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Everything posted by HardlyThoughtOf

  1. HardlyThoughtOf

    Looking for people to play with.

    Houston county here and at your service.
  2. HardlyThoughtOf

    Looking for people to play with.

    Hey you live in Georgia to :)
  3. Hey man, join my Steam group. We are all just a bunch of friends who nearly all have DayZ, and the different Armas and other sorts of games. All you have to do if you want play with anyone in the group is PM them and someone should be available to be able to play with! It has around 25 members and its a private group so just add me on steam and I'll invite you. :) PS: Everyone has skype in the group. Steam: HardlyThoughtOf Skype: HardlyThoughtOf YouTube: HardlyThoughtOf Twitter: HardlyThoughtOf
  4. HardlyThoughtOf

    Have you ever seen anything like this?

    Mind = Blown
  5. "I am most upset at being kicked from GSGaming.com.au- Taviana 2.0 in Australia for "hacking" or "playing with a hacked item" which is just rot."
  6. HardlyThoughtOf

    Banned from 434?

    I hope you get unbanned. B)
  7. HardlyThoughtOf

    Helicopter Gear

  8. These guys use my steam account for DayZ, I hope they don't get me banned!
  9. HardlyThoughtOf

    Team anyone?

    You have sons and you're 13? :huh:
  10. HardlyThoughtOf

    Looking For 1-3 People For DayZ - No Kids

    Me and a few friends of mine are always welcoming people and have a group on steam to prove it, Anakin, 18 We use Skype and Steam voice chat most of the time. Me and my crew are mainly Heroes and Survivors, but the majority of the group are mainly Survivors and only kill if they have to. I myself however am a Hero and don't like killing innocent or other Heroes. We also like to play somewhat serious and somewhat just for fun. Skype: HardlyThoughtOf Steam: HardlyThoughtOf Steam Group: SpringBox
  11. HardlyThoughtOf

    How Do i download DAYZ

    Stop. Fucking. Using. Red. Text.
  12. HardlyThoughtOf

    FPS in DayZ -- HELP

    Not enough GHz
  13. HardlyThoughtOf

    GB 69

  14. HardlyThoughtOf

    It happend again?

  15. HardlyThoughtOf

    sum kewl storeez

  16. HardlyThoughtOf

    sum kewl storeez

  17. HardlyThoughtOf

    Add Games for Windows LIVE to DayZ SA

    Oh sweet baby Jesus, just no.
  18. HardlyThoughtOf

    hi :)

    Welcome to DayZ dude. You're in for mind fucks, frustration, anger, and tears. Get used to it. :)
  19. HardlyThoughtOf

    Wrongfully banned from [SZG] DE888 #1

    I hate those fucking admins that just abuse their commands every time you kill them or they don't like something about you.
  20. I think if you supposedly downloaded a fps booster for DayZ and were banned on battleye for it you deserve to be banned. It is dumb to download a fps booster for a game that your PC can not handle, if it can't handle it and you get banned for a modified file, then jokes on you because you could be getting a better PC in the future and you are ruining the chances of being able to play the game if you really want to. I am not saying you will not be able to re-buy the game, its just don't install modifications unless they are supported by the makers of the game.
  21. HardlyThoughtOf

    Funny moments?

    One of my funniest moments was when I first got the Nalmask map for the DayZ commander and got on this one vanilla server with a few people on it. I spawned in next to some player camp that had 2 Ospreys and a Mi-8. I looked around and saw a player looting up one of the tents and I killed him. He had a silenced g36 and a Alice pack with tons of Food, Water, and Medical supplies. Then another guy spawned in after he died (I'm guessing it was his friend) and attempted to shoot me but I killed him immediately. Then right before I was about to call my friend to get on this server another guy spawns and attempts to kill me but ends up getting shot in the ass 13 times. I ended up finding out they were the top clan on the server and had the best gear in the game. This is why you don't make a fucking camp on the coast. P.S. I still have all that good loot :3.