. By using russian based usernames, and our urge to survive we can be deadly and out-smarting. Breif Description We use Skype to communicate, by using Skype we have the ability to group faster, and carry out percise actions with ease. We base our team around a friendly group of open-minded players who enjoy all the aspects of DayZ, who like to get into the game and relate it to real life situations. Servers We play on mainly private hives, but occasionally a few selection of public hives. On our private hive the traffic is usually 20/50 players on average, and is a dedicated server. The admin is a very respective guy, he helps around as much as he can, and overall keeps everything where it needs to be. Conclusion We're definitely not a big group, but we're looking for a few more key players to join and always look for a good time when playing. So if you're that hardcore intense type of DayZ player, and you are looking for a few friends to play, we're the right team for you. There's nothing we ask of you to join, it's completely open and avaliable to anyone, but perferrably we're looking for players 14+. Thank you, and I hope to see you in the next one. If you have any further questions or are interested in joining give us a shout. Contact Information: Skype: zackUNBOUND Email: guzller@hotmail.com Facebook: fb/Fyreisland Server: (Tombstone DayZ) IGN: Yuri Hill